A surprise of weight loss so easy that you will not believe that it works

The new science has shed light on the crucial importance of just moving.

For a moment, I would like you to imagine a spider.

When some spider varieties hunt for prey, they opt for a "sit-waiting" strategy: they turn their bands and they then left their food coming to them. In the meantime, they sit there immobile, sometimes for very long periods. Yes, it's scary, but they do it for several reasons.

For one, the spinning of a giant canvas takes a huge amount of energy. They need to keep their energy. The second is that the laying on prey also takes tons of energy. And these arachnids, since they must keep what energy exists in their small bodies, have abnormally slow metabolic rates to keep them alive. This state of motion, when they do not burn energy and that their bodies are essentially closed, which the scientists called the Super Casual State (SRX).

Get this: There is growing evidence that we can also have it.

In a study published in the newspaperPlos aResearchers led by Roger Cooke, Ph.D. from the University of California, San Francisco, closely watched the behavior of myosin, a motor protein in cells. Myosin is crucial for muscle function and metabolism in frogs, spiders and other animals, including humans. The researchers discovered that, in different species, including spiders, myosin simply escapes when the muscles are inactive during the super relaxed state. In other words:When your muscles do not move at any time, for a short time, yourThe metabolism does not make a baratte.

Now it does not necessarily mean that the solution to a fully optimized metabolism lives your life on a moving hamster wheel ahead of Constant. But this innovative research has erupted a light on something neglected in today's age.The simple importance of just moving.

Do not hit a flying class for a 45-minute gasoline class. Do not run a marathon. And certainly not train to be a marine seal.

No, we talk about swinging your arms while you are lying on the couch. "Moving in the day is important," said Clyde Wilson, PhD from the University of California, San Francisco. "Because a simple contraction of your nervous system to muscle is what makes you get out of the super casual state."

The most advanced search on the subject indicates that stretching, using your jaw muscles for chewing gum, agitated, standing when you sit, and even using your muscles again to sit after you after you Always be standing whileHelp your body burn energy. (It's true! Sitting down can help strengthen your metabolism!)

Here are some good ways to put this knowledge in action to lose more weight. And for more amazing weight loss tips, you probably do not know, do not miss theseSneaky weight loss tips that work totally, say experts.


Internship ONE: Move more than one spider

walking around office

According to Fitness Buff Tim Blake, the owner and founder ofSuperfitdads.com, the greatest thing you can do so that your metabolism is to increase your base movement or your activity thermogenesis without exercise (neat). "Basically, it means adding a movement to everything you do, whenever possible, it explains it."

This includes simple things like adding your hand and feet to five hours of office work. "This tells an equal equivalent caloric expense of 1.5 miles! Basically, this should be your mantra: Never walk when you can run, never feel when you can walk, never go to bed when you can sit down", he says. Your metabolism is not the only thing affected by your sedentary lifestyle. To verifyWhat happens to your body when you sit all day.

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Second step: Build more muscle to burn more energy

Plastic water bottle with man doing pushups in background

Let's say you are determined to burn more energy and thus to burn more fat. "Let me give you an example of the car's metaphor," Wilson said. "If you are a car engine and have had years of low stress and sleep and you are sedentary, your engine is ratified at the size of a lawn at the lawn." If you want to become a Ferrari, you need big muscles.

"You can double and even triple the size of your engine," he says.

It means giving your muscles enough resistance so they can grow and recruit more muscle. Here are some exercises that you can do at home to achieve this: push-ups, squats, slots, crosses, planks and wall sites. For more, there are these25 easy exercises that make you feel better.


Third step: make your body more efficient

Woman sprinting

When developing your engine, you will burn more fat than ever before. But you can still do better. You have probably heard the term "formation of high intensity intervals" (HIIT) before. At its base, it means to make short bursts of very intense exercises - like throwing ropes at the gym, making sprints all or on foot or on a bike), performing burpés or mountain mountaineers, or trying to verse. Frankly, all that is really, really difficult and you can only do shortly, then resting for a brief period before returning it again.

"This places a high metabolic demand on the body, burns a lot of calories in a short time, produces a high post-drive calorie burning and helps improve its level of fitness," said Kathleen Trotter, a personal trainer and the author ofFind your adjustment. "In addition, the intervals are a fantastic workout regardless of your fitness level; you adapt the intensity to match your current capacity."

A study conducted by the Mayo clinic and published in the newspaperCell metabolism I noticed that Hiit exercise can actually slow down the aging process of your body on a cellular level.

"If people seek to improve performance in the most efficient way, and if they seek to improve health in the most efficient way, I think the integration of interval training is a very good strategy", Said Martin Gibala, Ph.D., Kinesiology Professor at McMaster Canada University, which is widely regarded as the world's first expert on science of high-intensity exercises.


But remember: burn more, move more

friends walking

If you want to burn more calories, you have to pull out your body from the super casual state, and it simply means moving more, even if you are on the couch looking at the television. For more good weight loss tips, do not miss the200 greater weight loss tips ever.

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