A dangerous side effect not to have enough vitamin D, says a new study

Here is another reason for taking this supplement daily.

There are already a lot of reasons to pay attention to yourAdmission of vitamin D. TheAdvantages of vitamin Include stimulate your mental health and support your immune system, while not doing enough things that can lead to aLoss of bone density. Now, researchers speculate that people who are not sufficient vitamin can be at higher risk of opioid dependence.

Findings of a new animal study published in the newspaperAdvance of science, suggests not having enough vitamin can bring people to believe endorphins - chemicals that stimulate mood can draw from sun exposure (ultraviolet rays) and exercise. Opioids can mimic a similar effect to neurotransmitters such as endorphins, relieving pain and producing a feeling of euphoria. And according to researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital,Human health records Indicate that people who deficient vitamin D are more likely to use and abuse opioids.

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"We have observed that vitamin D deficiency raises behavioral responses to opioid drugs such as morphine, especially addictions related to drug addiction," the corresponding author of David E. Fisher MD, Ph.D. , saysEat this, not that! in an interview. "The experimental data of the laboratory suggest that the correction of vitamin D deficiency can be an inexpensive and effective means of providing clinical benefits to avoid or treat opioid addiction."

vitamin d

While the results of this study are promising, it does not mean that takingVitamin D supplements Would somehow replace methods of prevention and treatment of existing addictions. On the one hand, research is always in its infancy.

"Other controlled clinical trials are justified to determine whether vitamin D supplementation is beneficial in" Lajos Kemeny, MD, Ph.D., Main Study AuthorEat this, not that!

However, researchers revealed that researchers have found that vitamin D supplements can help you right now.

"Vitamin D deficiency Promotes a behavior looking for sun, "says Kemeny. So, not going enough vitamin, you can meet a desire to get endorphins through UV rays via tanning beds or spend many hours in the sun. These behaviors can then partly, increase your risk of skin cancer. The luminous side, like Kemeny Notes, is a healthy vitamin D diet and vitamin D supplementation can help prevent this desire.

If you want to enjoy the benefits of vitamin and avoid dangerous UV exposure, consider working someFoods rich in vitamin D in your diet. You can start with white mushrooms, red salmon salmon and vitamin D dairy products. It is also worth going directly to the source and pick up a bottle of vitamin D supplements to give your diet.

Of course, everything is better in moderation, including vitamins. To learn more about Smart Supplement, you may want to checkWhat happens to your body when you take too much vitamin D.

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