40 health errors you need to stop doing after 40

It's time to cope with reality: you are no longer a spring chicken, so it's time to stop acting like one.

If you see that, congratulations! You have spent 40 years! Keep keeping this story so that you can reach 80 and beyond. We asked the best doctors, nutritionists and mental health professionals from the country how you can optimize yourself and live happier, healthier andlonger than ever. Click to discover how.

RELATED: 50 things that doctors would say their own mothers.


Be aware of the hormonal factors

doctor consulting with patient, horizontal

It is difficult not to notice the changes of our body, but the underlying causes could not be so obvious. "We can experience hormonal changes as we get older, which can change the way food is metabolized and how our bodies use and produce energy," says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, Authorized Dietidian and founder of Isabel Smith Nutrition. "As a result, it can be a frustrating reality for many when they notice more fat around their environment (especially for women)." And for more ways to keep your check in the middle, see50 ways to shrink your belly.

RX: Come to the fact that your body simply does not treat the food in the same way and commit yourself to a conscious way of life in which you are able to make healthier choices.


Balancing your blood glucose

Woman Eating Healthy Meal in Kitchen

This is not an exact science, but changes in mood, energy or sleep can mean that your blood glucose can be running out of guys. "It is important that we systematically eat for blood sugar balancing, which is really the key [to stay in shape in your forty]. The grease that tends to collect around half glucose and blood glucose blood glucose and cortisol levels, "explains Smith.

RX: A good way to stabilize things is to avoid blood glucose peaks and accidents caused byempty carbohydrates like white bread and pasta. SeeThe 20 unhealthy carbohydrate habits for your size So, you know what to avoid.


You are probable too much caffein

Middle Aged Couple Meeting Friends Around Table In Coffee Shop

It is very likely that this is not the first time you have been told to reduce coffee, but it's time to do it! "For caffeine, I would suggest a drink a day. Depending on what you have, it's between 35 and 80 mg a day, but really more than that," says Smith. "Know that Decaf does not mean without caffeine." Too much caffeine can cause insomnia, irritability and when used as a quick solution for an energy dip rather than reachingwhole foodsYou fly your body a chance to feed themselves properly, which will not repair the underlying fatigue.

Read more:35 things you did not know about caffeine


Fuel Energy Dips With Whole Foods - No Malb

Grilled fish

No matter how old we are, energy dips and joke desires can always throw us for a loop. "People do not clinically have problems with blood sugar control, but they can feel when their blood glucose is not well balanced," says Smith. "The clues that really feel tired throughout the day, waking up super tired or having energy accidents. When it hangs, we probably have to be fed, but what happens is that peoplecaffeiner who can aggravate. "

RX: Reach objects rich in protein or healthy such as chicken, fish or nuts when you feel your battery dying to level your blood glucose.


Do not complete without talking to a professional


It is easy to be fired in the world fast patches and "magic pills", but to walk with caution in terms of supplementation. "I recommend you check your vitamin D to see how much, or if you need to complete," says Smith. "Most people can benefit from an supplement of probiotic or fish oil, but it's always wise to have a conversation with a professional on your diet and have a person with trained eyes look at your job of blood." And while you are at the doctor, here's20 questions you should ask your doctor.


Sleep sleep

man sleeping in bed

When you had 20 years, you may have received only four or five hours of sleep, but these days left for a long time. You are probably shot in one million different directions, but it is crucial for your health and mental health that you plan an adequate sleep every night. "We need seven to eight hours of sleep for night," says Smith. "In addition, as we get older, we might need more sleep."


Cut empty calories once and for all

Women hand pour or fill drink in glass, double glass of soda on wooden table

One of the biggest changes we live in our 30s and 40 is the way our body uses and treats calories. The slowdown in metabolism always feared is actually a bit of a reality. "Focus on the cutting of empty calories, because they are quick and do not let you feel full. Avoid losing your nutrient needs on empty calorie elements such as chips, non-alcoholic beverages and syrups at the edge of nature, "says Jessica Crandall, a Denver Rd, certified diabetes educator and national spokesperson for theAcademy of Nutrition and Dietetics. And for other foods to avoid, see the100 UnHealthiest Foods on the planet.


Take breakfast at an hour's increase


If you have never been a breakfast person, it's better late than never. "Meal schedules are really important for your metabolism," says Crandall. "The best thing we can do is to make sure we are re-calming our body by eating breakfast in the first hour to wake up. »Do this will help you enjoy some of them21 things happening to your body when you eat breakfast!


Eat every 4-6 hours

woman on the sofa eating a healthy salad

Not only is it important to restart your metabolism first thing in the morning with ahealthy breakfastBut to keep it hum you must eat regularly throughout the day. Crandall suggests eating every four to six hours after breakfast to keep your body fueled and efficient use of energy, which can help all fat burning objectives. For easy breakfast ideas, see42 After 40 best hosts!


Take 20-30 grams of protein per meal


You must not be a bodybuilder to search for the coherent protein. The nutrient is essential to maintaining and building muscle mass with age. "It is important to make sure we have 20 to 30 grams of protein at each meal. This is ideal to help maintain this strong muscle mass, "says Crandall. The more muscle you have, less overall fat is on your body. "Muscle mass less means a higher body fat percentage. At rest, the skinny body mass is active, burning calories, which is why have more lean muscle means a faster metabolism. Fat, at rest, is inactive, the metabolism in a global way is slower, "says Tanya Zuckerbrot, Rd and founder of the popular F-Factor regime. here isHow to eat protein for maximum weight loss!


Scope for more antioxidants


Now you probably know that antioxidants are healthy, but nutrients are particularly important with age, to prevent and combat problems that can occur such as skin damage or even certain cancers. "I also think we are entering this age that we think about antioxidants and cell health. Maybe our joints are a little more aches. You should be a good amount of antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans in your diet, "says Crandall.


Get in your Omega Every Day


In the last decade, fat became fashionable. But regardless of hype, healthy fats likeOMEGA-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for the functions of your health and for the body. . "Increasing omega-3 admission, you can really help reduce articular pain in your 20 years, you ever felt your joints at all - you thought you were Gumby - but it's now time to be more Respectful of your joints to stay so active as you have the opportunity to do the things you like to do ", says Crandall.

RX:Wild salmon is our preferred Go-To source for omega-3.


Edit your movements

Cheerful female cyclist enjoying a bike ride

It can feel suddenly as you need any erasure that you have learned over the last 20 years or if with regard to exercise, but there is no need to file your favorite workouts - Just modify. "Find different changes for your activities and stay positive about it. You can not be able to go out and do the long runs you used to do or lift heavy, but there are still a lot of low impact options such as cycling or lighter lifting with more frequent representatives "," Said Crandall.


Make your diet healthier for the heart


When you were younger the last thing you probably thought about it was your heart health, but be aware of your ticker is very important as we get older. The sooner you are healthy a priority, better because prevention is the most effective measure you can take.

RX: "Focus on foods richer in fiber and cholesterol foods to make sure your heart stay healthy. In addition, look at greasy and healthier oils and try to omit some more treated meats like bacon, "says Crandall.


Kick your calcium intake


At this point in your life, you must also think about bone density and what you can do to strengthen it. "After the age of 40, it is important to make sure that you maintain healthy bones to avoid developing osteoporosis. It usually occurs in people over 50 and increases the risk of fractures. To maintain bone density, consume 1,000 to 200 mg ofcalcium Every day as well as vitamin D and a moderate exercise, "says Zuckerbrot. About three portions of dairy products is enough, but talk to your doctor if you need extra help in your daily dose assembly. And if you need ideas, seeThe 20 best calcium-rich foods that are not dairy products.


Supplement with B12


Older people usually have a higher risk of vitamin B12 deficiency due to our ability to absorb vitamin decreases. "Vitamin B12 is important for the appropriate nerve function and the production of red blood cells. Older adults should target 2.4 micrograms a day, "says Zuckerbrot. B12 is in dairy products, eggs and fish. However, it is always a good idea to consult a professional to make you get you a sufficient quantity and otherwise they can offer options for supplementation.


Work on prevention


Your 40s can be a turbulent period, thanks to the career and the family moves. The reality is that chaos is probably will not disappear from sit once. "I think it's important to really realize that things are not better, prevention is the best key," says Crandall. "Start working on yourself today compared to 10 years. We know that, on average, people earn 1 to 2 pounds a year, so if you work towards it now and your metabolism still works well, I think it's really useful in the long run ".


Buy nine plates


Cleaning Sometimes your diet is as simple as buying new Dishware. "By using smaller cutting plates on the size of the portions can be useful," says Crandall. Drop the 12 inch and start using the 9 inches. An exchange like this can add up todark cuts in calories.


Make it a group effort

group of mature people holding yoga mat and towel in conversation after exercising at park

You can feel as if you were everyone juggling Priorities is other than yourself, but it's important to realize that you do not have to go on your own solo goals. "Our 30 and 40 can be a very busy time for work, family and friends, and thus advance planning can be very useful," says Crandall. "Even if you are a meal preparing with friends, meet a Sunday to make a healthy meal exchange for the week. With something like that, at least you eat at home compared to eating. »Plan a full menu of these26 foods to keep you watching and feeling young!


Lawyer for yourself

woman in retro garment hugging self

Simply because you put everyone means does not need the first other steps you have to throw your own needs through the window. More than ever, it is important to make room for yourself. "I think between work, social and family life, it's not necessarily easier, so you have to defend your rights," says Crandall. "Make sure you get a good sleep, that you are active and that you integrate these key elements into a healthy lifestyle. It is also important to take the time to do the things you like to do, rather than fighting at the gym, when you have a moment of free ".


Phone to a friend

Woman Using Laptop And Talking On Phone In Kitchen At Home

If you find yourself cut off your shopping or short walks because of boredom, a friend's recruitment can help you with the finish line. "To mobilize your friends to take a walk can make it more entertaining for you, which can actually end up doing the activity or on foot last longer," says Crandall. If the plans do not match, try to call a friend on your daily walk to help make the activity more enjoyable if you will stay committed and tracking.


TOSS recipe complicated books

Woman holding cookbook

It is quite difficult gather the whole family for a meal and find the time to do it in the first place, so do not feel guilty if you have jumped this fantasy lasagna recipe tonight. "Try to find the most for your recital money," says Crandall. "Look for things that are practical to make a two-page recipe. Most of the time, it's not really possible anyway. »Return of cut on the preparation will achieve your health goals much easier.


Test a meal delivery service


What better way to reduce the time spent doing healthy meals than to delegate responsibility? "There is a change to food pre-orMeal delivery services"Said Crandall. "For families who eat at home, it could be helpful, as long as they are restoration to their nutritional needs. »Need individual selection help? See itTop Service Delivery of meals for each diet.


Talk to a dietician


What may have worked for you 20 years ago, can not cut it anymore. It is essential to consult an expert in nutrition to make sure you are meeting the needs of your growing body. "Meeting with a dietitian can help you navigate the foundation of the food that is there, whether it's the food you make at home or if you eat outside. They can give some good tips for getting healthy foods on the thumb and the healthy overall choice point ", says Crandall.


Keep Moving No Matter What

Fitness woman runner stretching legs

Whether you are able to run, walking, swimming or cycling - everything you do, do not stop moving. "Once we reach the age of 30, our bodies begin to lose muscle mass - about half a muscle book a year," says Zuckerbrot. "This translates into a slower metabolism. Inactive people can lose up to 3-5% muscle mass per year. Staying active can help reduce this." Try theseSeven ways to make your workout of 500% more efficient!


Make a real effort to change your diet


If you have not done yet, hit the extra-hard gym will not lose the damage of this hamburger and fries in the same way as 20 years ago. "If a person eats the same exact thing, they ate in the quarantine and 50 years as they did in their twenties, they will suffer a weight gain because their metabolism is slower and because they naturally less Lean muscle mass, "says Zuckerbrot. Be serious and start being more conscious and stimulating with your food options. In order to pay your eating habits will allow your body to better work in the long term.


Reduce high intensity workouts

Woman straining and struggling to lift weights at gym because of lost muscle mass

You may have been unstoppable in your primordial, go for five miles and lift heavyweights. But as we get older, our bodies are not able to tolerate the same level of intensity. "As we get older, we could have different body pain and things might feel different. When you are young, you can escape with higher intensity workouts and I think people really rely on that To stay in shape and thin. However, while the movement is great, we have to do what is good for our body, because we get older, "Smith declares.


Do not try to get out of your diet


If you have been one to hit the gym very hard after a weekend frenzy, you are not alone. Often, we turn to the exercise to correct diet errors, but this solution does not last forever. "I will see many chronic exercisers who will use exercise as a form of getting rid of calories," says Smith. "Our ability to do this as we get older changes - our body changes and our metabolism changes."

RX: It is important to separate food from exercise and focus oneat well. Exercise something that will not beat your body. "



Senior man in sports clothing in gym working out with weights

We are experiencing a big change in the body fat ratio to muscle while we get older because it becomes more difficult to build and maintain muscle mass. "After 40 years, people should try to maintain, if not increase, muscle shops and lean body mass," says Zuckerbrot. "More lean muscle will reduce the percentage of body fat and prevent the metabolism of the slowdown. The strength or formation of resistance is more effective than cardiovascular activity in preserving the valuable muscle mass. A study carried out by theApplied Physiology Journal He has shown that resistance training has greatly increased the lean body mass among participants, while cardiovascular exercise has decreased considerably. "


Beware of cardio

Man running in a gym on a treadmill concept for exercising, fitness and healthy lifestyle

Any type of movement is beneficial for your overall health, but host the appetite-boost effect of a heavy cardio training if you try to maintain or lose weight. "Cardio stimulates appetite and people end up eating more sometimes than if they had not worked," said Zuckerbrot. "People often feel abilities to eat more post-activity, overestimating calories burned in the gym and underestimate caloric intake."


Start a food review

middle age woman working at home with laptop and notebook. writing a note

If you have never connected what you eat, it could increase your weight loss or physical fitness results at ten times. Food logging is a good way to stay responsible for what you eat and work frequency. By writing your progress and examining it regularly, you can better evaluate your starting point and choose areas that can hold you back.

Read more:The Expert Guide to Keep Food Review for Effective Weight Loss



Mature african woman practicing yoga and meditates near swimming pool outdoor

Going to the gym will strengthen your body and meditation will result in your mind. Search published inJAMA internal medicine suggests taking the time to meditate daily can help reducestress, anxiety, depression and even pain. If you have never tried to meditate, yoga can also be a good practice to start helping you get tired in this type of conscious state.


Stop avoiding the doctor

doctor examines with her fingers, palpates her neck and lymph nodes

It can be incredibly beneficial to consult a coach on fitness issues and contact a dietician to help set up a healthy food plan, but with respect to basic health practices, you should see a doctor every year as a method of prevention. "It's important to check regularly with your health care team as we get older. Everyone should have a primary care doctor or a creditist who knows their medical history, as well as specialists, as a need to be. He is Also important to listen to our bodies. If something hurts, do not ignore it, it hurts for a reason, make it check! "Said Zuckerbrot.


Fill on the fiber

Fiber was important two decades ago, and it's still important now. "Fiber helps keep the intestinal function regular, helps reduce the risk to colon cancer and is good for overall heart health," said Zuckerbrot. Aim for more than 30 grams of fiber a day.

RX: Fiber is found in fruits like brothers, vegetables such as artichokes, whole grains such as Farro and Quinoa, as well as beans, peas and legumes.

Read more:20 easy ways to add fiber to your diet


Increase potassium intake


Although we do not say that you should need to double your banana consumption, it is important that you increase your potassium consumption. "The increase in potassium intake and the reduction of sodium or salt intake can help reduce the risk of high blood pressure," says Zuckerbrot. The good sources of potassium include most fruits and vegetables such as bananas, potatoes, lawyers and spinach.


Minimize your micro-stress

Man stressed while working on laptop

A bad trip, a colleague from Sniping, a long line to all foods - these small micro-stress, which we will tolerate every day in the context of life, can lead to a macro problem. Stress, as we learned, tax your heart.

RX: Meditation for 10 minutes each morning can help you better deal with your way.


You are not in rolling foam

Man foam rolling. Athlete stretches using foam roller

The foam rollers - you know, these soaked tubes made from foams, in the wonders of the gym on the painful joints, the bad backs and the tired muscles. (They also help stimulate the lymphatic system that can make you feel more relaxed.)

RX: Add five minutes of foam roller before each workout or when you relax in front of the TV and see what we want to say.


You think the grass is greener

woman lying on a grass outdoor

Most of us spend decades working strong enough to have a proverbie with a lawn only to look at your neighbor and think, "I want his."

RX: At your age, it is very important to be ambitious. Just do not confuse the ambition (that is, who works to get what you want) with Envy (that is, not being happy with the amazing things you have).


You compromise

african american psychiatrist talking to young couple

You can enjoy your mediocre without crisis. A path is to eliminate regrets intelligently and systematically, instead of letting them accumulate.

RX: Make a list of ways you have made compromises in your life - we hear the compromises that make you feel less likeyou. Then examine and unzip each, and write how you want things to be better six months from now. Then work with a professional-career advisor, therapist, coach of life - to reach what you want, without hurting your life.


You think you can do what you did

night club lights

After 40 years, do not stop living, just live differently. If you stayed outside until 4 o'clock in the morning every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night in your thirties, consider going out at the club one night a night nowadays, or leave a few hours earlier (especially if you have children who awake you early).

RX: It is important to realize that it does not realize. This is your evolution in a new more recent and healthier who needs seven to nine hours of sleep in a coherent way. Make sure to see the15 ways to sleep after 40 years So you can get a better sleep schedule.

Categories: Health
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