Secret effects of eating bell peppers, says science

They do a lot more for your body than you think!

Whether you're jumping to throw on a bowl of rice or do thatPizza recipe with low glucidity, peppers are a delicious part of many types of meals. Bell peppers also make great snacks and are known to be an excellent source offiber and other important nutrients.

We know that peppers are aHealthy food option For meals, but there may be positive effects that surprise you! Read to discover the secret effects of eating bell peppers and do not forget to check the7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Your brain can be clearer.

slicing bell pepper

Peppers are loaded with vitamin C. In fact, peppers actually haveMore vitamin C than oranges! Something many people do not know vitamin C is that aside from its health benefits, such as the construction of immunity and managementHypertensionThis has actually been proven to help the cognitive function we get older.

A study study published inBMC psychiatrywas able to link vitamin C deficiency and feelings of depression and slower cognitive function. WhileResearchers claim that new research should take place, there have been several studies to show the links between vitamin C and cognitive function over the last 20 years - which this cohort study found in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology, which has proven that vitamin C can protect against a mild to severe cognitive impairment.


You can increase your immunity.

Red bell peppers

At a time when Covid-19 is always widespread in our world, take care of our immunity is more important than ever. Peppers contain a solid amount ofvitamin a, which is known to help with our strength of the immune system.

Most researchers agreed that adequate amounts of vitamin A can protect us from infectious diseases, but the reason behind this is still debating. According toAnnual examination of nutritionThis might be due to the fact that vitamin deficiency prevented our ability to absorb nutrients through the regeneration of some intestinal barriers after infection. Vitamin A is also necessary for the construction of important cells that fight against infectious diseases.

Related:Happy belly food that support immunity


They can increase your mood.

bell peppers

Another advantage that some people can not expect foods like Bell peppers are that they can really boost your mood. Peppers are highvitamin B6, which has been known forImprove mood and reduce the risk of depression. According to a study published in theJournal of inherited metabolic diseases, Vitamin B6 can be used as a complement to help the symptoms of depression. However, it is important to note that we can not get big levels of B6 in peppers only, so it should never be used as a means of treating depression.


They can help reduce body fat.

bell peppers
Louis Hansel / BELGSHSH

Peppers, more specifically red peppers, contain a natural compound called capsanthine. This compound creates a red color in food and can also be found in cayenne peppers, chiles and paprika. Although more research has yet to be done on this topic, scientists are starting to discover that Capsanthine's consumption can helpinflammation andweightloss.

A study found inResearch Food International Mouse used to study the effects of capsanthine on weight loss. The mice of the study not only experienced body weight loss, but their glucose and cholesterol levels decreased considerably.


They can reduce your blood pressure.

yellow bell peppers

The peppers contain a natural pigment called Quercetin. This pigment is part of a group of flavonoids and acts asPowerful antioxidant in the body. Quercetin has been linked to many health benefits, including anti-inflammation, the fight against cancer, reducing the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure.

A study of theBritish Pharmacology JournalExperienced with different rats of quercetin levels over a period of five weeks. Rats experienced a decrease in blood pressure of about 23% approximately. Additional research should be made on this subject, but pepper quercetin is revealed to be a healthy addition to our diets!

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Categories: Healthy Eating
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