Side effects of abandoning alcohol, according to science

Entry into January dry? Take a break from your daily wine? This is what happens to your body.

We will give you a clue: your body will love to give upalcohol. Of course, drink aA glass of wine With your friends (even if it's on a video call), it's always a fun moment, but drink regularly can take a toll on your body. It's probably not a new to you - there are manyLaddling side effects of drinking alcohol regularly, and it's a common knowledge that drinking less can do your body - and yourbrain-something good. But what are exactly the side effects of giving up alcohol?

That you have decided to participate inDried January, do an alcoholic detox, or just take a break for a while, we did the search to know what happens to your body when you stop drinking. And get this - it's all positive. Are you surprised? Were not! Here are the side effects of giving up alcohol and healthier advice, make sure you check out our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You will sleep better.

Woman waking up from a restful nights sleep in her bed

While a glass of wine (or two) looks like the right way to relax and become goodto sleepIn reality, alcohol can actually disrupt your sleep after drinking. According toSleeping backgroundBecause of how alcohol metabolizes in your digestion of this can actually disrupt your sleep. This is because the digestion of alcohol can disrupt your REM cycle, causing your deep sleep cycles last only 40 minutes of time instead of 90 to 120 minutes during a normal evening. That's why you probably feel groggy and tired when you get up in the morning after some drinks.

By abandoning alcohol, you allow your body to sleep your although it deserves. In addition, having a good night's sleep is closely linked to better health and weight loss - a bad sleep reduces your ability to lose 55% fat, according to a study published byAnnals of internal medicine. It looks like a victory, winning.

here is7 healthy food changes that help you sleep.


You will feel less bad.

refusing alcohol

Agood mood can also be closely linked to a good night's sleep, according toHarvard HealthBut that abandons alcohol can also be a leading cause at a better mood throughout the day.

Although some people drink alcohol to relax and feel better at the moment, alcohol tiks can actually aggravate mental health problems, depending on depression and anxiety, according to theAmerican Association of Psychology. This is because alcohol is a depressant, which means that it is a substance that will calm your nervous system and relax instead of driving yourself and improving your mood (which is called a stimulant, like Caffeine).

According to a study published byResearch and behavioral therapy,Regularly consume something that slows down your cognitive behavior and increases depression and anxiety will not leave you your best. By giving up alcohol for a moment, you will notice that your mood increases considerably because of that.

Add on this good mood with these50 foods that stimulate your mood.


You will lose weight.


With a depressant, alcohol is ainflammatory Substance, which means that your body will felt swelling after consumption. Having a "beer belly" is commonly thrown like a joke, but there is a lot of scientific truth behind it. According toSatellite, drink regularly - especially wine coolers or cocktails loaded withadded sugars-Have an uncomfortable gas and a navel.

So, what happens when you decide that you give up alcohol for a moment? Your body will not be so inflated, which can cause a decrease in weight. When your body is not in a constant state of inflammation, your bodywill not undergo weight gain And can actually lose weight to be constantly inflamed.

here is24 ways to get rid of bloating in less than 24 hours.


You will be able to better focus.

woman refusing or saying no to being poured a glass of wine alcohol

It makes sense, right? By not consuming a regular depopier that can slow down your cognitive behavior, you give your body andbrainA chance to better focus on the tasks that must be made. We know that alcohol can relax and slow us down to the consumption of any depressant, so it is a common knowledge that you will not be able to concentrate as clearly as you would do without drink.

On the other hand, you may be surprised to learn that moments after drinking can actually cause deficiencies at your concentration. SearchesSwinburne University of Technology Found in a study that people who have hangovers have experienced a reduction in brain function. The greater the hangover, the more difficult it was for a participant to focus.

By cleaning the alcohol out of your system, you give your brain a chance to focus well. Even the slightest hangover can cause yourCerebral function to decrease. Although a few glasses of wine Sunday evening look like a good idea, it can not make your brain favors when you go to work on Monday morning.


You are less likely to eat unhealthy snacks.

snacking with friends

A study published byBMC Public Health states that people who drink more are more likely to eatUnhealthy snacks, like foods of convenience and sweet drinks. It makes sense, right? After some drinks, a snack of the convenience store or a plate of French fries seems attractive. This is because, with a cognitive impairment while you drink, the neurons of your brain that deal with hunger is activated under the influence, according to a study published byNature.

So, giving up alcohol, your body is less likely to regularly believe these unhealthy snacks. Of course, you can have a desire for sugar from time to time and then a bar portrait ofChocolate can easily fix. But by giving up alcohol (or by consuming less than this during the week), science shows that you are more likely to stay on track with yourhealth goals long-term.

here's whyDrink that a lot of alcohol could shorten your life of 5 years, the study.

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