Half of people do not know this symptom of common heart attack, CDC says

It is a sign reveals a heart attack, but there is a 50 to 50 years that you were not aware.

Disease and Prevention Control Centers (CDC) reports to the United States each year, about 805,000 people in the United States.have a heart attack, with a recorded every 40 seconds. When you think of the warning signs of a heart attack, you are probably considering classic symptoms: pain in the chest, shortness of breath, feeling weak or headed by the head and discomfort in the arm. However, there is another much less well known but alsoBanal symptom of a heart attackAnd a CDC study found that more than half of respondents were not aware. But to be on the lookout for this can give you an anticipated warning of something worse to come and could improve your chances of survival. For details on this neglected red flag, read actively.

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Cardiac crises usually cause pain in the jaw, neck or back.

Man with jaw pain

CDC listsFive classic heart attack symptoms. As well as the four mentioned above, the fifth least often known is the sudden appearance of pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back. Other symptoms may include unexplained fatigue, nausea or vomiting, with the CDC warning that "women are more likely to have these other symptoms".

"Sometimes the manifestation of a heart attack or partThe cardiac event can be felt in the jaw, teeth and neck. This is not just the left side; It can also happen on the right side, especially for women, "saysSteven Bender, DDS, Professor of Clinical Assistant and Director of the Center for Facial Pain and Sleep Medicine at Texas A & M College of Dentstry, told the essential record of the order. "It can come and go according to gravity, just like the people who say" I thought it was stomach burns ", and it's okay. It's the same thing with the pain in the jaw. That's Can come and go, and people may not assign a cardiac event. "

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Only 48% of people know that the jaw, neck or back pain is a symptom of cardiac attack.

Woman with neck pain from COVID

The CDC does what they callInvestigations of the behavioral risk factor monitoring system (Brfss), analyzing the answers to questions about the medical emergencies of people across the country. In 2005, the 2005 survey, which included 71,994 respondents in 14 states, only 48% of respondents were aware of the pain in these areas.SIGNS OF WARNING A CARDIAQUE CRISIS.

But health professionals say it's crucial to look for this symptom. "Thepain of a heart attack can spread to both arms, jaw or head, or at the back, "anatomical pathologist certified by the boardMelissa Conrad Stöppler, MD, wrote for Medicinenet. "It is possible to have these types of pain without thoracic pain during a heart attack."

The most famous heart attack symptom is shortness of breath.

Closeup of elderly man having heart attack chest pain

In the same investigation of the CDC, 62% of people said they knew how to crack weak, stunned or weak feelings as a symptom of heart attack; 85% knew that pain or discomfort in arms or shoulders was a cause for concern; 92% knew thatChest pain or discomfort was associated with a heart attack; And the best known of all, 93% were on the lookout for shortness of breath. The jaw, neck and back of the back have marked the lowest level of awareness, with less than half of respondents in awareness.

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The sooner you acknowledge the symptoms of heart attack and seek care, better are your chances of survival.

Hospital health care and medicine.

Recognize the symptoms of possible heart attack is important asearly intervention Can enormously improve your chances of survivor. "Do not worry if you are not completely sure that your symptoms are an attack,"advises the British heart foundation. "It's really important to consult a doctor, whatever as quickly as possible."

On average, 86% of respondents to the CDC survey reported that they call 911 for someone they suspected of having a heart attack, although these figures are slightly lower than Hispanic and black respondents ( Men are also less likely to call help than women).

However, armed with an awareness of the first symptoms, you should press a medical intervention as soon as possible when you observe one of them. "Do not forget that the chances of surviving a heart attack Are better at the beginning of emergency treatment, "says the CDC.

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