It diminishes your risk of remarkably dementia, studies

Quality sleep quality can definitely affect your cerebral health.

Elderly people who use a device to treat obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) may have a lower risk of developingAlzheimer's disease or dementia, a recent study has been found.Researchers at Michigan Medicine watched 50,000 addressees of MedicareWith more than 65 years of diagnosis of OSA. They discovered that people who used positive respiratory tract pressure devices (also known as CPAP) were less likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer's dementia or disease over the next three years than those who do not have Used positive respiratory tract pressure.Continue to readand to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.

A sleep apnea machine, for those who need it, can help prevent dementia, the study shows

"We have seen a significant association between the positive use of respiratory pressure and the risk drop in Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia over three years, suggesting that the pressure of the positive respiratory tract. can be protective against the risk of dementia among people with OSA, "said the main author of the study, Galit Levi Dunietz, Ph.D., MPH, Assistant Professor of Neurology and Sleep Epidemiologist. The University of Michigan.

The study is another in a long line of research illustrating that quality sleep is important for cerebral health andCognitive function. "If a causal pathway exists between the treatment of OSA and the risk of dementia, as our results suggest, the Effective Diagnosis and Treatment of the OSA could play a key role in the cognitive health of older adults" , said the main study Tiffany J. Braley, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Neurology.

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What is sleep apnea?

Sleep apnea causes the collapse of soft tissues from the airway, inhibiting breathing. This can cause strong snoring or breathing to stop as long as a minute before the brain wakes you up to resume breathing. These breaks can arrive several times a night.

All these interruptions are exhausting, resulting in poor sleep quality. Not only does it not affect the way you feel the next day, several studies connected sleep apnea and poor quality sleep to memory loss, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and Abbreviated life.

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How does quality sleep affect the brain?

During deep sleep a.k.a. Quick eyes movement (REM) sleep - the body heals and recharges. The brain rolls over toxins, a cleaning process that researchers believe improves its function andLows the risk of dementia and Alzheimer. According to a study published inThe newspaper of neuroscienceThe sleep apnea can negatively affect the spatial navigation memory, a kind of "cognitive card" that includes being able to remember the instructions and where you put things like your keys.

The symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring, irregular respiration observed during sleep, day drowsing or waking up with a dry mouth or sore throat. A health care provider can diagnose sleep apnea and help you decide if a therapy such as a CPAP device is right for you.And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss these13 daily habits that kill you secretly.

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