A major side effect not to have enough vitamin C, according to experts

That's not what you think.

The popular refrain, in vitamin C, seems to be its immune capacities. The mid-pandemic pandemic, the scale of packets of nutrient has become usual;The research even showed us How this vitamin can help reduce your COVID-19 risk.

But, while getting a lot ofvitamin C Can help you prevent you from getting sick, do not get a healthy amount may have more disastrous consequences. This may seem mythical, like a disease from another era, but after consulting experts, we discovered that the number one side effect of vitamin C is actually actuallyscurvy.

Yes-the disease made infamous by pirates. It turns out, they were subject to episodes due to a lack of edible products (Aka Food containing this vitamin) for long trips from the sea. But, Swashbuckling aside, if you do not have enough, you could still to be at risk of scorbut today. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now)

Dr. Krishna Singh explained that the disease is only the result of a serious disability: you are not in danger, unless you are under-consuming vitamin forthree consecutive months or more. However, even less serious deficiencies can lead to the development of scorbut symptoms.

"Vitamin C is an essential nutrient for the body to help producecollagen"Singh said". Now, collagen is an important element of the connective tissues of your body. Because connective tissues constitute various parts of the body such as skin, muscle, ligament and tendons, collagen becomes a vital protein for the body.The absence of collagen will result in the ventilation of connective tissues. Scorbut symptoms such as weakness and skin problems will begin to appear in the body. "

Niyla Carson Nutritionist added that other scorbut symptoms can occur before the disease itself, including the healing of the mediocre wound, infection control problems, weight loss, dry skin, hair splitting and even the loss of teeth.

"Vitamin C can not be produced by the human body, making it an essential part of our diet," Carson explained. "In order to combat and treat this deficiency and compensate for the vitamins you miss, you need to actively create foods rich in vitamin C in the diet, as well as the consumption of vitamin C supplements.

On the opposite spectrum, here is theDangerous side effects of taking too much vitamin C.

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