A sign you need more "high intensity," said a new study

New research shows how the faster walk helps those who suffer from peripheral artery disease.

Every day, it seems that the observers of the world of the science of exercise learns something new and exciting to walk to exercise. For example, a new study published in the magazineClinical rehabilitationHave found that stroke survivors who walked faster while performing a task such as talking - a process called "dual task walking", perhaps able to recover more quickly and find their cognitive performance. Another study, published in the published in theStudies of the journal of happiness, found that walkerswho employed empathic thoughts towards foreigners-Set things like "I wish this person to be happy" - reduced their stress levels and made them happier people overall. Another study, published in theTransport and health newspaper, noted that the people who walked "with goal" not only walked faster and either healthier but also felt healthier.

Now, a whole new study published inJama reveals againanother benefit from walking. The catch? It requires people to walk at higher speeds. Learn more about this study and if you like to walk, make sure you are aware ofThe walking shoe of the secret that walkers everywhere are totally obsessed with.


If you have a peripheral artery disease (PAD), fast walking is very useful

Woman holding her achilles tendon.

Peripheral arteries (PAD), when your narrow arteries and blood flow to your members are reduced, is common in the elderly. According toThe Mayo Clinic, "When developing a peripheral artery disease, your legs or your arms - usually your legs - do not receive enough blood streams to track demand. This can cause symptoms, such as the pain of the legs during the walk (claudication). "

Other symptoms include numbness, coldness in your extremities, pain and even erectile dysfunction in men. For the new study, which was conducted in a full year, researchers sought to understand how walking can help ensure the discomfort associated with the PAD. And for more about the benefits of walking, see here forSmall secret tips that will prolong your life.


We are nothing years ago?

woman lacing her shoes before a workout

The research teams took 305 people who suffer from a buffer and made them perform a single step test: walk as far as possible in 6 minutes. Then the authors of the study assigned them to one of the two walking programs: a low intensity and a high intensity. Then, for a full year, the two groups of walks walked up to 50 minutes more than 50 minutes for 5 days a week. Given the pain associated with the buffer, slower walkers were invited to walk at the rate considered "comfortable". High-speed walkers have been invited to walk at a speed that caused pain, whether moderate or intense pain. At the end of the study, all walkers accounted for the original walking test to see how they had progressed.


Here are what they have discovered

Woman nordic walking race on city streets. Walkers in marathon competition running fast

The walkers who walked faster were able to walk nearly 40 meters away than their high-speed workout. Low speed walkers have found that they covered less distance than before (7 meters). "These results do not promote the use of low-intensity walking exercises for buffer patients," concludes the study.

In addition, researchers assumed that walking at higher speeds, although it was more painful, can help their arteries develop new blood vessels to help blood circulate to their muscles. And for superb walking tips, see theseSecret stuff to walk to exercise, according to experts on the move.


What it means for you

woman doing a walking workout

If you are an elderly person who suffers from buffer, the results are clear: walk faster and kissing the resulting embarrassment can be a wise movement when working to recover. But the study is simply the last to support the health benefits of fast walking. For example, a great study published in 2015 inThe American Journal of Clinical NutritionI found that a 20-minute rapid walk every day could reduce your risk of death by more than 30%.

In addition to that, you will also burn more calories, feel a thumb boost, help your brain and sleep even better. For more information about these benefits and others, read What works for only 20 minutes made to your body, says science .

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