A major side effect of eating too many cereals, says science

This short frosted flake height lived with an unhealthy accident.

Open the door of your pantry and all likelihoods you will find at least one colorful cold breakfast boxcereal inside. You can not eat it for breakfast (12% of people in the United StatesDo not eat the morning meal), but that's probably there. Forty-three percent of cereal consumers eat cereals like a snack, according toMintel. And cereals are always the third most popular supermarket product behindfizzy drinks and bread at 2.7 billion packages sold. This raises an average of 160 cereal bowls by Americans each year.

Interesting, while the MINTEL investigation revealed that three on 10 cereal consumers say they ateLess sweet cereals For health reasons, the same amount indicates that they choose cereals that taste well, whatever their nutrients. In addition, six out of 10 cereal eaters say they want cereals to prevent them from feeling full longer.The brevity of this hunger shape points to one of the largest side effects of eating the type of American cereal, always soft on: your blood glucose and also your insulin.

In relation:Surprising habits that can lead to diabetes, says science.

The cold breakfast cereals are one of the most processed foods you can eat and many that our languages ​​find so attractive are loaded with added sugars. When you consume a massive amount of sugar, especially a highly transformed cereal with low fiber, your blood glucose increases quickly and your body reacts by releasing the hormonal insulin of your pancreas to regulate this sugar thrust and allow glucose to penetrate body cells for energy. An hour or two after your insulin deals with this rush sugar, your blood glucose has a nose nose, letting you feel drained and triggering a stubbornness for another quick sugar summary.

Studies suggest That very refined cereals lead hunger and can lead to overeating too much. A clinical trial published in 2013 in theEuropean nutrition newspaper Compared the effect of a grain breakfast at a breakfast with eggs on satiety and calorie intake and found that people were less hungry after the eggs and have consumed fewer calories during the day than cereal eaters.

Sweet foods also affect the brain reward center, which causes a release of dopamine and serotonin chemicals of sensation.Clinical chemistry Disclaim dependency crawling. Over time, it is enough to consume too much sugar can increase your risk of health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, alcoholic foie gras disease, cancer and cardiac disease.

What are too many cereals?

The more useful question can be what is too much sugar in cereals? The American Heart Association recommends limiting sugars added to 24 grams for most women and 36 grams for most men. For reference, four grams of sugar equal to a teaspoon.

In 2014, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) published the conclusions of ato study In which researchers analyzed the sugar content of 84 brands of popular cereals and found that 44 cereals contained more sugar per serving than the 11 grams you receive from three fries Ahoy! Cookies. One of the worst delinquents is the warm kelgg honey smacks, weighing 18 grams, which is more sugar than in a Twinkie hostess. (Read more:Malic cereals on the planet.)

The EWG study focused on grain marketed to children, but many adult grains are just as sweet. The Grape Bran de Kellogg, for example, contains 18 grams of sugar only more than the 10 grams of Trix, surprising since, after all, "Trix are for children!"

What makes the cold breakfast cereal doubly problematic for your health is the fact that, in addition to added sugars, most cereals are made with refined grains, which have fewer nutrients and fewer fibers than those manufactured with whole grains . The fiber of your food slows the absorption of sugars in your blood, thus reducing the need for this tip of insulin.

How can you find healthier cereals?

Nutrition experts recommend you to search for cereal packaging that read "100% whole grain" or examine the list of ingredients and make sure the first two grains listed are called "integer" or contain the words "oats" "or" old grains "or" cereals. " Whole grain grain cereals can have up to six times more fibers than fine cereals such as corn flakes and raw rice. Also check the labels of nutritional facts for cereals with less than 6 grams of added sugars per serving. Replace cereals with listed sugar in the first three stains on the ingredient label.

Better still, jump the cereals completely and try it a10 Best Instant Breakfasts for Weight Loss.

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