What happens to your body when you eat fibers

To prevent sugar accidents in the blood from improving digestion, fiber can do wonders for your health.

Ten seconds. That's exactly how fast the stomach starts to digest the food after chewing and swallowing. Within 45 minutes to eat a meal withoutfiberYou will feel the effects of Russian mountains with blood glucose. A high fiber diet is essential to prevent these peaks and falls.

"This great full feeling that you feel after a big meal? It is quickly followed by a blood sugar accident, where you feel tired, weak, fragile, grumpy, and above all, hungry," says Tanya Zuckerbrot MS, RD, NYC Dietitians Registered-Strategy, which is also the founder of theF-factor regime And an author in Bestial. Seems familiar? Then you probably do not get enough fiber in your diet.

"When a meal contains fibers, this process is much slower, eliminating the spikes of blood glucose and increases the feelings of fullness for several hours after consumption consumption." A feeling of fullness is just one of the many benefits of fiber.

What is the fiber?

Before going too far: what is actually a fiber? TheMedical institutes gave a formal definition in 2005 and separated from total fiber by:

  • Alimentary fiber: Formally defined as "nonigestible carbohydrates and lignines found in plants", the food fiber is the zero-calorie part, undigest of a carbohydrate that adds large to food, according to Zuckerbrot. This is the type of fiber naturally found inFoods rich in fiber. Food fiber is then decomposed intoSoluble and insoluble fiber.
  • Functional fiber: isolated nondible carbohydrates. This is the type of fiber extract from natural foods or produces synthetically and exists only in isolation. Functional fiber, also calledFiber addedIs usually the added fiber that you see in many protein and cereal bars under the inulin, isomalto-oligosaccharides, maltodextrin and chicory root fiber.

How many fibers do you need a day?

Most of us fall far from the ideal, consuming only nine to 11 grams a day. Dietitians recommend 35 grams (for women) to 38 grams (for men) of fiber.

TheNew FDA Nutrition Label recommended28 grams of fiber per day for a diet of 2,000 calories.

What are the advantages of a high fiber diet?

Because a majority of Americans do not get enough fiber, it's worth adding fiber to your diet. Following a high fiber regime has innumerable health benefits, weight loss to colon health.

These are the 13 benefits of fiber promoting high fiber health and diet.


A high fiber diet helps you (actually).

Woman eating salad

"The fiber swells in your stomach as a sponge, which increases the feelings of fullness and promotes weight loss by creating a caloric deficit without hunger," says Zuckerbrot.


Digestion is smoother

Woman holding stomach cramps digestive problems

Foods rich in fiber, including beans and legumes, bays, whole grains and nuts, do everything you consume downhill. "Soluble fiber Combines with water to form a substance similar to a gel that creates bulk. Insoluble fiber moves the food through, "saysJessica Cording, RD, a dietitian, a coach of health and an author in New York. A high fiber diet will promote more regular digestion andLess constipation.


You torch more calories - Zero effort required


This is true: even without additional gym, you will burn more calories (up to 92 per day) when you dual consumption of fibers of 12 to 24 grams a day, according to recent research published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition. "The fiber increases the metabolism because the body can not digest the fiber - but it tries to burn calories in the process," says Zuckerbrot. All that the bonus burns would result in a loss of 10 pounds a year.


Cholesterol breaks down

Oatmeal blueberry

Think of the fiber as a sponge. Soluble fibers have been specifically linked to lower levels of LDL cholesterol ("bad"). Find it in barley, oat sound, apples and strawberries. "The fiber has absorbent properties, the binding to the flow of cholesterol and eliminating the body," says Zuckerbrot.


Skyrocket energy

Man in glasses working on laptop

Keep away from the coffee machine. Consume a high fiber diet for instantaneous power, without theenergyRussian mountains - instead. Cording tells its customers to reach a portion of walnuts to fight against the mid-morning fall. "Eating fibers and proteins helps maintain stable blood glucose, provide your body with sustained energy throughout the day," said Zuckerbrot.


Your skin will shine

Woman touching face

Goodbye Acne and the tachler! Since fibers absorb toxins in the blood, eliminate them through the digestive tract instead of your pores will make your skin brighter and clearer, Zuckerbrot explains. She recommends searching forFruit rich in fiberAnd vegetables that are also rich in antioxidants that help combat aging, such as artichokes, pears and broccoli.


Inflammation decreases

Woman testing insulin levels

"Fiber is aprebiotic Who plays a fundamental role in the health of the intestine and is important to combat inflammation and reduce the overall risk of the disease, "said Zuckerbrot. aAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition The study explains why: the fiber acts as a natural protection armor against the c-reactive protein (CRP), a sign of acute inflammation. When this bad CRP is in progress through the blood, you are more likely to develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease on the road.


You will sleep like a dream

Sleeping woman

"Eating refined carbohydrates late in the day, because your blood sugar levels point and then overwritesto sleepThat's why some people get up in the middle of the night, "says Zuckerbrot. On the side rocking, eating a fiber dinner and a bedtime snack can keep your blood glucose on a more lively keel so that you can catch a non-disturbed closure. -Eye. Simply make sure to go beyond fiber consumption on an even pace.

"If you are not used to eating a high fiber diet, gradually increase your consumption to give your time to your system to adapt and avoid abdominal discomfort such as gas andblocker"Dit Cording, symptoms that would surely hold you standing at night.


Balloon goes goodbye

Bathroom toilet paper and dog

That is, if you follow the slow and regular ramp just recommended (because too many fiber to a meal can lead to even more bloating and cramps). Drink at least three liters of water a day to avoid pain and stomach. When you do, "you will have complete and regular bowel movements," said Zuckerbrot. "One of the benefits of fiber is that it increases bulk stools, which helps preventconstipation and bloating and can provide relief from irritable intestine syndrome. "


You will live longer

Older woman picking tomatoes from garden

It's not just about how you're going to look in your swimsuit. "Ato study Directed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), found that those who followed a high fiber diet lived the longest. Fiber has been credited to reducing the risk of death of cardiovascular disease, infectious and respiratory diseases and some forms of cancer, "said Zuckerbrot.


It stimulates good bacteria in your body

Woman holding stomach cramps digestive problems

Make the most of yourkombuchaThe consumption of kimchi and yogurt by pairing with a healthy portion of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. "Many high fiber foods are good sources of prebiotic bacteria, which serves as" food "for beneficial probiotic bacteria," says Cording.


Blood glucose remains stable

Woman eating dessert

Think of the fiber as a slow button for blood glucose tips. "Fiber foods take longer to digest, so blood glucose does not rise and falls dramatically like that with refined carbohydrates. Fiber slows digestion and sugar stations in the blood, which terminates desires sugar and supports energy, "said Zuckerbrot. When you indulge in something less fiber, like pancakes, try launching in a handle of sliced ​​pears (5 1/2 grams in a medium) or a medium sliced ​​banana (three grams).


Hypertension dangers come down

Doctor taking blood pressure reading

Take the heart: "By improving cholesterol levels and decreasing inflammation, fiber can help reduce the risk of heart disease and reduce blood pressure levels," said Zuckerbrot.


The risk of cancer is ephitable, too

Older couple laughing

Secret weapon to fight certain cancers? You have guessed: a high fiber diet. Your colon, your chest and other parts of the body will remain without illness longer when you add more fibers to your menu. "The fiber is like sandpaper in the colon, causing constant cell rotation that is beneficial for not only digestion, but also colon health in the prevention of tumor growth. Fiber also contributes to reduce levels of estrogen in circulation, which has been proven to reduce the risk ofbreast cancer, "Says Zuckerbrot.


You will be more regular

Stomach pain

"Fiber attenuatesconstipation And promotes regularity, "said Zuckerbrot, who in turn" promotes regularity and improves the symptoms of irritable intestine syndrome and constipation. "Food-rich foods and supplements help to form stool (especially when combined with water), adds. Instead of opting for refined on your chicken or fish, covering it in A grinded wheat bran or oats so that things move and harvest the benefits of fiber.

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