15 Myths on apple cider vinegar

Is the CAA really the powerful elixir of health health it is cracked to be? Do not go on a full apple cider vinegar regime for the moment; Here, we separate the facts of fiction.

Apple cider vinegar has been one of the most rented health foods over the last decade, credited with everything to burn fat to reduce blood glucose to keep your floors clean. With just a tablespoon a day, you can dramatically transform your health ... or people think. Of course, some positive advantages of integrating the CSA into your diet. But if something seems too good to be true, it's probably.

We atEat this, not that! break down the most common myths surrounding apple cider vinegar and what is sciencereally said. And click here to discover the essentials25 myths of food that causes weight gain!


Myth: It will help you lose weight fast

Many people are turning to apple cider vinegar as a miracle weight loss tool, a supplement that will "rinse grease" and will make you quickly. Many of these claims arise from the research published in the journalBioscience, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, which found that a group of studies that received a CAA over a period of 12 weeks lost more weight, body fat and thumb of their size than participants who received placebo. The study did not include feeding or exercise, which means that weight loss could theoretically be attributed to vinegar ... but ACV participants lost only a book on average.

Unfortunately, this vinegar will not cancel a bad diet or a sedentary lifestyle. Although this can be a useful addition to a weight loss meal plan and an exercise plan, do not plan on an apple cider vinegar regime to be a magic cure that will transform your body during the night. Discard these unwanted books, make sure to check our50 best weight loss tips.


Myth: it's a cure for diabetes


The CAA has been rented as a useful weapon in a diabetic arsenal, thanks to its ability to stabilize glucose levels in the body and prevent dangerous blood glucose peaks. And it shows a promise. A 2015 study published in theDiabetes Research Journal Found that type 2 diabetics that drank 1 oz of vinegar have experienced lower blood glucose, insulin and triglyceride levels up to five hours after eaten relative to the placebo group. But while it can be beneficial for people with insulin resistance or prediabete, she does not replace insulin and other diabetes drugs. The study concluded that "other studies are needed to examine the long-term effects of vinegar in type 2 diabetes". Consult your doctor before integrating vinegar as part of a healthy and exercise diet with medications.


Myth: it can reduce cholesterol


Most of the supposed ability of apple cider vinegar to help reduce cholesterol is based on a 2006 study published in theBritish Nutrition Journal Which has found acetic acid in vinegar reduces total cholesterol and triacylglycerols. A more recent study in theJournal of Membrane Biology This found that apple cider vinegar in particular levels of lipids lowered and protected the liver and kidneys in response to a high cholesterol regime. The problem? These studies were carried out in rats and mice (respectively), which are very different from the United States physiologically, Mickey and Minnie excluded. Although this shows a promise of similar effects in people, additional studies on humans are needed to definitively declare the amount of impact of the CSA on our cholesterol levels.


Myth: it reduces high blood pressure


There have been rumbling on the Internet of welfare that apple cider vinegar could help reduce blood pressure. A study revealed that the rats that consumed acetic acid (found in vinegar) had lower blood pressure, but it was in the rat, not the man. There are no good studies that can definitively define that ACV can reduce blood pressure in humans.


Myth: There are no negative side effects


Even if the health benefits of Apple cider vinegar are exaggerated, it certainly does not hurt the spoonful in case, is not it? Not exactly. As it is so acid, the CAA has been found to destroy the teeth enamel if it is often consumed right without dilution. At high doses, it could also result in low potassium levels in the body. Enjoy your apple cider vinegar, but do it in small doses: a tablespoon or two at a time (in the water!) Should suffice.


Myth: it's good for your stomach


Although research is still in the air of how it affectsbig belly, ACV has an impact on your stomach internally. The research shows that it can exacerbate the gastroparesis, a common condition in the diabetics in which your stomach can not empty normally ... not a good thing.


Myth: this can prevent cancer


Research suggests that apple cider vinegar can help slow the growth of cancer cells. But these studies are preliminary and compared to related research, the results are concluded. It is prudent to say that the ACV is not a substance to combat miracle cancer and should not be considered as such.


Myth: he has the same nutrients as an apple


Of course, this vinegar comes from fermented apples, hence the name. But so the hard cider; This does not mean that people should help drink Boozy for better health. Important nutrients found in apples, such as fiber, potassium and vitamin C, are not present in ACV. (Theis Potassium in apple cider vinegar, but it is only 5% of the amount found in a real apple).


Myth: There are no health benefits


So far, these outlet myths struggle ACV in a slight dark light. It's not entirely a30 health foods that are not really healthyBut some of the health benefits have just been exaggerated a bit. Although it is not a cure for diabetes or even the prediabete, it has been shown that it has been shown that sugar in the blood is some extent, it could therefore be beneficial especially before eating a particularly high meal.

It is also believed to have positive digestive properties; The researchers found that when people drank acetic acid (found in AVV) mixed with water, it improved their quantity of good gute bacteria. This acid also has other health benefits: the FDA has approved medicines with acetic acid for its antibacterial and antifungal properties.


Myth: all ACVs is fundamentally the same


Lowest store brand options for upper organic versions, it appears that most food manufacturers jump on apple cider vinegar train. But there are differences. The truly clear varieties have been filtered and treated, which means that it loses some of the benefits of valuable health. Opt instead of more brown vinegar and disturbance and organic if you can find it.


Myth: It's only to eat


With all the benefits for integrated health, it seems that the CAA can not be used for nothing except food. But its uses are so versatile! This vinegar is a large clean cleaner and any use, thanks to its antimicrobial effects. Mix it with water in a 1: 1 report, then add a drop or two of your preferred essential oil. Pour into a spray bottle and wipe these counters.


Myth: it should not be used topically


With its strong odors and acidic properties, ACV seems to be hard on the skin. The opposite is true, in fact. Although this is not a replacement of face creams, it can be used as a facial toner when mixed with water (1 ACV part, 3-4 parts of water) to erase dirt and the Makeup residue. Apply with cotton cotton and rinse after 10 minutes. Or use this mixture as a replacement for the face washing. This should only be done a few times a week, but it is a completely natural remedy solution, like Scarlett Johansson swear.


Myth: it's the only vinegar with health benefits

Apple cider vinegar is the golden norm of vinegar, but you can also reap the health rewards of other varieties. In fact, most studies that examine the effect of vinegar on blood glucose and cholesterol has not even administered cider vinegar. All vinegar contains acetic acid, which is considered the secret weapon behind the properties of intestinal healing and vinegar blood glucose. So, while the CAA gets all the hype, the old Bandysamic and Plusurable white vinegar has many health benefits.


Myth: It's only for humans


Our furry friends can also benefit from apple cider vinegar. Some holistic veterinarians swear as a remedy for damage to the skin and ears: a 1: 1 ratio of ACV and water sprayed on itching spots (no open wounds) can assume. It can also be used in the same relationship as an ear cleaner on a cotton ball. Make sure to check with your veterinarian before going the DIY road to deal fido.


Myth: it tastes raw

Of course, the taste is subjective. But you do not need to reduce tasting vinegar with a spoon. Mix it with olive oil and spices for a soft tasting salad vinaigrette or mix it in a smoothie. If you want to get the health benefits without the strong taste, take the creation and consult our30 Great uses for apple cider vinegar.

Categories: Healthy Eating
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