If you have this type of blood, you risk being at risk of cardiac disease

"The red blood cells AB, B or AB AB and the vessels they cross are tights and more resistant to blood flow."

Yoursome blood type can reveal a lot on you, even if you could or will not getcardiopathy. What are the types of blood anyway? "The types of blood, A, B, B and 0 refer to the type of antibody that are attached to the surface of the blood cells", explains Dr. Sheldon Zablewow, a nutritional psychiatrist and author ofYour vitamins are obsolete. "A and B each have a different type on their surface and AB to both. Type 0 really represents the" zero "type because there are no antibodies on its surface. This was misinterpreted as the type" O "And over time has become an oh-o." So, how can you say if you could have heart disease? "The blood type antibodies on the surface of the cell are also on the surface of the cells of many organs but of importance here is that they are also on the surface of the cells that border the blood vessels," he says. "The antibodies are" sticky "proteins that are waiting in the blood and on the surface of the cells to capture and kill any foreign substances (not produced by the body) such as viruses, bacteria and parasites." Read on the type of blood can endanger you - and to ensure your health and health of others, do not miss theseSure sign that you have "Long" Covid and may even know.


Generally, a non-O type

Hand in blue glove holding samples for DNA amplification with red reaction mictures

"Non-O blood types (A, B and AB) put you more risk for heart disease," explains the jam jam, geneticist and product development development toCRI Genetics. "Scientists do not know exactly why, but some say it may be due to higher concentrations of blood coagulation factors that increase the risk of thrombosis or blood clotting."


Type of blood ab

A male scientist/doctor holding a test tube marked Blood Test with group AB circled.

"The red blood cells AB, B or AB and the vessels they cross are tights and more resistant to blood flow," says Dr. Zablew. "It should be a large part of the research that AB would have the greatest cardiovascular risk since it has the antibodies most of the surface antibodies followed by A and B with less and 0 having the least."


What about types A and B?

Type A+ blood tube

"A studyshowed that people with type A or B blood were 51% more likely to develop blood clots in the veins and 47% more likely to develop blood clots in the lungs, "saysLeann Poston. "Specifically, the type of blood asks 6% higher risk of heart disease; type B with a higher risk of 15%; and the AB type poses a higher risk of 23%," saysHoang P Nguyen, Memorialcare.

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What is the von Willebrand factor?

Main components of the blood plasma: complement C1, fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor, ferritin, HDL, immunoglobulin G, immunoglobulin M, albumin, LDL.

"There has been accumulated evidence that show a link between non-type O blood and an increased risk of heart disease. Potential explanations are the level ofvon Willebrand Factor In the blood, cholesterol or the risk of developing blood clots, "Dr. Poston". The von Willebrand factor is a blood protein involved in the coagulation process. The level of the von Willebrand factor seems to be slightly lower in blood type people. "

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However, it's not the cause of an increased risk

man having heart attack

"All that thick blood (dehydration, prescribed medications, autoimmune diseases) can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, features and blood clots," says Dr. Zablew. "This increased risk is an increase in predisposition as opposed to a direct cause. This means that the type of blood is one of the many important factors, as well as obesity, genetics, diet, vitamin consumption the exercise, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. " And to cross the healthiest life, do not miss these13 daily habits that kill you secretly.

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