5 seeds and their health benefits

We consulted a dietician registered to share some of the health benefits of five common super food seeds.

With regard to snacks, nuts can surpass seeds in terms of popularity. How easy it is to pick up a single single size of serversmountain mix at the grocery store or at the service station? However, you may want to consider increasing your seed consumption - especially these five-because they contain a crowd of health benefits for the body.Sass de Cynthia, RD, CSSD, Lo-based performance nutritionist, lends an overview of nutrition and health benefits that are packaged in the five common healthy seeds.

Here is a breakdown of the five healthiest seeds you need to integrate into your diet.



Flax seeds in a wooden spoon

"Linen seeds provide herbal plantsOMEGA-3 fatty acids called alpha-linolenic acid, or ALA, which has been demonstrated to protect against heart attack andcerebral accident"Said Sass". Linen lines are related to cancer protection, especially chest and prostate cancers. "

Ligns are characterized as polyphenols specificallyfound in plants. You may have heard about the Polyphenol word beforeRed wine and indark chocolate. Polyphenols are a group of natural compounds in wine, dark chocolate,teaand various plant-based foods. These compounds have antioxidant properties, which means they canpreclude free radicals to encroach on your cells, which would increase your risk of developing chronic conditions, including heart disease andDiabetes.

Seed lines are supposed to contain up to800 times more ligniers than other foods. In addition, Sass says that flaxseed are linked to reducing blood glucose, harmful cholesterol levels and evenarterial pressure.


Chia seeds

Chia seeds

Good news for those who love to sprinklechia seeds in their morning cup ofgroats Or like Chia Pudding. Chia seeds, like flaxseed, are also rich in ALA, that Sass says workreduce inflammation and improve circulation in the body.

"A study found that the consumption of 37 grams of Chia seeds reduced a blood marker daily for inflammation of 40%, "she adds." Of the 12 grams of carbohydrates in part of an ounce of chia seeds, a height 10 [grams] come from the 40% fiber of the minimum daily target. "

RELATED: Your guide on theanti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.

Another advantage that chia seeds provide? They are rich in satisfactionsoluble fiber, who AIDS digestion.


Hemp seeds

Hemp seeds

"Hemp seeds are rich inVitamin E and minerals, including phosphorus,potassium,magnesium, sulfur,calcium,ironAnd Zinc, "Sass said". They also provide essential fatty acids, which have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease. »

Not only are hemp seeds are a good source of healthy fat, but SASS also affirms that three tablespoons primate 10 grams of protein. Sprinkle hemp seeds at the top of yourToast avocado or mix a few tablespoons in your next lot ofHomemade hummus.


Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds are full of minerals, namely magnesium, manganese, iron and zinc.

"In addition, the pumpkin seeds are packed with protective antioxidants of cells, including carotenoids and vitamin E, which reduce inflammation and help to inform premature aging," says Sass.

Try to put on a cup or two pumpkin seeds in olive oil and sprinkle your favorite seasonings and roast them in the oven for a tasty snack crispy lunch.


Sun-flower seeds

Sunflower seeds

"Sunflower seeds provide known antioxidants to repel free radical compounds that can attack healthy cells and lead to premature damage and aging," says Sass. "They also provide nearly 40% of the daily target of vitamin E, a powerful grease vitamins and antioxidants, known to help reduce inflammation."

Who knew that the snack of choice for common baseball players was full of vitamins and antioxidants protecting cells? Sask also notes that sunflower seeds embroid a third of the recommended daily selenium intake, an essential mineral associated with the repair of DNA in damaged cells, as well as destructive cells that have become exhausted or dysfunctional through a process called apoptosis.

If you can not put yourself behind the texture of a sunflower seed, try soaking a spoon insunflower butter and stir a tablespoon or two in yourNight oats Or slide on a piece of hearty bread with a pinch of cracked sea salt and a honey drizzle.

Now, are you not ready to incorporate more of these healthy seeds into your diet?

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