Cacahuet butter vs Almond butter: What is healthier for you?

We asked a dietician registered to decipher the healthier butter.

If you buy peanut butter or almond butter? This is probably a common question you encounter every time you visit the alley of nut butter at the grocery store. While both are delicious options, it can be difficult to decipher healthy walnut butter for you. Althoughalmond butter It looks like the healthier option, we decided to do some research to see if it's just in our heads. We talked to Dr. Rachel Paul, PhD, RD ofCOLLEGENUTIENTIONRIONISTIST.COMdecipher thatwalnut butter is healthier for you. We admit that the answer really surprised us.

While trying to judge a nut butter better than the other, Dr. Paul points out thatThere is a nutritional advantage to keep them in both your dietAnd you really do not have to judge a better than the other.

"Both walnut butters have different nutritional benefits," says Paul. "The best thing to do is to alternate between the two, [as well as the butters of nuts and seeds, to get various advantages."

So the question is,What kind of nutritional benefits would you like to get your nut butter? We broke the specific benefits you are looking for and which nut butter has because of that.

If you want less fat

It would be easy to assume that the almond butter would have less fat than the peanut butter, but surprising,Peanut Butter has in fact less monosaturated fat than the almond butter of 25%.

Do not forget now that monosaturated fat in your diet is actually a good thing! Monosaturated fat is ahealthy food grease This prevents you from feeling full and satisfied after your meal.

"Healthy greases offer many health benefits, such as the promotion of the brain system and the nervous system of normal functions, reduce cholesterol levels and reduce inflammation," says Dr. Paul.

So, if you are looking for nut butter that really fill, the almond butter would actually be the best option. But the difference in grams is quite small (about 2 grams for 1 tablespoon of spoon), so that the two nut butters are still large sources of monosaturated grease.

If you want more fiber

While the difference in monosaturated fat between the two nuts of nuts is minor, the difference offiber The number is in fact significant. If you want to integrate more fibers into your diet,almond butter is the best option because it provides twice the amount of fiber relative to peanut butter. There are a lot of health benefits to integrateMore fiber in your diet (Best digestion, weight loss, you name it). And if you do not eat enough, your body could take a serious success. here isWhat happens to your body when you do not eat enough fiber.

If you want more vitamins and minerals

If you want to incorporate more natural vitamins into your diet,almond butter is actually the best choice here. According to Dr. Paul, the almond butter contains seven times the amount ofcalcium, three times the amount ofVitamin Eand twice the amount of iron relative to peanut butter.

However, if you are looking for a walnut butter that will give you morepotassium, biotin, magnesium or zinc, you can actually turn to one of them. Peanut butter and almond butter have a large amount of these two minerals.

If you want less calories

Sorry, but for this one,both are pretty much the same in calories. For a tablespoon of peanut butter complaint, as well as almond butter, you consume about 100calories at a time. Obviously, it depends on the brand of peanut butter or almond butter that you decide to buy. But generally, you will see that the two butters of nuts have about 100 calories during 1 tablespoon of propagation. So, if you are looking for a nut butter that is good on calories, you can choose one of these two.

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