Bowl Recipe in Chocolate Cherry Smoothie

This recipe could not be easier to do.

Think about this bowl of nutritive breakfast like a healthier alternative with chocolate covered fruit. ThisChocolateCherry coveredsmoothie The bowl recipe has all the fruity and chocolate goodness that you might want, with a powerful dose of protein.

Cherries are rich in antioxidants and this recipe is full of them. Three-quarters of a cup of frozen cherries help make the base of smoothie and three other fresh cherries on the bowl, for an extra-sweet finish. If cherries are a fruit, you do not often include in your diet, thisRecipe Could be a delicious method of incorporating more cherries into your meals. (They are also in season in summer. You will not want to miss on them when they are at their freshest.)

This smoothie bowl has 31 grams of sugar, which puts it from the top for a breakfast meal. But it also has eight grams of protein and four grams of fiber, which will keep you full and energetic during the morning. And with only 259 calories, you get a lot of nutrients in this bowl of healthy breakfast.

In addition to the health benefits you will get cherries, this recipe also offers grenade juices with grenade rich in antioxidants, as well as coconut chips and cocoa nibres, so there are many flavors for move. And with the flavors of chocolate and coconut, this bowl is like an improved (and healthier) version of a candy bar. If you are a cherry lover or just looking for new ways to use this fruit, it is a smoothy bowl recipe to stay in your back pocket.

Nutrition:259 calories, 7 g of grease (5 g saturated), 89 mg of sodium, 4 g of fiber, 31 g of sugar, 8 g protein

Made 1 serving


3/4 cup of frozen sweet cherries
1/4 of a small banana, jelly
1/2 cup of ice cubes
1/3 cup of juice from Granada-cherry
1 tablespoon of lactose protein powder with chocolate
1/3 cup yogurt whole milk simple, divided
3 fresh dark sullen cherries
1 C. Crus Coconut Chips
1 C. TSP Nibs of cocoa

How to do it

  1. In a mixer, combine frozen cherries, banana, ice cubes, fruit juices, proteins and 2 tablespoons yogurt. Cover and mix up smoothly.
  2. Pour the smoothie into a bowl. At the top with remaining yogurt, fresh cherries, coconut and cocoa shoots.

RELATED: We found the best recipes for Smoothie for weight loss.

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