An incredible side effect of doing yoga

A new study sought to explain how Kipalu Yoga's performance is effective in reducing your stress levels.

Believe it or not, there are negative side effects associated with the execution of yoga, at least one study, published in the journalComplementary medicine therapies, Said include pain and pain, as well as various muscle injuries and even fatigue. But according to a new study published in the last edition of theStress and health, The authors highlight the many benefits of doing yoga on a regular basis, including what they suggest is the only biggest effect and the immediate positive side to perform the conscious exercise because millions millions and millions of people swear by. Read on to learn more about the results of the study, and what it means for you. And for more breakthroughs from the front line of scientific research, consultThe only least means to sit for your body, according to a new search.

Yoga Understanding, Stress-Killer

Older couple doing yoga

It is well known that yoga is a particularly effective exercise to relieve stress. The purpose of the new study, conducted by researchers from the University of Connecticut and published inStress and health, Sought to understandHow? 'Or' What. Researchers have focused on five "psychosocial" potentials commonly associated with stress relief in yoga- "fully awareness, meaningful awareness, spiritual well-being, self-compassion and self-control", for See if any of them can actually "explain yoga an impact on stress".

To reach their conclusion, they followed 42 volunteers who participated in a Kripalu Yoga program 12 weeks for the management of stress, monitoring the above and hydrometric mechanisms how reacted it to different types of stress: "the Perceived stress "and" stress reactivity, "the latter being defined as the feeling of agitation or difficulty to relax.

The greatest advantage of yoga

woman in black sports bra and leggings doing yoga frog stretch

According to the study, participants reported improved feelings for virtually all the above mechanisms believed to be associated with stress relief. However, the one who has the greatest effect on stress reduction was "interaceptive conscience" - or the ability to identify, understand and respond to models of internal signals and sensations in your body.

"Special consciousness", explains the study, "[is] the awareness of internal problem sensations, including receipt, access and evaluation of the signals of the internal states of the body, [and] has been suggested as Potential mechanism related action for Basis Body Comfort Interventions, especially those with a solid physical basis like yoga.Improving awareness of one of the internal states can provide opportunities to participate in jurisdictions that allow Yoga practitioners to consciously intervene in their own stress reduction."

In a breaking article down the study, Psychology Todayobserved: "Thus, most larger benefits and immediate yoga seems to be greater awareness and attention to bodily sensations and internal states"

And if you swear by your own yoga practice, make sure you supply your refrigerator withThe best foods ever for yoga!

No all yoga is created equality


The study revealed that yoga has been generally effective at the same time reduced the perceived and responsive stress, and the greatest advantage of this yoga associated with this decline in stress is an interaced state of consciousness. However, it is important to note the type of yoga tested here.

Kripalu Yoga, in particular, puts tremendous emphasis on self-compassion and stress targets or reactive feelings. "Future research is needed to examine other yoga practices (for example, bikram yoga, restorative yoga), to determine if they are more effective in reducing perceived stress or stress responsiveness," observes today the psychology.

What it means for you

Woman practicing yoga

Anumber of studies have shown that yoga is useful for reducing stress and anxiety, not just improving your mood, but also your feeling of well-being.Studies have also shown that yoga is effective in helping to fight depression. This new study has increased more on how the Krapali Yoga Target Targets technique your perceived stress and your reactive stress.

"Our results suggest that Krapalu Yoga can have beneficial effects for positive psychological resources such as meaningful awareness, mindfulness, spiritual well-being and self-compassion," concludes the study. "Stress reactivity experiences seem significantly reduced during a conscious yoga intervention, suggesting that Kipalu yoga can be particularly beneficial for people who know excitement and exposure to excessive reactions. marked stress. »

So, if stress relief is your main goal in yoga, you'd worse than registering in Kripalu. (Bonus: it's a big Yoga method for beginners !) And for more news of science handguns, make sure you are aware of One of the main side effects of a 1 hour walk, according to new research .

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