35 secrets to help lose fast weight

Lose weight quickly without even thinking about it.

By the time you finished this sentence, you could haveBurnt 100 calories. Well, it's only if you knew these essential secrets for how to lose weight quickly, that is to say.

We know that the loss of unwanted books was undesirable to give your favorite foods, hours of gym logging and having hungry (and borrowed) all the time. Fortunately, drop a dress size (or two) does not necessarily have to be complicated or tortuous. Of course, losing a large amount of weight requires lifestyle changes and hard work, but everything boils down simple choices.

By making these instantaneous weight loss adjustments, you can start your fat burning efforts in no time and lose weight quickly. Try some of these tips for some of the fastest weight loss, then keep your results by storing onThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Let the sun

Woman open window in the morning at home

Fit and shine literally!Researchers of the Northwest University I found that people exposed to the light of the brilliant day earlier in the day tended to weigh less than those who did not have the sunlight before later. So, just after your awakening, open the blinds and leave the sun in. Or better yet, go out and enjoy your morning coffee cup on the porch

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Order your black coffee

Mike Marquez / Beldshash

Pass the cream and sugar in your Joe cup and opt for that black to help you lose weight fast. Black coffee has zero calories and can help you burn calories faster. According to a study published in the newspaperPhysiology and behavior, The average metabolic rate of people who drank caffeinated coffee was 16% higher than those who drank decaf.


Exchange your soda for unsweetened tea

tea, teacups, tea kettle

Sweet sodas are terrible for you and are likely to pack on books. A coke can contain 140 calories and 39 grams of sugar, more than your total daily amount! Exchange instead for unsweetened tea, hot or frozen. Tea has no calories and has its own fundamental properties. Opt for green or oolong, which are some of ourbest teas for weight loss.

RELATED:What happens to your body if you drink tea every day


Take a bottle of reusable water

Reusable water bottle in backpack
Colton Strickland / Beldshshshsh

Instead of constantly filling the same bottle a half step, take a bottle without BPA, preferably a glass or aluminum. Not only is it better for your size, but you carry a bottle with you will ask you to drink more H2O throughout the day. Drinking more water means you're less hungry and you'll give your metabolism a boost. For more benefits for moisturizing health to help you lose weight fast, checkWhat happens to your body when you drink water.


Press a lemon in your water

Woman squeezing lemon into glass water

Plugging into a refreshing lemon will help you not only drink more water; It also has advantages of detox that will help you lose weight fast. Lemons are rich in polyphenols, which are compounds containing antioxidants. A study in theClinical Biochemistry Journal found that mice that were nourished with lemon polyphenols were less likely to gain weight and accumulate bodily fats.

RELATED:What happens to your body when you drink lemon water every day


Catch a small plate

Small dinner plates

Trade your large plate for a small plate of salad and eat your meals. By eating a smaller plate, you are more likely to have more precise portions. You are also likely to deceive your brain thinking that you eat more, you feel more in-depth, faster.


Go to bed earlier


Sleeping over five hours per night may seem a luxury for some, but it can have a serious impact on your overall health. Do not get the 7 to 8 hours recommended by a night one night puts you at risk of fatigue the next day, which means that you are more likely to believe and snack on high calorie comfort food. Try going to bed earlier so you can get a little more sleep, which will help you eat less. And throwing an even faster fat, do not miss these essential elementsWays to strengthen your metabolism.


Exchange your white bread for whole grain

Whole grain bread

The refined white breads are simple carbohydrates that your body treats like sugar and can really hurt your weight loss efforts. The whole grain bread, on the other hand, is filled with slimming fibers and can help you feel smaller, longer. Just make sure you read your labels. "If the ingredients at the top of the list of ingredients, read sugar, sucrose, fructose, corn syrup, white flour or wheat, these foods mainly contain simple carbohydrates and should be limited"Rebecca Lewis, RD, told us. "A food is considered only a whole grain if the first ingredient of the package says," whole grain "or" whole wheat ".


Make your sandwich open face to face

Open faced sandwich

Another way to cut carbohydrates and calories and lose weight fast consists of dealing with your sandwich. Opting for a slice of bread instead of two will save you 70-90 calories and leaves you more space to stack you with healthy seals such as lettuce, tomato, germs and lawyer. Always hungry? Associate your sandwich with a baby carrot side or pepper bands. Water and vegetable fiber will fill you up and contribute to your weight loss efforts.


Sizes of ocular portions

healthy plate

You do not need to escape measuring cups to properly perport your food: a portion meat size is about the size of a card game or the size of the palm of your hand. Your entire fist should have the size of a portion of vegetables (although more, better!). A portion of grease, such as butter or coconut oil, should be the size of your thumb. Your carbohydrate server should not be bigger than that can hold in hand in cup. For other ways, your appropriate service sizes, checkWhat sizes of portions really look like.


Take your vitamins

Vitamin C on wooden table

If you eat a diet rich in fresh fruit and vegetables, you get vitamins and minerals needed to strengthen weight loss and lose weight fast. But it's also a good idea to take vitamins that can complement your diet; Vitamins B (including B2 and B12) can increase energy, vitamin D can regulate appetite and facilitate weight loss, and magnesium can trigger a lipolysis, a process in which your body releases fat from the grease. where it is stored.


Catch the hot sauce

hot sauce

Spice your favorite foods with a few dashes of hot cayenne pepper sauce. Cayenne Pepper contains capsaicin, an appetite hunger; A study in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I noticed that people who ate capsaïcin have consumed 200 fewer calories at the next meal. Not only will it help you reduce calories and increase weight loss, but researchers also found that capsaicin can help you lose belly fat and lose weight fast.


Write it

man writing

As you enjoy your meal or snack, make sure you take a few seconds to reach it. Whether you prefer the old football and newspaper approach or a food application like myfitnesspal, saving what you eat can help you reduce calories.


Extinct television

man watching tv on couch holding popcorn bowl

There is no way of sugar this: yourTelevision makes you magnify. This prevents you from being active, gives you the tissues and distract you while you eat. A study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionI found that people who ate in front of television consumed 10% more than they would normally do. Eating while being distracting disturbed your satiety signals, stop cutting all your electronics while Munching will help you keep you with your portions and feel full.



grocery shopping headphones

Even listening to music while you eat can result in weight gain, according to a study published in the newspaper.Appetite. The research showed that people who listened to music ate ​​more food and that it did not matter to the rhythm or volume of music playing. It is best to focus on the food you eat while you graze, which helps you adjust the signals to feel full.


Stand at work

Woman with office standing desk

One of the easiest ways to burn some additional calories is to get up from your chair at work; standing burns 50 more calories per hour than sitting, according to oneBritish study. If you have the chance to have a standing desk, make sure to use it. Otherwise, you can easily fly by stacking books or boxes on your desktop and stay at work. At the very least, make sure you take a break every hour to get up and stretch and possibly take a walk around the office. Each movement counts!



Salt shaker

Do you sprinkle with absolutely salt on your food without even snacking it first? Stop that! Seriously. The additional sodium can result in water weight gain and bloating, which will facilitate your tighter pants (and the scale of the scale). Make sure you read your labels too; Sodium is generally hiding in processed foods or even "healthy" like frozen dinners and canned soups.


Stop with a glass of wine

Black woman drinking red wine

Red wine can actually be good for your health, thanks to the antioxidant resveratrol, what studies showed are good for your health and could help you lose weight. But more than one drink, and you open up extra sugar, empty calories and a buzzozy buzzy, which can inhibit your ability to make healthy food choices. If you are happy, stop at a drink and opt for Club Soda (which is free of calories) or water with lemon.


Stay calm

Woman setting thermostat

The blasting of fat could be as simple as transforming your heat (or demot it) before going to bed. A study published in the newspaperDiabetes I found that the participants who slept in 66-degree cold rooms burned nearly twice as much brunette fat after a few weeks as those sleeping in rooms that were a neutral 75 or a bulk of 81 degrees.


Become crazy

almonds in white bowl

Just blow up some almonds in the mouth could help you lose books and not only because the almonds are better for you than, say, candy. A study published in theJournal of the American Heart Association found that eating 1.5 ounces of almonds a reduced day of the belly and the fat of the leg. And another study of overweight adults revealed that people who eaten ¼ cup of almonds for 6 months had a reduction of 62% more by weight and IMC.


Keep healthy snacks at hand

apples peanut butter

If you keep your wallet, your car and office desk converted with healthy snacks, you will be less tempted to hit the vending machine or driving. Try raw almonds, bananas or one of ourEating these approved nutrition bars For a satisfactory and dense nutrient option to feed these hunger pains.


Pack the remains right away

Leftover food in plastic containers

When you have finished cooking, just leave enough for your meal and carries the rest. The more your food is sitting, the more likely you are to nibble and return for seconds (or third parties). Same thing for when you dine: Ask for a GO box with your meal, this way you can pack the remains and are not tempted to eat too much.


Find the perfect pair

Toast with peanut butter

Carbohydrates and proteins, that is to say. Carbohydrates are certainly not the enemy; You can totally enjoy carbohydrates and lose weight always. The trick consists of choosing something complex (like brown rice, quinoa or whole grain bread) or something refined (like white rice, white pasta and white bread), and associate it with A protein. So, if you encounter crackers for a snack, make sure to eat almonds or a stringed cheese stick. "I always inspect a protein and carbohydrates at each meal",Jim White, RD, ACSM health and owner of Jim White Fitness & Nutrition Studios told us. "He can brake your appetite and slow down the glycemic index of some of your superior sweet foods."


Pair jeans

Woman looking in mirror

By opting for jeans instead of more formal business dress could help keep books. AStudy of the University of Wisconsin I found that people who wore a denim at work took nearly 500 more stages throughout the day as the days when they wore more formal clothing. If your desktop allows, try to make the disponible Friday will occur more than once a week.


Instagram your food

photographing food

No seriously. This boring social media habit could end up helping you eat less. An analysis of attentive feed studies published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I showed that if people remember their last meal as being filled and satisfactory, they tend to eat less on their next meal. So push your delicious food and scroll through your power before eating next.


Scroll through unhealthy recipe videos

order on phone

Do you know all of these high calorie sugar and sugar recipe videos that throw your news on Facebook? Hands with a fast pace of cookie dough layers, peanut butter cups and chocolate brownie pasta that meet to meet a decadent dessert that is also ridiculously fattening. "Websites and social media are basically fat", "Lisa Hayim, MS, Rd and Founder of welcome, told us for our article onThe worst women's weight loss errors do. "If it's not 25 ways to eat Tets Tets, then it's [something] day [something]. The Internet has made it essentially impossible to stay away from desires And indulgences. They are not excuses to eat unhealthy food. " The next time you see one of these videos, scroll quickly.


Look at the restaurant menus

holding menu

Go out at dinner? Decide what you will order before you even sit down the restaurant menu beforehand. You will be less likely to order the impulse and to be able to select the healthiest item without thinking about it. For more ways of losing weight by dining, check out our list ofTips for eating healthy restaurants.


Stop and feel the fruit

apple slices in white apple shaped bowl

Take a breath of fresh green apples, bananas and pears can help reduce appetite and decrease the desserts of sweet desserts, studies have shown. If you keep a fruit basket on your counter, stop and feel the product if you find yourself wanting something sweet. Otherwise, a scented lotion will have the same effect.


Pass hand disinfecting

hands with hand sanitizer

You may think that the disinfecting hands zappped germs and will prevent you from getting sick, but it could also make you fat. The disinfectant of the hands contains Triclosan, that the researchers have proved to be an "obesogenic", which means that it could cause weight gain by disturbing the hormones of your body. A study published in the newspaperPlos a found that people with detectable levels of Triclosan in their bodies were associated with an increase of 0.9 points of the body mass index (BMI). If you are really worried about germs, it is better to count on the right soap and water. (Obviously, if you need to use a disinfectant, it's better than nothing!)


Eat with your non-dominant hand

eating salad

It sounds stupid, but helping the hand you eat with can save you calories and help increase weight loss. "It takes 15 minutes for your brain to realize that you are full," Celebrity Personal Trainer Jay Cardiello told us in our articleMore than 40 weight loss tips. "To give your mind the time to catch up your mouth, simply change your non-dominant hand fork. It can be frustrating, but it is a simple and imperceptible way to reduce weight consumption and lose weight."


Brush your teeth just after dinner

Man brushing teeth

Stopping After dinner is an easy way to easily reduce calories and additional cute calories, and can help increase weight loss, says White. One way to prevent post-dinner pasture is to brush your teeth almost immediately after your last meal of the day. The flavor monitor of your mouth will make all your favorite coarse taste, and you will not want to go back and brush your teeth again.


Define your sneakers at night before

Workout clothes set out

Getting up early for a workout A.M. is always difficult, especially since you slug to dress up before the sun rises. Leave your sneakers in light of your bed will facilitate the possibility of getting out of bed and reminding you why you wake up early in the first place. In addition, defining all your workout set will allow you to prepare yourself, so you can dress up and leave the house before having time to change your mind.


Put your phone at night

woman on phone in bed

Scroll through your social media one last time can be most of the pre-bed rituals, but it can really spoil your sleep cycle. The light of your screen can suppress melatonin, the hormone that controls sleep. And get a lot of attention is important for your size; A study published in the newspaperTo sleep I noticed that people who had not received the 7 to 8 hours of sleep recommended one night were more at risk of weight gain. Try to get away from your phone 20 minutes before your time waiting to avoid light distraction.

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