Eating habits to avoid not gaining weight

Do not let these unhealthy habits saboter your weight loss efforts!

That you are trying tolosing weight Or simply maintain it, one of the most important ways to keep weight is to adopt healthy eating habits in your lifestyle.Creationhealthy habits is the key to success when it comes to staying healthyBut if you are not careful, it can be easy to adopt some unhealthy eating habits that make you weight. Between the mediocre nutrition boards on the Internet, as well as eating habits, you can not even realize that you have, it is important to deal with these eating habits and make healthier changes to maintain weight.

Here are some eating habits to avoid weight gain recommended by myself and other dietitians recorded to put you right. Then make sure to reread our list of15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work.


Skip the meals

Woman pushing plate of pizza away to skip a meal

If you are not a big breakfast, you do not start your day with a huge meal. However,skip the meals Regularly is associated with a weight gain. Hours of arrival between meals tend to stitch hunger levels the next time you sit down, making it the hardest of the size of the portion! Work on adding small meals or snacks if you go more than 4 to 5 hours between meals. You will feel the difference!

here are theSide effects of giving up breakfast, according to science.


Grazing habits


Do you log in like a pasture? While grazing uses those who are trying to nibble low calorie foods throughout the day, it can prevent you from looking for more and never feel quite satisfied. These small snack breaks can be added. Instead of eating every two hours, try to accentuate balanced meals three times a day with a snack if you need it. Having designated meal moments can help you feel less focused on food all day and more complete and satisfied when you sit to eat.

Ashley Harpst Explains that fat can have adverse effects: "fat favors fullness and fuel for low-intensity exercises. Eat healthy fats that are rich in fiber such as almonds and lawyers."

Check theseFat healthy foods that will not do you big!


Low calorie diets

yogurt chia seeds fruit

Although it is oh-tried to start cutting calories when you decide to lose weight, you are too zealous that cutting calories also have negative implications!RadicallyCalorie calories is unsustainable and a recipe for calling it after a short period of time. To find a lasting approach, work on priority to healthy habits on calories. Let us consider a habit or healthy behavior that you can implement this week. Over time, you will build a personalized arsenal of daily models that support your healthy weight loss goal.

"People are too focused on the scale instead of the habits they need to achieve the result," saysLainey Youngin, MS Rd LDN. "When the scale goes up, they throw in the towel and say" it does not work. "But if they stop hyper-concentration on the ladder and start the hyper-concentration about their habits, they would see lasting change."

RELATED:Get even healthier food tips directly in your inbox withRegister for our newsletter!


Entertainment, Entertainment

man watching tv on couch holding popcorn bowl

Eating distracted is a certain way to too much eat safe. We live in the era of constant pings, then you learning to eat with force taking some practice! Being present by eating, plate your food instead of eating a bag or container. Sit at the table with minimal distractions: Turn off the TV, place your phone in another room and eat with friends and family to prevent you from engaging and slowing down while you eat.

If you try to learn full consciousness around the food, you might be interested inThe intuitive food approach!


Eat all carbohydrates first

bread basket

This one can be a little counter-intuitive. The carbohydrates give us the fastest energy boost ... so naturally, we often reach them first! However, people who choose a protein option for their first bite have been demonstrated to consume less of the meal overall.

"One of the biggest mistakes I see that people do, especially women, boiling on proteins," saysAmanda Liptak, Rd. "Foods like walnuts, seeds and cheese can be a large protein" adds "but are not a huge source of protein. Get an adequate protein at each session helps you feel satisfied, manages blood glucose and builds the lean muscle mass - so do it a focal point on your plate! "

here is15 carbohydrate myths totally false.


Drinking your calories

starbucks frappuccino on table with green straw

Although this daily Starbucks habit is delicious, these empty calories really add up. Drink that your calories leaves you with a tip of sugar in the blood and not of energy or fullness a lot lasting. Paint yourself on all the liquid calories you take throughout the week: coffee, sweet tea, soda, juice and cocktails. Consider reducing one of these areas to start reduce empty calories!

Consider these 12 ways to reduce your Starbucks Order .

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