Decaf coffee still contains this harmful chemical, experts warn

An alarming 40% of the popular brands of the Decafe that have been tested contained traces. We have the list.

If you take yourCoffee decaffeinated Every day or even as the casual companion after dinner atdessertYou will want to know this: a report reveals that many of the most sold coffee products for sale on the market contain the active ingredient of the painting cutter, which comes with a crowd of potential hazards to your health. We share the brands that have tested positive, as well as how you can search for your favorite.

The clean label projectA non-profit-based consumer advocacy group running safety research on food and consumers, has recently conducted an investigation into more than the best-selling decaffeinated products on the market. They say there are almost 40% contained "at least levels of trace of methylene chloride".

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Methylene chloride is the main ingredient of the paint stripper, that theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention Described as "a colorless liquid that can hurt the eyes, the skin, liver and heart. The exhibition can cause drowsiness, vertigo, enclosures and tingling members, as well as nausea. This can cause a Cancer. Severe exposure can lead to loss of consciousness and death. " The clean label project also suggests that methylene chloride has been associated with prejudice to reproduction.

Methylene chloride has also been recently added to the list of proposals 65 of the state of California, which requires companies to determine if they should provide a warning on exposure to certain chemicals.

But wait: why on earth is the active ingredient of the painting cutter in your Café Decaf? The Clean Label project explains that some coffee processing companies use methylene chloride as a heated solvent to eliminate the desired amount of caffeine from coffee beans. (Other brands use a non-chemical alternative process as part of the USDA's national organic program.)

Coffee brands Decaf The project of clean label tested, they report the following contents a certain amount of methylene chloride:

Decaffeinated Colombia AmazonSh

Coffee Bustelo decaffeinated coffee molido

Blend of decaffeinated house Gevalia Kaffe

Great cost-effective price classic decaffeinated

Green Mountain Coffee Roasters Decaffeinated Breakfast Breakfast

Kirkland Decaffeinated Signature Roasted Dark

Classic decaffeinated kroger

Maxwell House decaffeinated the original roast

Mixture of the decaffeinated house of peet coffee

The best mix of Seattle decaffeinated portside

Jackie Bowen, Executive Director of the Clean Label Project, commented on the conclusions of the team atEat this, not that!:"What is most about is that vulnerable populations are frequent consuming decaffeinated coffee. Whether pregnant women, seniors or people with heart disease or gastrointestinal problems, These populations are already trying to make choices to do better by their health. They are absolutely not expected to ingest traces of the active ingredient of the painting cutter. "

If you are a decaffeinated coffee drinker, the Clean Label project suggests that you should consider talking to your doctor, calling on your favorite brand to find out about their decafferation process and seek claims on products packaging such assolvent-free,chemical,Water, Wherecertified organic. The clean label project indicates that these brands use approaches to decaffeination that do not use hard chemicals. (You can also check your decafhere.)

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