What happens in your body when you eat a protein bar every day

The nutrient boost can help with your energy, but is it prudent to eat daily? We asked the experts.

Occupied lives call easy decisions, including what we eat every day. Many people are turning toprotein bars To provide nutrients and energy reinforcement while they are traveling, but as with most processed foods, they are not created equally. And although some are full of ingredients approved by the doctor and nutritionist, others are packaged with so much sugar, they do not do much for our health. Before deciding to eat a protein bar every day, consider the perspective of trusted experts who explain the 101 of these snacks and the way they affect our body.

Here is what happens to your body when you eat a protein bar every day and for healthier power tips, be sure to view our list of21 best healthy cooking hacks of all time.


Protein bars must have good vitamin content.

Chocolate protein bar scoop protein powder

With the popularity of protein bars and plethora of choice on the market today, it is important to read food labels and watch ingredients to compare the products, according to Allison Curtis, MS, RDN, the director integrative nutrition on the integrated well-being of Strata and SPA toGarden of the resort of God and Club.

If you are not sure what to search, do not transpire it. Curtis says tofocus your attention on the protein,fiber, iron, sugar and calcium, as well as vitamin A and C. Then answer these questions:

  • Does this provide at least 10% of the daily values ​​of these nutrients?
  • Does it have less than two grams of saturated fat and less than 15 grams of sugar?
  • When viewing the list of ingredients, do you see whole foods or highly transformed ingredients?

If you are not sure what to enter, consult our list of15 best healthy and; Low sugar protein bars in 2020, according to dietitians.


Protein bars can help us get the protein we need.

Protein nut bar

There is a difference between not being deficient in our protein - and sufficiently so that daily activities are easier. As certified nutritionist andShow house Coach launches Parker explains, we might need moreprotein That we realize, especially if we systematically exercise, on our feet 24/7, or through hormonal changes, like breastfeeding.

If you are wondering how much you really need, ask your doctor or consider hiring a nutritionist to access your diet. If you miss, whole foods should be your first tactic, but if you do not find that succeeding, Parker indicates that the protein bars could be an alternative.

"Depending on your goals, you may see that many healthy protein bars respond to the balance of proteins, carbohydrates and grease you are looking for," he says. "You will also find that because of the fiber content in most bars, as well as the inherent fact that your body must take longer to break the solid food, the bars can help you feel more separate longer . "

More than a song of Shakes protein? here isWhat happens to your body when you drink protein shakes every day.


Protein bars can fight against "hanger".

Protein bars

We were all there: your meeting ran for a long time, you did not have time to eat, and now you are so hungry that you can barely talk. "Hanger" is not just the same funny or a joke; It is a real and biological feeling when our blood sugar is low. That's why the dietitian and the recorded nutritionistLeah Kaufman, Ms, rd, cde, cdn says it is advantageous to keep a protein bar drawn in your backpack or handbag, so if you have a hectic day, unpredictable, you have a nutritious and affordablesnack at hand. Then you will no longer have to apologize to your colleague, your spouse or PAL for having been pushed or impatient because of hunger.

You could also have one of these19 high protein snacks, low carbohydrate for weight loss also!


Protein bars could be a smart choice for fitness lovers.

Woman eating meal replacement bars

Natalie Rizzo, MS, RD, says that the best candidates for daily consumption of protein bars are athletes or gyers of greed. How to come? They are a quick and convenient option to takemuscle strengthening protein after acoaching. When you have protein following a sweat-sonh, you help your muscles repel and meet your physical goals.

"If you are sitting at your desk and looking for a afternoon snack in Nosh, you can probably opt for a snack bar, rather than a protein bar. Protein bars tend to be Higher in calories and proteins because they are supposed to help with post-training recovery, "she says.


Protein bars should not have more than 200 calories.

Chocolate protein bars on table

A quick Google or Amazon search for "protein bars" and you can scroll for hours, try to understand the best to buy. To facilitate the task, Kaufman says to aim for a bar that does not go over 200 calories, max. Because it's the size of the ideal snack, it's a simple metric to follow. Rizzo also says to cut any bar that added more than six or seven grams of sugar. The goal is to find one that has tons of protein, fewer carbohydrates, very little sugar and some fibers.

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Protein bars should not be overused.

Protein bars

If you are an active person or a person who does not have much time for the meal or the preparation of the snack, a protein bar could transport you throughout your day. However, Parker says never to eat more than one daily.

"While putting themselves in many high quality protein every day of whole food sources can sometimes be difficult, it should always be our goal," he says. "If you choose to eat a protein bar every day to help complement your overall protein intake, be sure to experiment with different bars at the beginning and finding the one your body is the best."

Why not make your own with these16 healthy recipes of house protein bars?

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