The worst foods you should never have in your kitchen

Coffee creams with bakery products, these popular foods do not make your turn of all favors.

Losing weight requires a mixture of nutritious foods, cutting calories and being physically active, but if your kitchen is stacked withDiet-sabotage of junk foodIt's much more difficult for you to shrink your turn. Although food on this list seem to be harmless, many of them have empty calories and slowed down your metabolism, making weight loss more difficult.

To keep you on the right track, check out our roundabout of the worst food to lose weight that you should never have in your kitchen. And be inspired to make better choices, be sure to store one of theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Potato chips

Ridge potato chips in bag

Okay, you probably already know that the potato chips fatte and can often hide dangerous levels of sodium, but what is surprising is that especially all foods that can prevent you from taking soda, From junk food, ice cream - the potato chip is the worst delinquent. According to a Harvard study published inNew England Journal of MedicineThe potato chips are the most strong food associated with four-year weight gain.

RELATED: To lean for life with that14-day flat stomach plan.



Two mcdonalds fries bags

The second food Harvard researchers were considered the biggest weight gain? Potatoes. And more precisely, French fries, associated with 3.35 additional weight gain pounds. According to Walter C. Willett, President of the Ministry of Nutrition at Harvard School of Public Health and author ofEating, drinking and being healthy: the Harvard School Guide for Healthy Eating"The venerable oven potato increases blood glucose and insulin levels more quickly and at higher levels than an equal amount of pure table sugar calories." Patrick J. Skerrett, co-author of the book and former editor of theHarvard Health Blog,add, "The fries do the same thing, but with an explosion of added grease."

French fries are not only extremely caloric: a large portion ofMcDonald Fries is 510 calories - but they are also made through a dangerous process. French fries are fried and very transformed. Frying carbohydrateshas been shown To give a dangerous carcinogenic chemical compound called acrylamide, associated with abdominal obesity.


Grasse red meat

Raw ground beef on sale

Continue with another induceing food up the upper weight ofNew England Journal of Medicine The study is red meat. TheHealth and Nutrition Survey in China On more than 16,000 participants show that what distinguishes meat that causes a gain of abdominal weight and meat that maintains your moving metabolism is the way the cup is visible. So when you try to lose weight, avoid these 70% grease fat ox mixtures with 30% fat.


Processed meats

greasy bacon frying in oil in a pan

Eating bacon, sausages and hot dogs can put your life at risk. The same Harvard researchers associated with the consumption of treated meat with additional weight gain of 0.93 pounds over a period of 4 years. Weight gain is not the only reason you should reduce your processed meat consumption. The food has also been associated with an increased risk ofDiabetes,Cancer, andhypertension.


Restaurant desserts

waiter carrying dessert tray with one hand

Sodium is a big guilty here, not to mention the sugar ... and calories ... and fat ... and all the rest. These treats are often oversized and already arrive at the end of a decadent dinner. They can add almost a thousand extra calories (or more!) To an already overloaded meal. Eating at the restaurant in restaurants can be considered a treat, and if it's a dessert, you're really there for (for example, the place is known for their 7-layer chocolate cake), a better way to Balancing your meal is to choose your dessert first. . Anew studyI found that choosing your dessert can first help you eat less calories! To balance the meal, adapt your main meal to be healthier (opt for grilled fish instead of fried fish, for example, or choosing a side salad instead of French fries), then share the dessert you really want with a partner.




Relax, we do not say that you can not enjoy the glass of wine or casual beer, but it's not a secret that goes beyond the drink can mitigate your weight loss goals and pose risks for your health. Consuming the alcohol has been shown that your body has eaten more, too. In fact, theLiverpool University found that, since two drinks can significantly increase the amount of food we consume because it changes our perception of food and improves the way they seem delicious. Another report in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and DieteticsI found that alcohol consumption can lead people to eat 384 additional calories a day. So, if you want to soak, make sure to take water grenches between alcoholic beverages and try to avoid sweet cocktails.


Sweet and refined cereals

Sugary cereal

Sweet squares and fruity puffs do nothing to keep you healthy or shrink your size, and many cereals pack more calorie sugar in a bowl than in a Boston Kreme donut! Switch to something more filling if you want to lose weight, likeNight oats. On ato study in theAnnals of nutrition and metabolismHaving oatmeal at breakfast takes up greater fullness, lesser hunger and fewer calories eaten at lunch compared to a portion of corn flakes, even if the calories of both breakfasts are the same.


Sweet sugar drinks like soda

Pour soda glass

Many sodas are laced with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). According to researchers atUniversity of Princeton, HFCs can cause as much weight gain as regular table sugar. In an animal study, 100% of the rats that have consumed HFCS have become obese, an unobserved result in other diet experiences. The study also found that rats that have consumed other forms of sugar earned less weight than those fed to the CPM, even when their global caloric intake was the same. Sounda swap for water, smoothies, tea or coffee. For a hydration inspiration, check theDetox waters for weight loss!

RELATED: The scientific way tobrake your sweet tooth in 14 days.


Soda without sugars

Diet soda

Read: Low Calorie does not necessarily mean low sugar. Most diet sodas use artificial sweeteners that give your body the same refined sugar reaction. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to long-term excessive weight gain; A study published in theNewspaper of the American Society of Geriatrics I found that people who drank dietary soda regularly had almost three times the amount of belly fat over a period of 9 years compared to those who have not drank dietary soda. The researchers believe that drinking these no-calorie sweeteners confuses our body by allowing us to wait for calories that are not there. The result is what they call "metabolic disturbances" as a misinterplacement of insulin and high glucose rates, which can lead to fat storage and a crowd of diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes of Type 2 and cardiovascular disease.


White bread

White bread

Eating strongly refined and white white bread should be avoided at all costs while working to lose belly fat.Studies Show that eating whole grains can reduce the visceral fat deposits in your belly, while eating refined grains leads more. Try to rearrange your favorite recipes with whole wheat flour or almond flour for food that will not sabot your turn.


Chocolate bars

Milk Chocolate

You can not eat chocolate and expect you to lose belly fat, right? Wrong! The dark chocolate has a multitude of advantages that really make it easier for weight loss. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, is a common guilty for our expanding gandles, with heaven sky calorie accounts and tas of sugar contributing to the growth of visceral fats. Regarding thatAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition The study revealed that the food associated with the highest energy density, and therefore the most with weight gain, it was chocolate bars, it is probably better to let them out of your loss diet of weight.




If you are a suction cup for a pulled pulp, there is a good chance that it is part of why you may have trouble losing weight. And it's not just because salty foods contribute to the weight of the water. A study published in theNutrition log Discovered that salt really confuses the biological processes that tell you when you are full.

"Our body has biological mechanisms to tell us when to stop eating and active fat mechanisms in people sensitive to fatty fat," the author of Russell Keast said in a statement. "However, when the salt is added to the food, these mechanisms are blunt and people end up eating more food. It can bring you to eat more fat foods and over time, your body adapts or becomes less sensitive to grease, which leads you to eat more to get the same feelings of fullness. "



Canned soup

All soups are not created equal. Especially those who are based on cream and the simple ones of a can. The cream soups are much higher in calories and greases. And canned soups are transformed goods that sneak in sodium, which causes a swelling of the belly and can increase your appetite and mitigate your ability to divert when you are full, which is not useful when you want to lose weight.


Pancake syrups

Maple syrup

The famous syrup brands like Aunt Jemima and Ms. Butterworth are made with two ingredients you should always avoid: Health-Harming, expanding high fructose corn syrup and caramel coloring. The high fructose corn syrup is an ingredient that has beendirectly linked With abdominal obesity, overall weight gain, sensitivity to altered insulin and willingness to eat too much. If you want to lose weight, glue with 100% pure maple syrup with moderation.



bottled juices

"Although justice andJuice cleans are very popular right now, the process used to make juice tapes the most nutrients - fiber - sweet liquid, "explainsJANEL FUNK, MS, RD, LDN. "It leaves you with a drink containing calories that point your blood sugar, which causes a crash that leaves you stronger", which will not help you lose weight. "Studies have shown that our bodies are no longer satiated with calories in fruit juices as opposed to those of food, then thirsty water stick and hydration and eating whole fruits and vegetables with their intact fiber" , suggest funk.


Granola Bars


"Traditional granola bars are often made from just sugar and hydrogenated oils and are empty ofprotein (The things that fill you) ", ​​sharing Lisa Hayim, a licensed and founding dietary ofThe necessities well. "They are often lower in calories than the traditional meal and do not serve as a meal replacement. The flavor is just enough for your appetite, but leaves you away from being satiated." Instead, if you want to lose weight, exchange your granola bar for one of theBest protein bars for weight loss.



Coffee muffin

Your Top Muffin is judiciously named: a typical blueberry muffin wear nearly 400 calories and a third of the day's fat. In addition, many commercial muffins are also hipped with soybean oil and trans fat, an ingredient that has been demonstrated to increase your risk of heart disease. The worst of all, the muffins are "almost completely made of sugar", offers Hayim. "This sugar is quickly digested and absorbed, leaving your hungry body for more." Skiping the case of pastry at Starbucks is a no-evidence if you want to lose weight.


Bagels and croissants

Chocolate croissant

"Although these two options seem to be a good size and satisfactory, they consist of white sugar and flour. They have [barely] fibers or nutrients," says Hayim. "As a result, your blood glucose is high and then crashes, making you feel stronger than before you start these treats." And when you arestill hungryYou do not go closer to your weight loss goals.



Office doughnuts

"These are not surprise donuts are made almost completely in sugar," says Julieanna Hever, Ms. Rd, CPT, a dietician and a plants' author ofThe vegetarian diet andThe complete guide of idiot in herbal nutrition. "The donuts decompose quickly into simple sugars [in the body], causing a release of more insulin. When there is a lot of insulin, too much sugar enters your cells [grease] leaving no for Your blood. The result is actually a weak blood glucose that makes you feel shortly after consumption. "


Rapid catering of Drive-Thru

fast food drive thru

Continue driving with driving if you want to lose weight. "These very transformed foods are filled with things like condoms, trans fat, HFCs and salt. The reason you should worry about this is that conservatives and trans fat interrupts the ability of our stomach to communicate with Our brain, "explains Rebecca Lewis, RD forHellofresh. "The hormones related to satiety and neurotransmitters in the brain are not produced and that the brain therefore loses its ability to recognize that we are full, so we continue to eat more."


Refined sugar

Sugar in bowl and spoon

Refined sugar in its many forms is a major contributor to belly fat and, unfortunately, we, as Americans, trafficked as a regime clip. While the World Health Organization recommends limiting our sugar consumption to more than ten percent of our total calories,researchers At UCSF emphasizing that the average American eats three times more sugar added than the recommended daily limit. Fortunately, with increased labeling for added sugars on the products, it is easy to spot the sugar to sneak in everything from the joke of oats to the pasta sauce.


Smoothies in bottles

Bottled fruit juice

It's not because bottled smoothies are made of fruit does not make them good for you or your size. Many of them contain a waterproof sugar content - some with up to 52 grams of bottle sugar! Instead, choose to make your own smoothies at home, using ingredients that will raise your metabolism and light your fatty combat genes.


Dried fruit

Dried cranberries

Dry fruits can look like a choice of responsible snack, but most dried fruits are sweet and contain an average of 16 grams of sugar per ounce. This is added quickly, especially because it flies under the radar like a "healthy" food, which facilitates the eating of the handle.


Refined pasta

straining pasta in sink

Whole grain pasta, particularly with moderation, can be a healthy component of your falling scheme of the book, but refined white pasta are straight for your median with revenge. There are two main reasons: first, the refined pasta had most of its nutrients and fiber eliminated, and your body treats it like sugar, sending fat stores to your belly. Secondly, people tend to eat pasta with sauces purchased at the store, which are packed with extra sugar and sodium, contributing to your still expanding size.



Beer mugs table

The "beer belly" is a commonly known enemy and, indeed,studiesShow that the drinking drink is associated with the higher BMI and a larger ride. But this may not be due to beer-specific magical properties on other types of alcohol, in addition to high calorie and carbohydrate content. In addition to hundreds of calories with a beer or two a day can add to your diet, beer drinkers can also simply make less healthy food choices overall, adding to their expanding size.


Large coffee drinks

Tim Wright / Beldshshshshsh

While coffee benefits from belly fat loss, most frozen coffee drinks are the enemy of your size. Some of these dairy and sugar options from your ordinary coffee chain can run up to 600 calories by beverage or more, if you opt for the whipped cream doll on top! According to a 2017 study published in the newspaperPublic healthResearchers found that nearly 70% of coffee consumers drink coffee with caloric supplements (including sugar and creams); Among these people, nearly 16% of their daily caloric consumption comes from sipping their coffee concoction. These 16% translate into an additional 70 calories a day that would stifle your weight loss efforts.



chocolate chip cookies on a plate with two cups of milk in the background

Cookies, like America's favorite Oréos, are stuffed with a double problem. Not only the edges are filled with palm oil, a fat that promotes inflammation causing fats, they are more addictive than cocaine and morphine, according to one2013 animal study. A separate study revealed that among all foods, cookies were one of the most difficult to eat with moderation.


Soybean oil


Once we have become aware of the harmful effects on the arterial of trans fats, manufacturers were going to inject their products with vegetable oils such as soy, corn, sunflower, safflower or palm oil, this was not much better. Indeed, these vegetable oils have a high concentration of inflammatory fat, omega-6 and are weak in anti-inflammatory grease, omega-3. In fact, Americans eat so much oily vegetable products than the average person has omega-6 toOmega 3 Report of about 20: 1 When it should be 1: 1. Inflammation has been connected to obesity, so that inflammatory foods such as soybean oil will make you no favor if you want to lose weight.



Pan fried burger patty

We may have just absolutely saturated fats from theirConnecting cardiac diseaseBut that does not mean that they are away from the woods. Indeed, several studies have connected saturated fats with inflammation of white adipose tissue (fatty fabric) triggering inflammation. This white fabric is the type of grease that stores energy, rather than burning energy like brown fat cells. And when your fat cells become larger with larger saturated fats, they release pro-inflammatory agents favoring systemic inflammation and weight gain, according to a review of the journal.Expert examination of cardiovascular therapy. According toUSDAHamburgers are one of the main sources of fat saturated in the American diet as well as sandwiches, contributing 19% of your total saturated fat intake.



Margherita pizza

It's not secret that pizza is not exactly a "diet food". It is high of calories, saturated fats, sodium and refined carbohydrates, which all contribute to increase belly fat. In addition, the pizza is just below hamburgers and sandwiches for its saturated contribution of fat in the regimes of Americans. The pizza represents 6% of your total amount of fat saturated as a percentage of calories a day. And since saturated fat consumption is linked to inflammation, it also means that it is likely to stifle your weight loss effects.


Conventional beef

Conventional meat

Whether you want a hamburger or steak, make sure to go to least antibiotic-free meat, but even better is nourished with grass. The beef nourished with grass is the most nutritious meat option, as many foods for farm cows have hormones and antibiotics that can be harmful to your health. In fact, a2013 study in the newspaperBorders in public health found that the antibiotics of beef can have a harmful effect on good intestinal bacteria. The imbalance of good and bad bacteria is correlated with weight gain because it modifies the way you treat food.


Foods Restaurant with Trans Greases

fast food

Many restaurants and street foods use partially hydrogenated and hydrogenated vegetable oils, and they are not a friend at your waist. "Trans fats cause inflammation in the body leading to insulin resistance and altering the body's ability to use the glucose correctly. This results in excess fat storage around thestomach, "saysTina Marinaccio, MS, RD, CPT.



Turkey slices cheese

Speaking of processed meats, the meat of charcuterie are on the list "Do not eat for weight loss" because they are loaded with sodium and chemicals related to obesity and chronic diseases. "While the link between meat and chronic disease is quite tenuous, the link between transformed meats and the risk of chronic diseases is strong and consistent," said David L. Katz, MD, MPH, Director of the Research Center the prevention of the University of Yale and President of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine. "If you eat meat, it should be pure - as you want your own muscles to be. If you eat highly treated and adulterate meats, they can pay it to meat on your own bones, "says Katz. If that's not enough to convince you to drop the Oscar Mayer, consider thisreview in the newspaperNutrition and Cancer This has established a link between processed meat and colorectal cancer.


Bottle tea

Iced tea

Tea contains antioxidants such as the Gallate epigallocatechin (EGCG), catechins and polyphenols, which have been found to help stimulate metabolism, block the formation of new adipose cells, repair the disease and even minimize cell damage, aging and the risk of stroke. But do not let these facts oppose you to believe that all teas are created equal; It could no longer be further from the truth. Not only are the restaurants and coffee chains serve breweries that have a fraction of antioxidants like the kind you would be at home, they are also generally injected with more sugar than you will find in a halloween candy hide. So, basically what you are left, it's a cup of sugar water with very little - if health benefits. Jump the things your Dunkin 'or Applebee is used and enjoy a cup of powerful cup ofdetox tea at home instead.




"Granola can be a nice additive to your yoghurt or morning cereals, but some types can be loaded with fat and added sugars and add up to 220 calories or more for 1/4 cup", actionsJim White, Rd, ACSM and owner of Jim White Fitness Nutrition Studios. "Try a kind of sugar drop or make your own homemade granola where you can put in the ingredients you want," he suggests.


Pancakes and waffles

Plate of pancakes

White flour, salt, sugar, butter, eggs, milk. There are too many ingredients with low density of nutrients (and not enough eggs and milk) to make pancakes other than the big clichés of empty calories. Adding chocolate chips, syrup or more butter will certainly not help you.


Fried chicken

Fried chicken

Do we just crush your fried chicken dreams and waffles? Well, if you want to lose weight, it could be worth abandoning for the moment. A big problem with deep foods like fried chicken is that they contain high levels of inflammatory advanced glycation finished products (ages). These are compounds that form when products are cooked at high temperatures, pasteurized, dried, smoked, fries or grilled. Researchers from theMOUNT SINAI SCHOOL OF MEDICINEI found that when people cut processed and fried foods that have high age levels, inflammation markers in their bodies diminished.


Cinnamon brioches

Cinnamon buns

All pastries are mines of sugar and carbohydrates, but rollers of cinnamon can be the worst of the lot. Consider this: a classic roller of Cinnabon has 880 calories, 127 grams of carbohydrates and 58 grams of sugar - what you would find in 10 fries ahoy! Fluffy cookies. There areso Many better ways to start your morning.



Frozen pies pecan pumpkin apple

We know that cooking a pie is not easy - but Stain carefully in the country of lattice and tops. Baked desserts One of the most powerful sources of transatious fat in the American diet. A14 years study Out of 80,000 women found a positive correlation between heart disease and food consumption containing trans fatty acids, then stay at all costs - your ticker and size will thank you!


Ice cream

ice cream

The fact is that ice cream must have a 10% milk fat for it to be called ice cream; Some varieties having up to 16%. Not only the extreme ice cream of extremely dense energy due to high levels of fat, it is also high in sugar, which constitutes the majority of its carbohydrate content. Even an "innocent" cup of vanilla ice packs still 267 calories, 32 grams of carbohydrates and 14 grams of fat. You will get a small dose of calcium but the ice cream never worth the calories for a daily weight loss diet, unless it is a moonfall once at the moon for your taste buds.


Traditional yogurt

Flavored yogurt

Although Greek yogurt enjoys many protein and prominent probiotics, traditional tips are usually loaded with sugar and devoid of macronutrients that breaks hunger that can help you lose weight. Ato study in the newspaperAppetiteCompared the effects of satiety of high and protein yogurts from 24 to 28 years and found that Greek yogurt had the greatest effect. Just put, those who have eaten Greek yogurt felt less hungry throughout the day and were healthier. If you want to add a flavor, fiber and texture to your Greek yogurt, mix in fruits rich in fiber, seeds of chia or hemp and nuts.


Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners

These equality or gentle packets can not be low, but they can lead to significant weight gain and even more garlic. Ato study inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that large amounts of artificial sweetener consumption are linked to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.



sandwich cookies

If your pantry is lined with buttered crackers based on flour (like Ritz crackers), do not expect your size to be diminishing. This is because these crackers are devoid of his nanny, a healthy cardiac fiber that your body needs to work to decompose, resulting in a blood sugar and heater and after feelings of hunger. Refined cereals are stripped of valuable nutrients in the refining process and require little time for your body to digest. In fact, ato study published in theAmerican Journal of Clinical Nutrition I found that substituting whole grains for refined grains increases the loss of calorie while keeping calories during digestion and accelerates metabolism. So, if you are looking for a quest for a few kilos, ditch the ritz and store whole grain grain crackers.


Cream cheese


Two tablespoons with regular cream cheese have 100 calories, 9 grams of fat and 6 grams of saturated fat. What do you get nutritionally for all this? Not a lot. Cream cheese does not provide a significant amount of good nutrients for you; Even his calcium account is lame. In addition, the fact that you mainly use cream cheese on bagels (another worst food for weight loss) is even more an excuse to let it out of your diet when you want to lose books.


Barbecue sauce

Barbecue sauce on grill
Twenty -20

Just two tablespoons of barbecue sauce have 100 calories, between 10 and 16 grams of sugar and 22 grams of carbohydrates. It's enough to turn a piece of grilled chicken into an empty calorie delivery car. Pass on this sweet treatment if you try to lose weight.


Onion rings

Onion rings

The onion ring is an excellent example of how all that is good about a vegetable can be exposed. Some say they are even worse than French fries because the onion rings have more calories, more saturated fat, more sugar and less potassium.



Tortilla Chips

This classic party food does not contain a long list of ingredients, but none of these ingredients contain a high dose of nutrients. "In general, for most crackers and chips, a large part of the nutritional value of the grain has been eliminated during treatment - especially when these foods are white rather than whole wheat, because jackets and exterior layers of the grain have been removed. They are removed. 'T necessarilyWrongBut they simply do not offer much with regard to nutrients, "says Isabel Smith, MS, RD, CDN, Authorized Dietidian and founder ofIsabel Smith Nutrition.


Energy drinks

Energy drinks

These fashionable drinks are, in reality, chemical cocktails too checks with more caffeine than coffee. They are also often loaded withsugar and other harmful additives. Give your energy levels a boost naturally by drinking black coffee, tea or a homemade smoothie.



Coffee creamer

The coffee can help stimulate your metabolism, but dilute your Joe cup with coffee creams. These popular Java companions pack empty calories and have artificial sweeteners and flavors. Even if you do not put a tablespoon of cream coffee in your morning pickup each day, sugar and calories are added. In fact, aKorean study in the newspaperNutrients I found that people who use sugar and cream with their coffee have a significantly higher risk of being overweight or obese than people who take their coffee black.



assorted jam

Additional evidence that everything is not performed with fruit is healthy, these conventional deviations are only pieces of mi-eye fruit in the calorie sugar and devoid of seafood fibers. Add entire fruit slices to your next peanut butter toast slice for some dense nutrient fittings.

Categories: Weight Loss
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