How to drink enough water at home while stuck

I do not know if you're pretty drinking H2O throughout the day? Here is an easy way to calculate the amount of water you should consume.

As we hear many times many times how important it is to drink a lot ofthe waterIt can feel like a mystery to determine the amount of water is the right amount. In addition, when you are stuck at home all day and do not move a lot, does it mean you should always drink the same quantity?How do you determine if you are enough drinking water for the day?

To make sure you aredrink enough water, We consultedBrianne Munch, A certified personal trainer and author of the electronic bookB-FIT: The Ultimate Macro Tracking Guide, To get an overview on the issue. After manipulating many customers like online health and fitness coach, she shared some concrete tips on how to drink the right amount of water for your body type.

Measure the amount of water to drink.

The best way to calculate the amount of water you should drink isDivide your body weight into two. "Divide your body weight [number] in half, and that's how many ounces you should have one day," says Munch. "I weigh 140, which means that I should drink 70 ounces a day. This is about three bottles of water half the value of water. »

To do this, the calculation of simple you and you challenge yourself to drink plenty of water than every day!

Drink a large glass of water in the morning.

Now that you know how much water to drink, start your day with a large glass of water. Yes, even before your coffee or breakfast. This will make a huge difference.

"He gets your metabolism goes, it starts feeding your body," says Munch. "It's yourself hydrated and wakes up getting up. »

Drink streaming water and you will feel full of energy.

Not only having a glass of water helps your body wake up in the morning, but continuously drinking water can help your energy level throughout the day.

"I noticed that when I drink continuous throughout the day, my energy is about, [and] I feel good. I am not plethoric and I just passed through the day more easily, "says Munch. "I had a lot of my clients who followed this protocol dividing their weight with two and drink that many ounces of water a day, and their energy is considerably improved. »

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Drink something fun.

Katie Boyd, Nutritionist, M.S. recommends that you find a cup of pleasure or a bottle to drink, because it makes the task of drinking water a little more enjoyable throughout the day. "Getting a cup that you like to drink on," said Boyd. "I even take a little further and buy a jug and write by saying on the side of it that is a source of inspiration and motivation. »

Eat your fruits and vegetables.

Simply drinking water is not the only way to stay hydrated all day! There is a lot ofRich in water, moisturizing food Whether you can consume who can also help you set up than the number of water. Some easier to nibble include cucumbers, peaches, carrots, strawberries and Jicama.

Check your urine.

Now that you have drunk the right amount for your body weight, the actual indicator is actually in your urine. According to Dr. Michael O'Brien, Mr.D., New York Beacon primary care founder, you should drink enough water so that your PEE is a pale yellow.

While the urine test is a simple way to evaluate adequate water consumption, there are many other signs to monitor ifYour body does not receive enough water, As the feeling unnecessarily hungry or even to take water weight.

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