8 reasons why you should never order the salmon

We were all told as salmon, packed with protein and omega-3 and flattening the belly heart, is a great way to become strong, lean and healthy. That's why you'd better sit down before you read the next sentence.

Salmon makes you grow.

Most salmon, that is to say. As I built my zero stomach diet program - with a test sign that lost an average of 20 pounds in 6 weeks, I focused on it around thelose your belly Effects of omega-3s and other healthy greases and new revolutionary sciences on specific foods that turn "off" your fat genes.

But what I discovered in my research - and why I advised my test panels to avoid any wild salmon - was a really disturbing information: more than 90% of the fresh salmon consumed in this country comes from farms of Giant fish, not nature. In fact, the Atlantic salmon is 99% breeding, naturally white and nourished pellets containing pink dyes. Yuck! And unlike proteins and fats that really help us lose weight, cultivated salmon can have the opposite effect.

Here are 8 shocking salmon we discovered while looking for the book - and which fat foundry alternatives to the order. And check out the zero belly diet below to turn off your grease genes and lose weight by eating the food you like!

Salmon Shocker # 8

He was painted Rose!

Wild salmon is naturally tinted pink, a delicious side effect of shrimp and krill in its diet. But because the agricultural salmon remain on dirt pellets in soil and soyfish, its flesh is naturally beige. So, salmon farmers add dyes to their diet to change the color of the fish from the inside. They can even use a practical color table, such as paper tapes used to select paint colors in hardware computers, called Salmofan. It allows farmers to choose shades of flesh between the pale pink salmon (n ° 20) and the red orange red (# 34). In recent years, consumer prosecutions have forced some supermarkets to put "added color" labels on the packaging of agricultural salmon.

Salmon Shocker # 7

It mangoes chicken pock!

To save money, salmon farmers add bulk agents such as poultry litter (coca) and hydrolysed chicken feathers to food. Speaking of caca, seeHow Tilapia is worse than bacon.

Salmon Shocker # 6

It is packed with a big fat!


The most omega-3 and the least omega-6, the better. Finding a balance between the two is the key, since a fight against inflammation while the other tends to promote it. The Wild Salmon of Alaska is an omega-3 gold mine; Only 3 ounces provide 1,253 mg of trick and only 114 mg omega-6s. The cultivated salmon has even more omega-3, providing 1,705 mg in a 3 ounce portion. So far everything is fine, right? But food manufacturers save money by upsetting fish food granules with soy, which increases the ratio of omega-6 acids. As a result, salmon grown has 1,900 mg omega-6. So, instead of pushing your 3: 6 ratio in the right direction, you actually take a step back.

Salmon Shocker # 5

It lacks critical vitamins.

Vitamin D, a crucial nutrient that leads to bone health and can also reduce your risk of cardiac attack, is a fourth in breeding fish what it is in wild salmon. Speaking of vitamins, seeHow to get your supplements without taking pills.

Salmon Shocker # 4

It is contaminated with an orange agent.

Analysis of 700 salmon bought at Edinburgh stores, Scotland in Seattle, Washington, a team led by Ronald Hites, PhD, University of Indiana, found that the product of the breeding contained up to 8 times More Industrial Cancer Chemicals from the 1979 PCBA Cancer - Wild Variety. Other chemicals found in livestock fish comprise herbicide dioxins (the most famous agent).

Salmon Shocker # 3

He has lice!


Salmon farms attract a disgusting marine insect called sea lice; To get rid of these parasites, farmers weigh their feed with a marine toxin called slice or ermectin benzoate. The pesticide is also used to eliminate sick trees from pine beetles. When administered to rats and dogs, it causes tremors, a deterioration of the spine and muscular atrophy.

Salmon Shocker # 2

And Ténias!


In Chile, where the majority of our salmon is raised, the baby salmon (called smolt) is raised in freshwater lakes rather than in hatcheries, where native species can pass juvenile salmon pests before leaving the ocean. Several cases of intestinal parasites in humans have been found with raw breeding salmon.

Salmon Shocker n ° 1

Health experts will not eat it!


Due to the concentration of contaminants in salmon, hites and its team concluded that "the majority of highlights on the farm should be consumed at a meal or less per month." In the case of Scottish salmon, they recommended to those who wish to avoid chemicals caused by cancer do not have more than three agricultural salmon meals a year.

Instead, eat these six best fish to lose weight!



You may be surprised to learn that steam-cooked white fish, such as scourge, oatmeal and fiber-rich vegetables in the department of satiety. The Common Food Statis Index, an Australian study published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper, classified as the number two most food filled only with boiled potatoes for its fullness factor. A separate Australian study compared the satiety of different animal proteins has found a similar white nutritional fish (Flocon) to be significantly more satisfying than beef and chicken; Satiety after the white fish meal also decreased at a much slower rate. The study authors attribute the white fish filling factor as Halibut to its impressive protein content and its influence on serotonin, one of the key hormones responsible for appetite signals. Simply make sure to avoidtilapia.




Scientists have not yet prove that well-known oysters as anapidisiac, but research has shown less known oyster potential as a help with natural weight loss. Half a dozen orders will give you just 43 calories (the equivalent of a single saltine biscuit!) And will provide 21% of your recommended daily allowance for iron, whose deficiencies have been linked to a significant increase in the expression of grease genes. In addition, oysters are one of the best sources of zinc, a mineral that works in tandem with the "I am hunger!" Hormone, laptin, regulate appetite. Research shows that overweight people tend to have higher levels of duptine and lower zinc levels, compared to lean people. A study in the newspaperLife sciences The complement with zinc could increase the production of leptin in obese men of 142%. Get zinc deli, naturally, with oysters, just six fills your recommended daily need for 200%! So, make a habit of a happy hour to hit the raw bar for a dozen on the half-shell; The order will take you to your lean jeans, even if it does not lead you to someone else.


Wild salmon

Do not leave the relatively high calorie and fat tension of salmon to deceive you; Studies suggest that oily fish can be one of the best for weight loss. (In fact, that makes our list of fatsFoods that will help you lose weight.) In a study, participants were divided into groups and attributed to one of the three equilichon weight loss regimes that did not include seafood (the control group), lean white fish or salmon. Everyone has lost weight, but salmon eaters had the lowest fasts of insulin and a marked reduction in inflammation. Another study in theInternational Journal of ObesityI have found that eating three servings of salmon 5 ounces per week for four weeks as part of a diet low in calories, resulting in weight loss of about 2.2 pounds of dieting equip calories-not including fish. Wild salmon is lighter than agriculture, which is plunged on fish fish; And it is also proven to be significantly lower in cancer PCBs. So go to the nature literally!



The jury Scalops seafood remain innocent until proven guilty! Although they are often guilty as association with creamy sauces and decadent restaurants (not a good weight loss), high protein molluscs, low calorie shellfish are great for your waistline and even your cholesterol. A study published in theJournal of Food Science found bioactive capsules based on scallops byproducts to show significant anti-obesity effects. The animals fed capsules - a mixture of scallops and seaweed - over 4 weeks showed a greater reduction in body weight and body fat compared with a control, which the authors attribute to the high protein content St. St. Jacques (in fact, a scallop is 80%. the protein and the part you eat is the adductor muscle of Mollusk!). A separate study examined the effects of different proteins on fat and glucose tolerance found the scallops to reign supreme. Mice fed with scallops protein showed low blood cholesterol levels and obesity induced by diet compared to mice fed the équilichicaliques parts of casein or chicken protein.


Light canned tuna

tuna on bread

Or not tuna? That is the question. As primary source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), light canned tuna fish is one of the best and most affordable for weight loss, especially your belly! A study in theJournal of Lipid Researchshowed that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation had the deep capacity to extinguish the abdominal fat genes. And while there are two types of fatty acids found in cold water fish and fish oils DHA and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) -ReSearchers say that DHA may be from 40 to 70% more efficient than the EPA to increased fat in the abdomen genes, preventing the fat cells of the stomach to the size of the expansion. But what about mercury? Tuna mercury levels vary by species; In general, the larger and lighter fish, the higher the level of mercury. Bluefin and Albacore rank among the most toxic, according to a study ofBiology Letters. But the tuna of the canned crisis, harvested from the smallest fish, is considered a "low mercury fish" and bobbin and duty! -Be appreciated two to three times a week (or up to 12 ounces), according to the main guidelines of the FDA. .


Pacific chene


Fish and fleas will not help you lose weight, at least not out of the fryer. But research suggests a regular portion of the Pacific cod, the fish typical fish sticks, can remain slim. A study in the newspaperNutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases I found that eating five portions of cod per week as part of a low-calorie diet for eight weeks resulted in an additional weight loss of 3.8 livres compared to a diet with the same amount of calories but not of fish. And a second study in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper has found that people ate 11% less at dinner after having had lunch compared to those who ate a beef lunch. Researchers attribute the satisfactory and slimming the high protein content and the COD of amino acid profile, which can help regulate metabolism. No wonder captain birdseye looks so eager!

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