The best diet # 1 to reduce cholesterol

This healthy diet can help you manage long-term cholesterol levels.

Find the right plan to follow forManage your cholesterol May seem an easy task - until you do a quick search on Google and find pages and pages of recommendations. While there is no shortage ofcholesterol lowering plans to choose fromThere is a scarcity of plans that have evidence to show that they work.

If you try to reduce your cholesterol naturally, you can jump on the last tape of the ADF diet that can do nothing for you in the long run or you can simply adopt thescientificallyMediterranean diet.

What is the Mediterranean diet?

Close your eyes and imagine that you dine Al Fresco in a Mediterranean villa or a sea on a Greek island. What are you eating? Are you quickly failedfast cheeseburger And extra-large soda? Or dine quietly on a dish based on olive oil, vegetables, grains and seeds? And do you eat alone or dine with other people and do you like the process of dining consumption? (In touch:What happens to your body when you eat olive oil.)

The Mediterranean diet is modeled after the way most people eat when they live through the Mediterranean Sea. And although this is called the Mediterranean diet, it is actually more than oneway of life that many people who live in this part of the world kiss. They dine with family and friends, remain active and rarely stuff their faces when they have a free moment when a red light stop in the car. The TV is off and they arefocused on what they eat.

Those who follow the Mediterranean diet tend toAvoid added sugars, highly transformed and refined foodsand strongly transformed meats. Instead, they focus on whole foods that are dense nutrients and loaded with antioxidants.

Specifically,People who follow the Mediterranean diet eat:

  • fruits
  • Vegetables (including potatoes)
  • Whole grains, such as pasta with whole grains, quinoa and farro
  • olive oil
  • Beans, walnuts and legumes,
  • Fish without brother
  • Small quantities of dairy products, chicken and skinny beef

Overall, it's a diet rich in whole food andherbal meal. Oh yes, and you can also have wine with your meals.

READ MORE: Wine can reduce your risks of this state of health during your age, a new study indicates

The Mediterranean diet: Cholesterol reducer link

In the USA,More than 12% of adults had high cholesterol levels In 2015-2016. High cholesterol levels are a risk factor to develop heart disease, which is unfortunately the murderer No. 1 of the men and women of this country.

Naturally, many people are looking for ways toReduce their cholesterol levels To help protect their ticker from giving them problems later in life. And embrace the Mediterranean diet can do exactly that.

The Mediterranean regime has been linked to health benefits since the 1960s. It was more than half a century when researchers showed that people living in the Mediterranean regionhas experienced mortality of lower coronary heart disease compared those who live in other parts of the world. Since then, aThe growing research body has shown that, following the Mediterranean food model can lead to aTotal drop in cholesterol and LDL "Bad" cholesterol level.

The results of aAmerican Journal of Medicine study, suggests that aThe Mediterranean diet seems to be more effective than low fat schemes By reducing cardiovascular risk factors, including cholesterol levels.

This regime continues to be a favorite in the medical community because of the proven results it offers. (For more:The 5 main health benefits following the Mediterranean regime.)

Some foods to focus on trying to reduce cholesterol

Holistically speaking, the Mediterranean diet seems to help keep the cholesterol levels in good health; However, there are specific foods that are featured when it comes to protecting your cardiac health and following this food model.

One of these foods isExtra virgin olive oil.The Mediterranean diet is rich in "healthy" fats that come mainly from olive oil and are extremely low in saturated and cross-cutting greases. Olive oil is the main source of grease consumed on this diet. And with the healthy fats it provides, it is also rich in antioxidants and is salt without salt. The combination of these unique facts can play an important role in the benefits of health as it offers.

Another food group of Mediterranean food that has been linked to lower cholesterol levels iswhole grains. In a study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Eating whole grains lowered from LDL cholesterol more than eating refined grains - with the greatest advantage seen when people eaten whole grain oats.

Finally, the focus on nuts can also be an essential means that it helps reduce cholesterol. Mediterranean food encourages nuts andnutsIn particular, can offer an advantage in cholesterol levels. Nuts are a power plant in nutrition, thanks to healthy greases, fibers, plant-based proteins and antioxidants they provide. In a meta-analysis and a systemic review of 26 clinical trials published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical NutritionThe researchers found that total cholesterol and total LDL cholesterol was considerably reduced when walnut enriched regimes were consumed in relation to control regimes.

How to start the Mediterranean diet

As long as you get the green light of your personal health care provider,Start from following the Mediterranean diet is simple to do with a few small steps. And since small changes can result in heavy results, it is best to choose a few principles both to adopt, then rely on your new habits.

Some steps you can take to start including:

  • Swap your processed meat for meat or very skinny cutters like a flank steak
  • Choose Quinoa or Farro instead of white rice or other refined grains
  • Cook with olive oil instead of refined oils or saturated grease sources
  • Turn off the TV when you eat a meal
  • have fresh fruit for dessert instead of options made with added sugars

The adoption of the Mediterranean diet can be the missing link you need to help you control your heart. And like eating as-if you are on vacation from the Crystal-Blue sea coast, there is no sacrifice, there is very little disadvantage of eating this way in the long run. Enjoy your lunch! For more ways to protect your heart and manage your cholesterol levels, be sure to read theseEating habits to avoid if you do not want high cholesterol, say dietitians.

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