35 tips for eating healthy restaurants

Dinner with friends and family is a great way to reconnect, but monster size meals are now serving in many restaurants can spell a disaster for your size. No way should you worry, but not when you come to prepare with our advice.

Restaurants are familiar with your heart's key - and your wallet is through your stomach. And though yes, food and drinks are delicious, they can free you from the amount of calories and fat you need for a day. A 2013 study of the University of Toronto found that the average restaurant meal clocks at 1 128. And it does not even have drinks! "When I go out, I usually order a vodka and a Soda club," says Mark Langowski, coach of celebrities and author ofEat this, not that! For abdominals. This is because Mark knows what a death trap is if many options and how to eat healthy restaurants. Between seemingly innocent innocent entries on the sinful and oversized, the meal outside can really explode in a nightmare for anyone who tries to keep their turn.

The good news is that you can always eat without launching a calorie bomb in your diet. You do not need to be perfect - you just need to do some damage control. All you need is a good game plan that you will find below - and be sure to avoidThe worst menu option # 1 to 40 popular restaurants Once you get there!

First, choose the right restaurant

Choosing a restaurant on another can make a biggest difference than you can not suspect. Look at the advice below so you do not prepare for failure before sitting.


Check the menu online


Most popular restaurants now publish their online menus. Take a quick look at what they have to offer before deciding which restaurant is right for tonight's meal. This has two advantages: You can see if they have healthy options, then pre-plan your meal to avoid temptation. And if they have a lot of fattening, fried foods? Just goes to the next restaurant. But do not only assume that a delicious survey salad is a safe victory; Even these can be loaded with more sugar than you ever wait. The23 food restaurants with folly-tall sugar quantities will blow your mind ...


Go to restaurants with a low menu

Restaurants know they have to change with time and times call healthy options alongside these creamy and fattening entrances. The restaurants of the National Chain like Applebee now offer lighter special menus (600 calories or less) for their more health-conscious clients. See our list of25 restaurant meals of less than 500 calories For more specific ideas.


Opt for upscale


If money is not a concern, choose to get a little more favorable than your grill from your neighborhood and frequent one of the upper restaurants in your area. Reason: Upscale restaurants tend to offer much smaller portions than chain restaurants, allowing you to deliver to some of the more fantastic rates in appropriate portions.



Being around the delicious food is the agonization when you wait for a table in a restaurant. These belly fees you hear tend to take over, allowing you to make you more chances to fill up on a ton of food once you finally sitting at dinner. Eliminate these temptations by making reservations in advance, so you are assured a table upon arrival. In this way, you can stick to your plan without your desperate empty stomach influences your decisions. Do not order these25 foods that make you happy!


Ask a table away from the kitchen

It's one thing to read on calorie entries on the menu, but it's another to see them in all their plated glory. Sitting at a kitchen table gives you the perfect view of each dish as they are served at the table. It's a temptation that you just do not want, especially if you are already hungry.


Pay attention to music


Listen to music through the restaurants. Restaurants with noisy and noisy music-think rock, pop and heavy metal - create a hectic atmosphere that makes people want to eat quickly. And what happens when you eat quickly? You eat more and suck the air that causes bloating. (Yes, it's one of35 things that make you swell!) Instead, opt for institutions with softer sounds like jazz. A study of Cornell University researchers found that people who had dinner in restaurants with lighter music lightened at the table longer, but they ate less food.


Search Clear colors


The same goes for color. Restaurants with bright and bold colors-think of red and orange - stimulant, so you are more likely to order more. On the contrary? The sweetest colors like blues, peaches, gray and roses encourage a more relaxed atmosphere and slowly.


Look at the mirror

Believe it or not, eat in restaurants lined with mirrors you want to eat less. The researchers at the University of the Florida Center have recently observed 185 students who eat a fruit salad or a piece of chocolate cake. Some have been placed in a room with a mirror; Some have eaten in a room without a mirror. The subjects who ate the chocolate cake in the room lined with mirrors said the cake had not tasted very well while those of the non-milight room had no complaint. The reason? Researchers believe that looking in a mirror make people judging harder because they are able to look at each other. Go a mirror in your dining room; These are incredible results like these show why there is20 reasons why it's easier than ever to lose weight!

Tips for ordering


Now that you are sitting and ready to have fun, conquer the next step towards a dining room experience without guilt!


Order the salad first

Loading on a healthy fiber at the beginning of a meal gives a good tone for the rest of the experience. A study of researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found that volunteers who ate a large vegetable salad before their main course eaten fewer calories than those who do not have it. Simply make sure to keep this simple in the foregoing cream (reading: fertilizer) Single oil and vinegar dressings. And skip cheese and croutons. No mood at salad? Choose a very vegetarian-heavy meal; the "half-plate rule" -Frepping half of your plate with vegetables - is one of10 genius tips for losing 10 pounds in 2016!


Search for words loaded on the menu


It would be so much easier if the restaurants have just come out and have said that dishes are full of calories, but few things do. Instead, they manipulate whimsical words that hide their true meaning. But what are you looking for? All that is described as creamy, buttered, breaded, stuffed or muffled is probably charged with grease and calories. Fantasy survey such as gratin, parmesan, scalloped cheese or skipped are a gift that there are many stuffed calories inside the meal.


Go for a broth soup

Broth soups - think everything that is done with chicken or beef, is another good way to fill your stomach before the main meal. A cup of soup loaded with vegetables and lean meat like chicken is both healthy and feeling. Better again: Order the soup and salad for your main meal and you will have a filling meal that is low in calories. To make one at home, check these20+ Best soups based on broth for weight loss!


Beware of gluten-free options


The term "gluten-free" has a health halo around that, which means that many people assume that foods are healthy if they are labeled as gluten-free. The truth? Gluten-free just means that there is no gluten in the food, not that it's low calorie or low fat. Sometimes gluten-free options are even more caloric because the recipe requires additional ingredients to compensate for the lack of gluten.


Doubling on aperitifs instead of a main


Many times, restaurants offer seafood or vegetable options on the aperitif menu that can serve as a healthy option. Order a part (or two) and eat it as your main meal. Just make sure to stay away from the breaded or tracked versions of the aperitifs so that it can become a calorie bomb. In addition, these fries sticks of something tartare or decadent could be one of your23 foods that ruin the night!


Ask the server of the help


Your server is there to help! Ask it to explain everything about the options you die on the menu. She can explain what unknown words mean - not to mention, she is the one that can recommend how to do something healthier by adding or extracting some ingredients or options. Pro Tip: Ask the server what it must command if it wanted the healthiest thing on the menu. She could suggest something you did not consider before.


Request triple vegetables

Vegetables are a shot on many restaurant entries, so ask your server to add additional vegetable portions - either instead of less healthy sides or more. You could have a small amount, but many times, they will be happy to exchange it without costing more.


Know the difference between the cuts


Allmeat cuts are not the same. The skinless chicken breast is a better option than thighs or chicken legs plus fat. With regard to beef, search for names such as upper sirloin, a board side steak, a lower background - and stay away from sinful slabs like the main coast.


Ask butter and sauces on the side


You know how to search for some words on the menu to make you add grease and calories in entrances, but restaurants do not always indicate when they use butter or extra vegetable and meat sauces. Avoid additional unexpected calories asking that they cook without all butters and dressings. You can opt it on the side if you wish.


Say 'not' with empty-calorie drinks

What is gaseous and alcoholic drinks have in common? They are both bad for your health and size. You can always stay with water for your meal drink or unsweetened iced tea if you need a little taste. But if you just have to have some alcohol? Stay away from Margaritas and Pina Coladas sugars because they will just add hundreds or even thousands of extra calories. Instead, get a glass of red wine (for antioxidant advantages) or vodka with a soda club splash and a lime, like Mark Langowski. For more advice from him and his friends with Six Pack ABS, discover the21 things that people with six packs make every week.


Look for healthy key terms


What is grilled words, grilled and baked in the oven? These are all words that indicate that the food was cooked in the healthiest way. Of course, there is always a chance that the restaurant can use butter or sauces in the process of preparation, but you know how to ask them.


Fish order

Seafood are almost always a good choice, as long as it is not fried, skipped or on our "worse" list in our exclusive report ofMore than 40 popular types of fish classified for nutrition. Ask that your seafood option is cooked without any sauce or butter.


Seek fruit

One side of the fruit can add a small softness and zing to your meal without adding many additional calories. Many restaurants offer a mixed fruit side; But if you can choose, go for superfoods like raspberries, blueberries, blackberries and strawberries; They are complete antioxidants and vitamins without much sugar.

Tips for your dining room experience


Hope you feel good in your choices, you go out and enjoy the atmosphere. Now that your dish is sitting in front of you, follow these steps to finish strong!


Inflate with spices

You know how to ask sauces on the side, but eat healthy does not mean to give up the flavor. Take the taste by adding a little salt and pepper, or ask for their selection of spices. Paprika, garlic salt, chili powder and lemon can easily add extra zing to meat and vegetables without additional calories. Bonus: Do not miss these20 spices that burned your metabolism!


Use the 'Fork Dip' method


Do you want to indulge in creamy dressings, but do not want to add tons of extra calories? Ask it to the side, then dive your fork before loading with lettuce and crunchy vegetables. In this way, you have a little taste of the creamy stuff you want without going to the sea.


Request a box at GO immediately


A study of the Center for Science in the public interest revealed that many restaurants serve triple portions (or even quadruples!) That of a recommended portion size. Avoid eating too much by immediately half or even 75% of your entry into a to-go box to eat like stays at home. It's like doing at least two meals for the price of one.


Eat the lowest-calorie part first


Eating your sides of lower calories before the main part of your meal will help you fill your stomach without overcoming. And if you are full? Just put the rest in your dining box for meals later. It may seem careless but it's one of the44 Ways to lose 4 inches of body fat!


Skip the skin


It is normal for restaurants to cook the turkey, chicken and even duck and leave the chicken during the cooking process, but you should remove it before eating it. The skin is loaded with a bouquet of calories and saturated grease that you do not have room in a healthy diet.


Say no to bread basket or chips and salsa


You can easily eat hundreds of extra calories before ordering your meal when digging in the bread basket or chip bowl of Tortilla. Register these calories for your meal by returning any free table service provided by the restaurant. And if you have to have something to nibble immediately? Apply for ahealthy idea of ​​snacks, like a small plate of vegetables.


Put your fork between punctures


Eat quickly is a safe way to eat too much. To counteract this trend by putting your silverware between each bite to rest a minute. This gives you the ideal time to add to the dinner conversation and give you the chance to gauge your hunger level before taking another bite.


Get dressed

There is no strict science to go back to this subject, but dress for a dinner in a restaurant, even a casual - an opportunity can change your way of feeling meal. It seems that it seems to be more of a formal opportunity instead of a regular meal, so you can be more inclined to order something like one of these23 healthy food celebrities can not have enough.


Drink water throughout the meal


Many times, we think we are hungry when we are actually thirsty. Other bites with large moors of water. This will require you to slow as you eat and you will be better able to judge your hunger level to prevent you from eating too much.


Eat a large meal earlier in the day

It's hard to eat too much if you are always full of your last meal. If you dine, eat a big lunch or at least a decent snack a few hours before. In this way, you are not hungry when you arrive at your table, allowing you to make better decisions when it comes to ordering. Do not argue yourself is also one way to keep your metabolism falling. Learn more with these55 best ways to stimulate your metabolism!


Plan a lighter activity after dinner

A nice walk after dinner will help you not only digest, it will prevent you from ordering something heavy outside. Why? You simply do not want to feel weighed and light for a walk. Opting for something healthy will annoy you for a light workout, even if it's just a moonlight walk on the pier.


Pop a mint when we finished


Declare that you have finished eating by jumping in a mint after the last bite. Not only the weight loss is one of theBenefits of mintBut it helps you clean your palate because you will not want to combine the taste of mint with another bite of food. Better still: Cover your meal with a towel towel or awake in salt - so you are not tempted to take another nibbling.


Give yourself a talk

It may seem stupid, but give you a PEP speech before leaving you will motivate you to opt for the healthy choice. Give yourself a goal makes it real and puts you in the good state of mind to approach the meal of a healthy state of mind.


Forget the dessert


All these chocolate cakes and decadent pies look so delicious when they are pushed on the dessert trolley, but even a small piece of rich cake can touch 400 calories or more on your dinner. Just say no dessert at the restaurant. And if you must have a few, swinging through the frozen yogurt on the way back for a low calorie treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth.

Categories: Restaurants
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