5 ways to drink too much coffee can sabotage your health, according to science

There are potentially ugly side effects of consuming too much of this fatal beverage.

There are manyHealth benefits Associated with drinking coffee. But as is the case with almost all foods or drinks - there is potentiallyLaid side effects of consuming too much of this fatal beverage, also.

Below are five ways to learn that too much coffee every day could potentially sabotage your overall health, especially in the short term. And then, do not miss15 underestimated weight loss tips that actually work!

You could experience ...


High stress levels

sad woman near window thinking

Many of us start our day with a cup or coffee. While this cup can do so many wonders for you at the beginning of your day, drinking continually Java throughout the day could gradually make you feeleven more stressed. Cortisol, the stress hormone, is largely to blame for this reaction and consume large quantities of caffeine can cause an increase in your cortisol.

In fact, a study ofThe University of Ohio State Revealed that caffeine caused blood pressure and norepinephrine - another hormone involved in stress regulation levels increases even when participants were at rest.


Stomach burns or acid reflux


In a recent letter of research published byJama, one of the recommended lifestyle changes that you can bring to reduce your gastro-esophageal reflux risk (GERD) - the main symptoms areStomach burns and acid reflux-The to cut Java. If you are already subject to stomach burns or acid reflux, it is particularly wise to cap of your coffee consumption with two cups.



sad and depressed black african American woman in bed sleepless late night feeling desperate looking worried and anxious suffering depression problem and insomnia sleeping disorder

Have you ever taken an Fika, which translates more or less to a cafe break in Swedish, noon? While the concept of taking a break from your screen - or whatever your daily tasks involve - is both healthy and needed, drinking a conditioned drink late in the dayCould interfere with your ability to rest peacefully at night.

A 2013 study published in theClinical Sleep Medicine Journaldiscovered that drinking caffeine upSix hours before bedtime, you can cost yourself about an hour of sleep every night. Make sure to stop drinking coffee just after lunch to make sure you rest a rest night. Also, do not missThe 5 best absolute food food for a better sleep.


Increased risk of migraines


If you already get migraines, can the consumption of too much caffeine cause them more frequently. For example, a study of theAmerican Journal of Medicine-Who asked 100 people with migraines to record the frequency they consume caffeinated drinks, such as coffee andenergy drinks-Reve to what theThe probability that someone has a migraine increased for those who drank at least three portions of caffeinated drinks a day.Another reason to stop sipping coffee after having ever had two cups!

Make sure to readDangerous side effects of drinking coffee, according to science.


Weight gain

starbucks drive-thru

The question is, how do you take your coffee? If you order aFrappuccino On the regular, it can not make favors for your size. For the context, a great Mocha Frappuccino to Starbucks made with whole milk clocks in 370 calories.

For more, be sure to read15 ways to break bad eating habits behind your weight gain.

Categories: Healthy Eating
By: lia-beck
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