Side effects of abandoning red meat, according to science

Yes, your body may seem important changes. Here's why.

You will strongly be in a hurry to find a more strongly debated subject in the world of nutrition thatRed meat. Although some insist, it is downright dangerous to consume, others maintain that there is no prejudice and can actually be part of a healthy diet (with moderation, of course). Although many scientific evidence can be contradictory, one thing is certain: you can expect side effects if you give up the red meat.

In 2015, theWorld Health Organization Red meat classified as possible carcinogen, which means it can potentially cause cancer. Studies have shown that red meat could increase your risk ofcolorectal cancer,breast cancer,Diabetes,renal failureand other health problems. In addition, a 2012 Harvard study in theInternal medicine archives Discovered that eating more red meat can actually shorten your life. Participants who have eaten the most red meat tended to weigh more, exercise less, smoking and drinking more, and die younger (specifically, more often due to cardiovascular disease and cancer). Even when researchers compensated for some unhealthy lifestyle factors that can be entered into play, the meat was always linked to premature mortality. Other researchers, meanwhile, indicated that the proof ofThe link of red meat to health risks is low.

Clearly, it's a complicated topic. According toLauren Minchen, MPH, RDN, CDN, and nutrition consultant for the application of ai-oriented visual plan dialer, the impact that leaves red meat on your health will depend on the type and your consumption.

"If you give up more removable forms of red meat in the form of fat burgers and beaches, fat steaks, you will potentially experience the health benefits of reducing your fat and caloric consumption," she says . "If you generally consume lean or grass-powered red forms of red meat and in the mealtime, the disadvantages that you can experience potentially outweigh the benefits."

In this spirit, here are some of the side effects you can expect, so much better than bad. After, be sure to check the100 instantaneous food on the planet.


You could do some books.

ribeye steak dinner with potatoes on wood board

The red meat is pretty portion of 6 ounces Ribye - a part of 6 ounces contains270 calories, which is much compared to a portion of black beans (1/2 cup) pretty much113 calories. Not to mention, black beans have no saturated fat, while the steak has a 6 grams.

If you eat red meat on the regular before, it can certainly add up. That's why Minchen says you may have any easier timelosing weight, or at the very least, keep it.

A 2006 and 2011 study revealed that people who have consumed higher quantities of red meat weremore likely to be overweight or obese that those who have eaten it less often or not at all. That said, whether or not you lose weight after abandoning red meat can depend alertly on the foods you are replacing it.

here isWhat happens to your body when you cut red meat from your diet.


Your cardiac health will improve.

Processed red meat

On a2014 studyRed meats contain carnitine, a protein building block that triggers the release of trimethylamine-n-oxide (TMAO). And TMao can accelerate the thickening and hardening of the artery walls, provoking heart problems. A 2019 study published in theEuropean heart newspaper I revealed that people who ate red meat had three times more TMAO in their blood than when they eaten only white meat sources or non-meat protein.

Without speaking about,saturated fat has been linked toHigher levels of LDL cholesterol (bad), which increases your risk ofcardiopathy By causing plaque accumulation in the walls of the artery - and the red meat is high in saturated fat. So, what did it could improve your cholesterol, thus contributing to protecting your heart. In fact, a 2017 study published inNutrition Reviews revealed that plant-based diets can reduce LDL cholesterol from 15 to 30%.

"You can also make room for healthier fat, such as omega-3 omega-3s of wild fish and monounsaturated nuts and seeds, which reduce cholesterol and stimulate cardiac health," says Minchen .

RELATED:Popular foods that can damage your heart, according to science


You will have lower inflammation levels.

Cauliflower gnocchi bolognese sauce spinach

A 2014 study published in the journalNutritional research found that vegetarians haveless inflammation in their body than meat eaters. Seeing likeInflammation has been linked to many chronic diseasesThis is already a major advantage to nix the red meat of your diet. But according to Minchen, this can also have a positive impact on your digestive system.

"Eliminate the large fats of red meat alone can improve digestion by reducing inflammation and urgency, and can help leave more fibrous dishes to promote healthy elimination," she said. She said.


You can encounter protein deficiency.

eating steak

One thing you will need to keep an eye after the red meat gap is the amount of protein you get.

"Depending on the amount of meat you consume, cut red meat without replacing with another complete protein source can cause insufficient protein," says Minchen. "Follow your protein intake in an application likeFrontier To make sure that you carry out daily the desired amount. "

Aprotein deficiency May cause a series of side effects such as weakened immune system, loss of muscle mass, edema, a difficulty in adjusting your appetite, dry skin and low hair and nails. So it's important to replace red meat with othershigh protein foods, like poultry, fish, beans, legumes, tofu, eggs, yogurts, nuts and seeds.


Your immune system can take a shot.

Niklas Rhosse / Beldshash

Red meat is full of importanceVitamins and minerals-All who play a key role in the ability of your body to fight against harmful infections. For example, Minchen notes that red meat provides a form ofiron which is absorbed better than plant-based sources, which helps to move away from anemia. So, what happens if you do not replace red meat with other foods that are raised in these nutrients?

"When protein, zinc, selenium, vitamin B and iron intake are insufficient for a long time, the immune system suffers," says Minchen.

In particular, Minchen says it is crucial to keep an eye on your zinc and selenium consumption, which work together to support immune health.

Fortunately, it is possible to compensate for this loss of nutrients by taking a supplement and / or incorporating other foods rich in vitamins and minerals. For example, beans and lentils, salmon, walnuts, seeds, crustaceans, tofu, whole grains and some cheeses all contain a lot ofessential minerals Your body needs.

here is6 signs of iron deficiency that you should never ignore.


Your bones can become stronger.

steak and potatoes on a plate

Osteoporosis, a disease that causes the weakening of bones, is surprisingly commonaffecting some 10 million Americans"And it can put you at risk much higher to break or fracture your bones. A series of studies conducted byCornell-China-Oxford project on nutrition revealed that eating less meat can really reduce your risk of osteoporosis, however. More specifically, eating less meat reduces your risk of loss of bone density, because animal proteins tend to bind more calcium from bones than to consume. The high diets of animal protein were related to high calcium excretions through the urine, whileHerbal schemes had the opposite effect.

It should be noted that these conclusions applied to all meats, not just red rods, in order to take advantage of these benefits to bone strengthening, you must ideally need to replace red meat with herbal proteins rather other types of meat.

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