What happens to your body when you take collagen every day

Here are 8 things you can experiment while taking the supplement regularly.

Collagen has a moment in honor. Powders at chocolate barslattes And beyond, people seem to go to collagen. But eat yourselfcollagen Every day offers an advantage to your body or is it just a buzzy ingredient that seems too good to be true?

Well, first, it is important to know that collagen is aprotein In the body composed of glycine and proline amino acids, and it plays a major role in building your bones,skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Unfortunately, as you get older, your body makes less quality collagen. (In touch:Vitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.)

However, collagen can be found in the connective tissue of certain animal feeds: chicken skin, bone broth, meat on the bone and gelatin (which is made from the skin, cartilage and the bone of animals). Of course, there is alsoCollagen powders also.

"When you eat collagen, like all proteins, it must be broken down to be absorbed," Erica Julson, MS, RDN, an authorized and founding dietary ofFunctional nutrition responses, Explain. "For this reason, eating collagen does not increase the collagen levels directly inside the body. Instead, it provides your body with the building blocks needed to create its own collagen."

That said, the collagen supplements has already been broken down or hydrolyzed, so it is thought to be absorbed more efficiently than collagen in food.

So what can you expect to see when you take collagen supplements or powders consistently, daily? Here are 8 things you can experiment. Just keep in mind that more studies that focus on the benefits of collagen supplements are needed, as many of these claims are not based on the strongest data.


An increase in muscle mass.

collagen protein powder coffee

If you areStrength training And taking collagen, you can see better than simply lifted weight without collagen. Ina studyMen who participated in a resistance formation in combination with the consumption of collagen peptides resulted in a more pronounced increase in fat without fat, body mass and muscle strength compared to the share of resistance. (In touch:3 healthiest workout habits for a flat stomach.)


An improvement of your skin.

woman touching skin in bathroom

Many people are turning to collagen like the fountain of youth anda study back this view. In conjunction with the fruit extract of Acerola, vitamin C, zinc, biotin and a vitamin E complex, taking 2.5 milligrams of daily collagen for 12 weeks have significantly improved the hydration of the Skin, elasticity, roughness and density of the skin compared to placebo. (In touch:25 healthy foods that give you a shiny skin.)

Inanother study, women who took a supplement containing 2.5 to 5 grams of collagen for 8 weeks have known less drought from the skin and a significant increase in skin elasticity compared to those who did not take the extra charge.


Protection against bone loss.

Collagen powder pills

Bone loss becomes a concern we get older and we lose too much bone mass increases the risk of bone fractures and osteoporosis. Since collagen supplements have a potentially positive effect onIncreased bone mineral densityTake into this protein can help keep your bones healthy.

In a randomized double blindly, controlled by placebotrialBone mineral density increased considerably when menopausal women took a collagen supplement compared to placebo.


Improvement of cardiac health.

hydrolyzed collagen

Up to 2020,cardiopathy was the leading cause of death in the United States (exceeded byCOVID-19 [Feminine As of December 20, 2020). It is estimated that1 in 4 deaths result from cardiac diseaseAnd that affects many people around the world.

Although data is limited, research suggests that collecting collagen can support your cardiac health. Ina small studyThis has examined the development of atherosclerosis, artery disease, healthy individuals, topics that have taken 16 grams of collagen daily for 6 months have a significant reduction in stiffness measurements of the artery and a. Increased HDL cholesterol. The authors concluded that collagen supplementation can contribute to the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis.


stronger nails.


If you have nails that appear rough, flaps and peel, take collagen supplements can help provide some improvement, although the data available on this subject is extremely limited.

Ina small studyParticipants who took 2.5 grams of collagen peptides per day for 24 weeks experienced a 12% increase rate of nail growth and a 42% decrease in broken nail frequency. (In touch:21 foods for hair and stronger nails.)


Increased hair growth.

collagen powder

If you take collagen in conjunction with vitamin C, you may not notice that your locks are longer than usual. According toa study, the daily consumption of collagen after 90 days resulted in an increase in hair growth in women with temporary hair thinning. (In touch:30 best and worst food for your hair.)


Relief of joint pain.

collagen on spoon

As people age, pops and cracks become more frequent and joints can start hurting. Since collagen helps maintain the health of your cartilage between your joints, an adequate amount in your body can act as a bone "buffer".

In fact, like the amount of collagen in your body decreases as you get older,your risk of developing conditions such as osteoarthritis increases. The good news is that a growing corpus of evidence suggests that collagen consumption provides aImprovement of certain measures of pain and function in those with arthritis (such as osteoarthritis).


Weight management.


The protein has been shown to be one of theThe most important nutrients to support satiety. Without adding a protein source, you will not have as much power to stay in power to help you feel satisfied. Since collagen is a protein, the consuming of adequate quantities can help you feel longer, and in turn, can help you with yourWeight management objectives.


Healing of the injury.

collagen powder smoothie

Although the data is preliminary, the consumption of collagen peptides derived from a certain jellyfish has been shown toSpeed ​​of the healing process of wounds.


Best sleep.


Collagen is composed of some amino acids, one being glycine. Since glycine is linked toImprovement of sleep qualityBy taking a glycine rich collagen can help you catch restful ZZZ.

For more collagen, readThis first-person story about what happened when a woman took her every day for two weeks. And study on these10 better foods than collagen supplements.

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