5 subtle signs of a UTI you should not neglect

Urinary tract infection may result in surprising symptoms - or no symptoms.

Sometimes you just know it's time to look forTreatment for urinary tract infection (UTI). "The obvious signs of a UTI are pain and combustion when urinating, caused by persistent inflammatory processes in the lower urinary tract", explainsSteven Lamm, MD, researcher, internist and a leading expert on sexual health. Utis occur when the bacteria find their way to your bladder: according to the Foundation of Urology Care, about 12% of men and 60% of women will suffer from a UTIat least once during their lives. "Women are at higher risks for uses than men, because women have shorter uretras, which decreases remote bacteria must travel to reach the bladder," explains Lamm, adding that "although many Symptoms of UTI be obvious, some symptoms can be more subtle. "Read on to know what they are.

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A frequent desire to urinate.


This is not always the feeling of having to pee all the time. Sometimes it's "feeling like if you can not completely empty your bladder," Lamm says. The reason is twofold. First, an irritated bladder can make you constantly feel like if you have to urinate, even if you do not do it. Second, you may beretaining urine; This is another symptom of a UTI that is caused by the weakness of the bladder or swelling of the urethra, according to the clinic of Cleveland.

Anyway, it's certainly uncomfortable - and a sign that you may need to look for treatment. "UTIS can cause serious health problems if it is not processed correctly", warns LAMM. "If you have the inkling, you have a UTI, consult your doctor right away."AE0FCC31AE342FD3A1346EBB1F342FCB

Strange-smell urine.

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Another subtle sign of having a UTI is not about the frequency to which you have to pee; It's about how your urine feels. "A strong or strange smell of your urine can also be a sign [of an infection]," Lamm declares. "This smell is typically bacteria present in the urinary tract."

So what kind of smell should you be looking for? The urine that feels soft, ammonia or fish can indicate an infection, but it is important to note that these odor changes can also be a sign of somethingworse.

Pseudo-influenza symptoms.

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You can not associate fever, chills and pain with urinary tract infection, but these are a part of theLess known symptoms a UTI. A fever can be caused by any type of infection, while inflammation in the bladder can cause pain in the area or in the back at the bottom of the back, near the place where the kidneys are. If the infectionContract your abdominal musclesThis can lead to stomach pain, the AARP website indicates.

These symptoms do not automatically indicate a UTI, but it's worth chatting with your doctor. An untreated UTI may spread to one or more kidneys, explains LAMM: "This can cause permanent damage to renal function and increase the risk of renal failure."

Bloody urine or cloudy.

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It's good to know what your urine looks like on adaily, then you will notice if there is a change.

"When you are healthy and hydrated, your urine should fall somewhere between colorless and the color of straw and honey from light," says Cleveland Clinic. "When you do not consume enough liquids, your urine becomes more concentrated and turns a yellow or darker amber color." But if your urine is cloudy or milky, it couldinfection, according to Healthline. In addition, the blood caused by bacteria in your urinary tract lining, leading to irritation andInflammation in the bladder-Have a "red, pink or brown like cola" urine.

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Maybe the sign of a urinary tract infection is ... no sign at all. This is known asasymptomatic bacteriaAnd as the Mount Sinai health system explains, it is only identified when bacteria are in a urine test. These types of UTIs only require treatments in some cases, such as if the patient is pregnant, or about to undergo surgery in a related area. Otherwise, the infection can solve by itself.

If you need treatment for a UTI, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics. "Antibiotics are usually the first treatment used to reduce a present UTI," Lamm said. "It is important to discuss a global approach to dealing with this infection, as well as a preventive strategy to reduce the likelihood of recurring infection."

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