Diet errors You must stop doing

Avoid these common mistakes to stay on track and lose these unwanted books once and for all.

Are all fat bad? Are all carbohydrates worse? And is it possible to consumetoo mucha lot protein? With such conflict nutritional information, it's easy for people to fall into unhealthy eating habits without even achieving it. Especially when it comes to losing weight, when you might tend to make the same errors (preventable) that areunconsciously sabotage your efforts.

Fortunately, these diet blunders are easy to overcome if you know better. And that's where we arrive, as we are here to help you! Read it to learn from these common diet errors that everyone wins, so you can never be one of those people. To help you stay on track with your goals, be sure to store one of theThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


Do not eat enough fat

avocado halves in bowl

When the first US food guidelines were published in 1980, fat was judged as something to avoid. It was a feeling that led the food industry for the next 20 years, even though obesity rates continued to climb. It turns out that fat was probably never the problem of starting (sugar studies being a bigger trigger to obesity as food fat) andCertain healthy fats could actually help you lose weight. (Hello,lawyers!)

Unfortunately, some people always believe that this obsolete opinion. Fat is an important macronutrient that will help you feel full, will give you indispensable nutrients and can even reduce bad cholesterol. Stick at healthy monounsaturated fats, such as those found in olive oil, almonds, peanut butter and lawyers.


Do not eat enough carbohydrates

oatmeal with berries in a white bowl

The carbohydrates have been demonized as the culprit behind the weight gain, withLow carbohydrate schemes to be all rabies. Although it is true that refined carbohydrates such as sugar, white pasta and white bread can sting blood glucose and lead to weight gain,Complex carbohydrates can help you lose weight.

Jim White, Rd, ACSM and owner of Jim White Fitness says that when people cut their carbohydrates too low, he can really saboter their weight loss efforts.

"[The cutting carbohydrates] really affect their energy levels, and they end up becoming more desired with carbohydrates," he says. "In addition, they do not have a lot of energy to work, so many times they will jump on their training." In addition, complex carbohydrates havefiber Who gokeep you fully and give you sustainable energy.


Eat too much protein

beef steak

Protein is an essential macronutrient for weight loss. It helps build meat muscles, burning calories at rest and can help you lose weight. But it is possible to have too much good thing.

"People just think that protein is the Holy Grail when it comes to macronutrients," says White. "Eating too much protein, people do not realize, he always has calories and he can still be contributed to body fat if she will eat too much."

If you are a regular exerciser, White says it does not target more than 1.2 to 1.7 gram of protein per kilogram (about 2.2 pounds) of body weight. People who do too much with theprotein powders And the portions of meat can be packaged on the books, do not lose them.

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Cut whole food groups

Dairy products

Many popular FAD regimes require people to cut whole food groups, such as dairy, grains or meat. The problem of these plans is that they are too restrictive and can bring people to be bored or losing motivation and even even to unhealthy desires. In addition, eliminating major food groups can lead to nutritional deficiencies, such as fiber, protein or sufficient calcium. Unless you have a real food allergy, put yourself suspicious of meal plans that require you to have important food groups.


Be too restrictive

Woman not eating enough

Some people assume if cutting caloriesleads to weight loss, and then a drastic calorie deficit must mean faster results. Not exactly. A study published in the newspaperPsychosomatic medicineI found that people who went on a low calorie diet have not lost long-term weight, thanks to excessive production of hormonal stress cortisol. When your body frees too much cortisol, it signals the body to store fat, especially in your abdomen. And that's not all.

"When you do not eat enough calories, your metabolism can slow down, you do not have enough energy for workouts, and you are more likely to eat eating," says White "," We do not recommend Nothing under a 1,200 calorie system, especially for women. "In addition, restrictive regimes are not plausible in the long run; when you always hungry and you feel private, you are more likely toBootset on unhealthy comfort food.


Eat too much after a workout

eat junk food pizza after workout

A regular exercise plan is an essential element of any weight loss program, but that does not give you a license to frenzy on what you want after finishing. Of course, work the calories of the torches, but people often overestimate dramatically how much they have burned (fitness trackers and cardio equipment of calorie meters tend to be extremely inaccurate). People who are rewarding after a Selh sweat can do too much, even with apparently "healthy" post-training snacks like protein shakes. If you need to refuel, keep thesePost-Training Snacks of Fitness Experts.


Eat food diet

Protein bar

Beware of the labeled food "low fat", "sugar-free" or "gluten-free;" Just because they are marketed as adapted to food regins,They could actually be bad for your size. Most of these foods are highly transformed and contain doubtful ingredients like vegetable oils, aspartame and corn syrup. It is best to stick to the food that does not come in a package in the first place (natural foods, whole), or if you wish, choose something with minimal ingredients.


Treat all calories in the same way

Woman grabbing cookie from jar

Counting calories can be an effective way to lose weight, but all calories are not created equal. A study published inJama I noticed that people who ate a diet of great fat lost more weight than those who ate the same calories but on a low fat diet, which points all the calories being the same. And you do not have a dietitian to know that someone who eats 1,500 calories of chips, cupcakes and soda will not lose weight compared to someone who eats these same 1,500 calories in lean meat, Fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If you are in calorie count, let yourself leave a small room for you to enjoy food, but you do not think your body will treat all the calories in the same way.


Do not eat in moderation

Peanut butter banana

Even for people whoto do Stack their plates with healthy calories, they could be unconsciously sabotage themselves. Foods that have aHealth halo Can particularly lead to weight gain. Even if there are a lot of really delicious dishes that are good for you such as lawyers, hummus,Peanut Butter, andbananaThey are still caloric-dense and can cause weight gain if you are not too cautious. Take advantage of these foods, but make sure you keep you at a portion size.


Drinking your calories

Juice bottles

Looking at each piece of food that goes in your mouth is one thing, but what about what you go out? Even seemingly healthy drinks can be the source of unwanted calories. Cold press juices can be low calorie and sugar bombs. Yes, even the green; Many times they are made with fruits of high sugar such as bananas and pineapple, so calories can crawl quickly. In addition, each splash of cream and sugar packets in your coffee adds. Staying on the right track, it is better to sip on the water and unsweetenedgreen tea. And be sure to avoid one of the Instant drinks on the planet While you are there!

Categories: Weight Loss
Tags: diet / tips
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