I am a doctor and I warned you that you do not go here even if it is open

Delta variant means we all need to be more cautious.

The case Covid are rising mainly because of the most contagious Delta variant. Not only Delta is substantially more contagious than the alpha version, but it has also been linked to cases of breakthrough. WhilevaccinesAre still very effective in preventing moderate and severe disease, there have been reports of immunity to the decrease in fully vaccinated. There is no reason for alarm because most cases are mainly mild illness and asymptomatic. In efforts to prevent infection with Covid, DCC has now updated the advice to wear face masks inside.

As a physician, I know it's the right thing. You do not want to be infected and avoid contact with the new strain of coronavirus is very important. Read about places to avoid - and to ensure your health and the health of others, do not miss these Sure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Avoid meals inside

Group of happy friends having a lunch in a tavern.

When you leave your home and go to a restaurant, you may catch Covid. There is no way to predict that the ventilation system sites have in place and that you will remember, you will be in close contact with people who do not live with you. You do not know if they have the virus if they have been vaccinated and increase your chances of contracting Covid.


Avoid office spaces

Two women sitting by desk in front of laptops.

Offices are usually poorly ventilated. Especially in congested urban areas and return to meetings of interior increases the risk of exposure to Coronavirus Airborne Goutlettes.

If someone in your office sneezes, coughs or even chat with you carrying the virus, you may type it.

Even with a physical distancing, it is difficult to be detached to share your air with others and not to breathe they expire. The droplets or aerosols are the most common way for Delta to spread from person to person. The inside offices are not a smart idea at the moment, unless you wear N95 masks at all times.

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Avoid churches or places of worship

Hands of a senior woman while praying in a church

Delta spreads rapidly and these places provide the perfect location for it to spread. Usually poorly ventilated, the danger is increased because people talk, sing and sometimes screaming. If they are carriers of the coronavirus Delta, you're probably going to catch him. If you catch him, you will bring the virus home with you. These gatherings are also less likely to have adequate physical separation and inadequate ventilation.

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Avoid cruises

Cruise ship at the beach on Grand Turk island

Needless to say, share your water and your air supply in a tight ship during a pandemic is a big mistake. It is virtually impossible to track social distancing guidelines and if someone has the virus, it is difficult to control the spread.

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Do not do shopping in person

crowded grocery store

Avoid shopping in crowded stores. If you have to buy in person, try to get what you need as soon as possible to avoid having to share your air with others. Wear a face mask of good quality, maintain social distance and avoid huge groups. The result is not going in with people that you're not in your home to prevent infection with the Delta variant. And protecting your life and the lives of others, do not visit these35 places you are most likely to catch Covid.

Leo Nissola, M.D. is an immunologist and an award-winning scientist. It is a medical contributor on the new CBS and helped design and evaluate epidemiological models based on the data that the working group of the coronavirus White HouseValidated and presented in press briefings. Follow it on Instagram and Twitter @doctorleo @leonissolamd

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