Unhealthy breakfasts say you should stop eating right now

Do not let these "healthy" breakfast items are wrong.

Although it is in place to debate ifbreakfast is the most important meal of the day, the research indicated that there wasSeveral health benefits associated with the morning meal. If you are someone who enjoys breakfast, it is important that you feed your body with adequate nutrients from the beginning so you have energy all day. (In touch:A major side effect to skip breakfast, a new study indicates.)

Unfortunately, some of the breakfast foods youthinkare healthy can actually be packed in unsusive ingredients, mainlyadded sugars. To help separate the good health of decision-makers, we called two dietitians registered to identify the breakfast options with oatmeal and energy that you should consider taking good, as well as two healthy swaps. You can do instead.

Try to jump ...

Choice of Nature Apple Cinnamon Fluileau

apple cinnamon instant oatmeal

Packet: 210 calories, 2.5 g of grease (0 g saturated grease, 0 g fat), 100 mg of sodium, 40 g carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 5 g protein

Catherine Perez, Rd, founder ofPLANT RDand a contributory dietician for a degree of degree organic indicates that oats is an excellent breakfast option because it fills and tasties.

"However, all oat flakes are not created equal and certain brands, such as the path of nature of nature, the instantaneous apple oat cinnamon, can have a surprising amount of sugar added by package," says -she.

Despite the convenience of oat packets, they are often charged with added sugars. In fact, thatFlavor of oatmeal Packs 13 grams ofadded sugars.

"You can save on added sugar by being more aware of the instant oatme type you choose," she adds.

READ MORE:Each oats in America in 2021 - classified by nutrition!

Instead, try something like ...

An organic degree sprung cinnamon cinnamon with instant oat cinnamon

one degree apple cinnamon oatmeal

By 1/3 cup: 140 calories, 2 g of fat (0 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 30 mg of sodium, 26 g of carbohydrates (3 g of fiber, 7 g of sugar), 4 g protein

Do not forget that Perez is a dietician contributing for a degree of organic products, but we agree with it - it's a much better breakfast option! Each server bearing only 4 grams of added sugar, which is much less than 13 grams. Not to mention, there is onlySix ingredients in this oats.

"And because their oats is sprouted, you also get the added benefit of the nutrients more available to absorb and better global digestion," says Perez.

Now, if you have breakfast in go, you will want to avoid you ....

Bar Bar Clif Brownie Brownie Brownie Bar

chocolate brownie clif bar

By bar: 250 calories, 5 g of grease (1.5 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans grease), 180 mg of sodium, 44 g of carbohydrates (4 g of fiber, 21 g of sugar), 9 g protein

Kim Rose, RDN a dietitian registered for the weight loss application,Loose it! and a specialist in care and education certified diabetes says thatEnergy bars Are often presented as healthy breakfast options, they are often sugar bombs.

"For example, clive chocolate chocolate chocolate brownie bar lists the sugar as the first ingredient. A bar contains 20 grams of added sugar and, although it may vary depending on the flavor, it's too much for a tiny bar "," said Rose. "While considering healthy breakfast options, it must be remembered that the sugar consumption too added has been linked to an unwanted weight gain, increased triglyceride levels and may even give rise toType 2 diabetes. "

Instead, she suggests you to opt for ...

Chocolate with peanut butter Rxbar

rxbar peanut butter chocolate

By bar: 210 calories, 9 g of grease (2 g saturated grease, 0 g of trans fat), 310 mg of sodium, 23 g of carbohydrates (5 g of fiber, 14 g of sugar), 12 g protein

Dietitians like Rose identify that everyone does not have time (or frankly, resources) to make their own healthy energy bars at home. Instead, she suggests leaving the clif bar and move on to a more advanced brand of health such as Rxbar.

"The peanut butter chocolate flavor does not contain added sugar and is made from three egg whites, 14 peanuts and two dates, that is to say," she says. "In other words, this RXBAR-and all other flavors are a nutrient-dense meal stuffed in a bar."

Also, notice how this bar presses fewer carbohydrates and other proteins, which can help maintain your sugar level in the balanced blood and stay purer longer.

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