What happens to your body when you eat carrots

Why are these crunchy roots so good for you? We asked the experts.

There is no doubtcarrots Fall outright in the category "Healthy food". Bunny preferred orange vegetables are a nutritious return for side dishes or at any time. But beyond their status like the Veggie trays star, you have already asked exactly what happens to your body when you eat carrots?

The carrots are loaded withantioxidants, vitamins and even a little bit offiber-Tommes that promotes good health in different ways. Here are seven reasons why eating more from them could help you say "What's new, doc?" to your health care provider a little less often. And for even healthier tips, make sure to consult our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Your eye health will get a boost.

roast carrots on a plate
Brent Hofacker / Shutterstock

If you had to name a nutrient in carrots, we are ready to bet you mentionedvitamin a. Over the years, carrots have gained a reputation for their high content of this micronutriment associated with eye health. Eating these vegetables really give you a superhuman vision?

"Although it is true that vitamin A can withstand healthy eyes, it is important to note that the service is specific to the reduction of the risk of blindness of the night (the inability to see in the dark) and some eye diseases, "saysLauren Manaker, RDN, LD, registered dietitian and author ofFUXING MALE FERTILITY.

Nevertheless, even if the crunching on a carrot or two will not necessarily give you instant eagle eyes, the combination of carrot nutrients supports the health of the eyes in general.

"Lutein can help reduce the risk of developing macular degeneration," Manaker said. "So, like carrots contain both vitamin A and lutein, they offer a punch to two in the Department of Eye Health."

Make sure you check out our list ofThe 12 best vitamin A skin, hair and eye health.


You could reduce your risk of certain cancers.

Hummus carrots cucumber

All that vitamin A is not just a working horse for your eyes - it can also play a role in cancer prevention.

"The carrots are raised in the antioxidant beta-carotene of vitamin A", says Edie Reads, Rd and Chief Head athealhadvise.org. "Antioxidants protect our body from the destruction of free radicals and can help prevent chronic diseases, including certain cancers."

More specifically, carrots have been studied for their effects on breast, colon and prostate cancers, among others. AMeta-Analysis 2018 found that a higher contribution of carrots was associated with a decreased risk of breast cancer, whileA 2020 study With more than 57,000 people indicated that carrots could protect against colorectal cancer. According toAmerican Institute for Cancer ResearchThere is "convincing" evidence that combines non-starchy vegetables (such as carrots) with fruit reduce the risk of digestive tract cancers. It sounds like a good reason to become crunching!

Do not miss our list of8 superfoods you should eat every day!


You could lose weight.

Baby carrots

When you have a pot of Ranch vinaigrette by criminating something to dive, choosing carrots, for example, potato chips are clearly intelligent movement for weight loss.

"The carrots are a respectful food of weight loss because they are quite low in calories," says readings.

For your little daily crunch, fried or salty snacks for carrots can also keep you longer, despite the number of lower calories of vegetables.

"A normal size carrot contains 1.7 gram of fiber, which represents 5 to 7.6% of the daily fiber of a normal person," says bed. "This high level of fiber promotes good health and a feeling of fullness to eat conscious."

Do you want more advice to eat conscious? here is11 hacks of full awareness of eating less, according to experts.


You can improve the health of the skin.


Do you want to maintain this young glow? A skin protector can be in your vegetable.

"Although the data are still emerging, there is evidence suggesting that carotenoid consumption canProtect against the damage of the sun, "Saus Manaker." Carrots are a natural source of carotenoids and can help protect the skin damage caused by the sun. In addition, carrots contain vitamin C, which can help support collagen formation. "

For even more ways to eat for better skin,Load on these 22 foods.


You will enhance your bones.

roast baby carrots
Nicky Rhodes / Shutterstock

"The carrots are not traditionally known for their benefits for bone health, but they offer a significant amount of two nutrients in support of bones," explainsTrista Best, MPH, Rd, LD Balanced supplements. "Your bones are reinforced and supported by providing your body of calcium and vitamin K."

For registration,a cup of carrotsContains 40 milligrams of calcium (4% of recommended daily consumption) and 15.8 vitamin K micrograms (17.5% of the daily recommendation for women and 13.2% for men).

Be sure your body absorbs as muchvitamin k Also possible, associate your carrots with any type ofhealthy fat.

"Eating soluble grease vitamins A and K-with a grease source can help the body absorb nutrients," says Manaker. "So, so that olive oil or avocado oil on some grilled carrots can be a smart choice for your overall health."


You can stabilize your blood glucose.

hummus red pepper carrot radish green beans

As vegetables go, carrots are on the sweeteer side (which is probably why even toddlers will eat them without complaints!). But in terms ofRaising your blood glucoseThey will not have a serious impact.

"The carrots contain natural sugars, hence their sweet taste," explains the readings. "However, they have a lower blood glucose index because they have a relatively lower amount of sugar and calories, while high fibers. This constitutes a GI score of about 39 years. This will result in a source of sugar for patients with diabetes. "

You want to enjoy the sweetness of carrots in a healthier parcel than an indulgent carrot cake?

"Carrots can be a tasty addition to a smoothie," says Manaker. "Just add a carrot to your classic recipe for a gentle boost with key nutrients."


You could transform the orange (yes, literally).

carrots on wood

Eat too many carrots and you will turn orange? It looks like an urban legend (or something of a horror movie), but it's true! The pigments of carrot beta-carotene cross your mixed blood - and, in excess, can make a way in your skin. Orange-tinted skin is more commonly visible in people with a lighter complexion and generallyappears first In areas of the body with the thickest skin, like palms, elbows and feet plant.

Fortunately, the rupture in terrestrial orange is quite rare and does not pose any health risk.

"It's not harmful and will disappear after stopping over the carrots," saysLisa Young, PhD, RDN, author ofFinally full, finally thin.

So go ahead and enjoy your carrots, but pay attention to this red flag, orange-flag that you exceed it.

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