Surprising side effects of taking flat belly supplements

It's not just a flattering belly that you can get from these popular supplements, let's say experts.

When people try tolosing weightIt's not just about cutting a few kilos where they are usually after-production of aflat belly is often part of the finished product they aim. While doing the exercise and consumption of a healthy controlled meal plan, it is essential to achieve weight loss and a leaky median, many people are also turning to belly supplements Flat in the hope that they will help them lose weight and my size size faster. However, it's not just a guy size that you can live when you take a flat stomach supplements. Before blowing up a pill to cut your median, read it to discover the side effects of taking flat belly supplements, according to science. And for some supplements that are worth taking, discoverVitamin doctors exhort everyone to take right now.


You can meet reduced anxiety.

man relaxing after work breathing fresh air sitting at home office desk with laptop

Green tea, an ingredient found in many flat belly supplements, can promote greater mental well-being and weight loss, according to recent research. According to a study 2020 published inFood Plants in Human Nutrition, L-Theanine (L-The), an amino acid found in green tea, was found to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and stress, while a 2014 magazine published in theCanadian pharmacists' newspaper found that people who took green tea over a 12-week period lost more weight than a control group.

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You can reduce your risk of cardiac attack and stroke.

Woman having heart attack at home

If you take Krill oil to flatten your belly, you may find yourself enjoying unexpected advantages for yourcardiovascular health, also. According to a 2014 study published in the newspaperNutritional research12-week supplementation with krill oil among a group of 300 people who ate little fish have resulted in serum triglyceride levels - a type of fat in the blood that can affect the risk of cardiovascular events of A person, but did not increase their levels of LDL or "bad" cholesterol.


Your intestinal health can improve.

happy woman hands on belly

Flat belly supplements based on psyllium envelopes can do more than regulating your digestion - there is also evidence of your health. A small study of 2019 published in theInternational Journal of Molecular Sciences Discovered that Psyllium Husk supplementation had particularly benefits on the microbioma of the intestines of the constipated participants.


Your blood pressure can improve.

female physician checking male patients blood pressure at clinic

That you have been diagnosed with hypertension or if you just want to get yourarterial pressure In a healthier range, flat belly supplements containing hibiscus can be able to help. A 2019 study published in theJournal of Advanced Pharmaceutical Technology & Research found that among a group of 46 subjects of study with hypertension, those of hibiscus Sabdariffa supplementation reduced both their systolic and diastolic blood pressure from "significantly higher" percentages than those of the control group. For more simple ways to get your blood pressure on a healthier territory, check out the20 healthiest foods that lower blood pressure.


You can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer.

woman's abdomen and belly button, she is touching her slim stomach with two hands

Ginger has long been considered potentially beneficial for individuals who try to lose a few pounds and can even have advantages that go beyond your weight. According to a small 2011 study published inResearch on cancer preventionAmong a study population of only 33 participants, those who took daily ginger supplements over a 28-day period reduced their levels of Prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), an inflammation marker associated with colorectal cancer, an average 28%.

Similarly, a 2016 study published inONCOTARGETrevealed that the dandelion root, another common ingredient of flat belly supplements, was also noted to encourage cell death in colorectal cancer cells. And for more other additions to your diet that can have a protective effect, This only food can reduce your risk of colorectal cancer, a new study indicates .

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