The 10 most toxic ingredients hide in fast food

Your favorite menu item may have one of these hidden chemicals related to health risks.

For years, research has indicated that fast service, mass and cost-effective meals you will find at mostFast food are everything except healthy. Eat these foods regularly - which are high in calories, grease, cholesterol, sodium, sugar and carbohydrates - have been linked to side effects such as an increased risk ofweight gainCardiac disease, diabetes and depression ... Just to name a few.

That said, "If you consume processed or fast foods in a very occasional way, your risk of adverse effects is low," saysJessica Cording, MS, RD, CDN, INHC, author ofThe small book of Game changers: 50 healthy habits for stress management and anxiety.

Nevertheless, there are other ingredients not so obvious in fast restaurants that can cause additional health problems. Read it for adding additives, preservatives and chemicals that could be in your favorites of your Drive-Thru Comfort. And for more, be aware of the112 most popular sodas classified by how toxic they are toxic.


Natural flavor of beef

mcdonald's food fries lights

McDonald's global fries are made with a natural beef flavor that "contains hydrolyzed wheat and hydrolysed milk as starting ingredients", according to theRestaurant site. Back in 2002,CBS News Reported that McDonald's has settled a prosecution group to label their fries and choppers as a vegetarian, although they are improved vegetable oil beef.

TheFDA described as all foods labeled with the term "natural flavoring" means "essential oil, oleoresin, gasoline or extraction, protein hydrolyzate, distillate or any roasting, heating or d Enzymolysis, which contains the aroma "should come from a variety of food products. So, what is exactly in the flavor of beef if the beef is not indicated on the list of ingredients?

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Potassium bromate

Burger bun

Sometimes simply called bromate, this additive is thrown into recipes to improve the texture and climb of the flour, says. "Although it is" used "in the cooking process if the appropriate amount is used, once too inclusive in a recipe, some may remain in the finished product," she says.

After animal studies have found a possible link with cancerous tumors, the potassium bromate has been prohibited in Canada, the United Kingdom and the European Union. And yet, he would still have appeared small sandwich breads and pizza pasta from some fast food chains in the United States.

"The FDA [Food and Drug Administration] encourages the United States Bakers to choose not to use brominated flours and state laws of California require products manufactured with bromate potassium to disclose the potential cancer link on The label ", continues. "If you do not have this particular food item once a very large, the danger is probably minimal. But if it's a more frequent part of your diet, consider an alternative."

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Propylene glycol

A colorless compound that does not occur in nature, propylene glycol is defined as an anti-brittle agent by theFDA. It is used in foods such as non-alcoholic beverages, marinades, dressings, seasonings, baked products, frozen icing and dairy products (to name a few) to "preserve the texture, especially for Prevent wet food from drying out and acts as a solvent for flavors and colors, "explains Cording.

The FDA considered it "generally recognized as safe" (fat), but recommend that users not exceed "good current manufacturing practice".

"Although documented toxicity is rare, there are potential health risks with high food consumption that contain it, especially in people with liver and kidney problems, because the body treats this compound", continues the filing. "Regardless of its fat status, it should be emphasized that propylene glycol is also used in non-food products, cosmetics, antifreeze and ice packs, which is not particularly appetizing."

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plate of fried chicken
Darryl Brooks / Shutterstock

Freedy fries and snacks in the fast food restaurants are likely to contain the tertiary preservation of butylhydroquinone, or TBHQ, to prevent deterioration of oils and fats (usually animal greases).

However, two studies indicate that this common ingredient approved by the FDA may result in possible health complications. Search published in the newspaperFOOD BIOSCIENCE said the TBHQ could change the positive effects of probiotics (good bacteria that supports a healthy gut flora) - the discovery they determined "could subsequently influence human health."

An animal study published in the newspaperFederation of American companies for experimental biology (FASEB) discovered that this food additive can affect the immune response of the influenza body.


Calcium sulphate

Pastries on display at Starbucks Reserve
Kiersten Hickman / Eat this, not that!

Another anti-grooving agent and dough strengthening, this colorless ingredient used in rolls and bakery products provides calcium to food, the United States. "There are restrictions on the amount of food that can be used in food in the United States to maintain the contribution with safe limits. That said, there are concerns about excessive consumption of calcium in certain medical conditions, especially in additional form. "

While occasional madness should not affect your well-being, cording advises reconsider your meal choices if you eat a large volume of food with calcium sulphate.

In addition, you might be interested in knowing that a version of this ingredient is added to construction products, such as tiles and plaster. "Although the form found in the food is not the same form as the calcium sulphate used in building materials, it certainly does not look like something you want to eat regularly."

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Phosphate additives

Chicken nuggets

Sodas, flavored waters, packaged meat, processed cheese and chicken nuggets are only a handful of food that can contain this food additive, which stems from the mineral phosphorus and is designed to improve the flavor and act as a emulsifier.

The first cording warning is for anyone who has been diagnosed with a state of health (such as kidney disease) requiring limited phosphorus in the diet. "However, even healthy people who find themselves with high blood phosphorus rates can be at risk of harmful effects on bone health and cardiac health," she says. "Although most available research concern kidney health, there are studies on the impact of high ingestion and poor bone health and cardiovascular problems."

Search published in the newspaperTraffic concluded that animals and humans have become less active physically when increased phosphate levels were present in the blood. "But there are many other reasons to limit foods that generally contain phosphate additives such as soda, packaged meats and processed foods - it is a greater concern to add to the list. " Keep reading to find outWhat's really in your chicken nuggets.



Various single serve packets of Heinz products including ketchup mayo and yellow mustard on a cherry wood countertop.

"Butylated hydroxytolue is a chemical created by the laboratory used to preserve freshness in food," says Cording. "The amounts used in foods are generally considered safe, although animal studies showed a potential link to certain cancers at large doses."

Although many food companies have removed this additive from the list of their ingredient, theFDAAlways approves small amounts of BHT in food, including dry yeast, desserts, drinks, dressings, Mayo,saucesand sandwich propagates, as well as many potato articles (dehydrated potato shredders, potato flakes and potato granules).

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Impossible burger meat

A food condom used to delay food deterioration and extend the shelf life in oils, propyl gallet is an artificial ingredient in corn products, meat products and mayonnaise.

A study published in the newspaperDrug and chemical toxicology indicates that this additive may have an effect on cancer cells and, depending on theContact Dermatitis InstituteThis product is also found in cosmetics, lubricants and capillary products.

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takeout meal

Food packaging has been a permanent concern since the chemicals used in treatment materials can affirm in meals.

George Washington University Researchers reviewed health data of more than 10,200 adults who have sold at nine years. The participants were invited to record everything they eat, with where the food came from (ie homemade, take away) every 24 hours. The authors learned that burgers and sandwiches purchased at Fast Food restaurants and cafeterias were linked to higher phthalate levels: about 30%.

Take away boxes, plastic containers and gloves used in food preparation tend to contain this group of chemicals represented to beendocrine disruptors (Substances that cause hormonal imbalances and may result in multiple disorders and diseases, including thyroid problems, reproductive problems, prostate cancer and breast cancer).



mcdonalds big mac no ketchup
Ann Marie Langrehr / Eat this, not that!

Speaking of food packaging, polyfluoroalkyl substances and polyfluoroalkyl (also called PFASS) are fluorine-based chemicals in food packaging at Fast Food associated with cancer, fertility problems, low birth weight. and an weakened immune system, according to research published in the newspaperScience of the environment and technological letters. After studying more than 400 containers and food packages fast foods across the country, chemists have discovered that 20% of French fries cardboard sleeves, 38% of burger and sandwich packaging, and 56% Desserts and bread packages contained fluorine. Packaging materials to repel fat and water.

"This is what people can be exposed to these toxic chemicals through the food they eat," said Dr. Laurel Schaid, an environmental chemist from the Silent Spring Institute, as indicated by theEnvironmental Working Group. "The PFASS has been linked to many effects on health, including cancer. Children are particularly at risk because their developing bodies are more vulnerable to toxic chemicals."

In reality,A 2020 report Directed by advocacy groups discovered that the PFA chemicals continue to hide in food packaging - and almost half of their samples have been tested higher than recommended screening levels. "Exposure to PFAs is a particularly high concern in the context of COVID-19 since they are linked to the elimination of the immune system as well as chronic conditions that increase the gravity of CVIV-19", according to the product campaign. safer chemicals, healthy families. .

For more foods to avoid on the basis of what they contain, check the100 unhealthy foods on the planet.

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