Cut calories to the restaurant with these 30 tips

Find healthier alternatives to your favorite dishes will help you save calories, greases and sodium.

Exit eating is fun and festive but it does not mean you have to let go and for all food, right? Of course, there are times to pamper you, butstudies Show that eating outside, that it is in a restaurant, rapidly casual post, or a fast food joint to greater daily consumption of calories, saturated greases, cholesterol and sodium. Reassure yourself, however, that if you armed with some simple strategies, you can build a more balanced world with all joy, just eat fewer calories.

Here, nutritionists and carillon dietitians with their best order tips that will lose weight any meals. Some tips (like skipping the basket of bread or ordering the dressing on the side) Maybe already your go-to hacks restaurant while others (ordering salad can not always be your best bet) can arming you with A new perspective on eating outside. At the end of the day, there is a question of balance and healthy pickingand Delicious foods that will make you feel full rather than private.

Scroll down safely from ordering tips, and knowing which other foods may not be as nutritious as you think with these30 health foods that are not really healthy. And if you want healthy recipes, supermarket shopping guides and essential nutrition tips at your fingertips, subscribe to the newEat this, not that! Magazine now! For limited time, you can save 50 percent on the price CLICK CLIPhere!



Couple reading restaurant menu

"The biggest thing is to have a plan before walking, even in the door," says Matt Weik, BS, CSCS, CPT, CSN, owner ofWeik Fitness. "Knowing what elements are in the menu that interests you and how are you going to ask to prepare them. Whether it's about asking for baking cod rather than fries or ordering a salad instead of fries, go with a plan can help you avoid making last minute calorie follies.


Do not go to Starving Restaurant


Do not engage in a full meal just before going to eat, but try not to go hungry either. "You are more likely to control heavy carbohydrates, unhealthy meals and engage in bread basket while you expect your food," explains Michelle Routhenstein, MS RD CDN, owner offully fed, A private consulting and consulting diet. "If you go to the restaurant a little hungry, you are more likely to read the menu and choose a better option. »


Order order questions

Waiter taking orders at restaurant

Rather than let the waiter note the order of everyone before it comes to you, volunteers to go first. "When you order first, you are more likely to stick with your healthy eating goals, rather than being influenced by the options that your meal fellow meals can do," says Julie Upton, MS, RD, a dietitian zone Bay and co-founder of the appetite for health. "However, if you are with a group of health nuts, you can order the last one, that their positive choices will be taken into account in the way you place order. »


Pay attention to descriptions

Man reading dinner menu

"The food that is described as 'crisp,' 'butter,' Calories 'pan-fried' 'to gratin,' 'cream' or 'in fashion'," highlights Becky Kerkenbush, MS, RD-AP, CSG, CD -Media representative for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Wisconsin. "Look for foods that are cooked, steamed, grilled, roasted or poached. »


To ask questions

Waiter and guest

Your waiter is there to help, so do not be afraid to ask questions that will help you make the healthier decisions. "Ask how a food is prepared," says Kerkenbush. "The cooked potato comes with sour cream and butter? If so, ask to omit these calorie traps or come to the side. »


The load on Veggies first

Thai vegetables

"My advice when ordering or eating outside is to start with the vegetables first," says Brigham Sunny, MS, CNS, a certified nutrition specialist in northern Texas. "Prepared in Veggies restaurants are not always as good as you are when you do it in your own kitchen, but they are a much better option on fries or cooked baked potato. When consuming vegetables first, you reduce your hunger and fill your stomach with a low calorie content, dense nutrient foods. As you go digging in the meat or pasta, you find yourself eaten less ".


Get the vinaigrette apart

Taco salad bowl

This may not be revolutionary for anyone who has already been to the plan but you ask that your vinaigrette on the side can help significantly reduce calories. "My favorite is" fork soak "salad salad", says Lauren Harris-Pincus, Ms., RDN and owner of nutrition featuring you. "By getting it on the side and vertically plunging your fork into the vinaigrette, then stiring your bite of salad, you will use a fraction of the vinaigrette that you or the restaurant would have poured on the salad."


Lighten the salad

Leafy green salad

The salad looks like a healthy option, but according to what is there, even your bowl of green can become fast Junky. "Make sure he has a lot of vegetables," says Brigham. "I'll save cheese and croutons and I'm going to look for vinegar vinegar." In addition to avoiding dressings and sugar-loaded salads, discover how you can drop quick books and live a healthier life with14 days without sugar.


Or skip the salad all together

One pan salmon

"Exchange the salad with a side of vegetables", suggests Nancy P. Rahnama, MD, MS. "A side of vegetables jumped, steamed or roast can be a better option than lateral salad. Side salads often have more ingredients such as vinaigrette, croutons, nuts and cheese that will make them more caloric and higher in the sugar compared to the high fiber side of vegetables. "


Soup on

Mushroom tofu bok choy miso soup

Do not feel a salad to start? Rather, opt for filling and healthy. But the key is to skip the cheese, cream and other heavy ingredients and opt for a broth soup instead. "Eating a soup (or salad) before a main course helps to fill up less calories, you eat fewer calorie-rich meal options," says Upton.


Paste with aperitifs

Raw fish appetizer
Taylor Grote / Floorless

Do not feel as if you need to order a principal. "Picking aperitifs instead of entrances can save you calories because of the decrease in portions. Make sure you simply skip fried food and creamy dip," Kerkenbush said. As a bonus, it will save you money too! Alternatively, Jennifer Scheinman, RDN, simply fed, recommends ordering à la carte. "You will often find delicious vegetable options such as accompanying dishes. Some of my favorites include roasted Brussels sprouts, spinach jumped and steamed broccoli."


... or jump them

Steak fajitas

If you choose a main course, avoid the aperitifs, Rahnama tells us. "Most often, the aperitif has more sugar, grease and carbohydrates than the entrance. In addition, an aperitif in addition to an entry is exactly what younot need when you try to maintain a healthy weight. "


Protein power

Grilled chicken

When it comes to ordering, think skinny. "Choose a food that is rich in protein," says Rantama. "Choose a fish, meat or poultry entry to help satiety and limit the number of carbohydrates you eat."



Sea salt

We tend to be concentrated on calories and fats when you set itself, but it is also important to be aware of sodium, says Annassa Chamblatery, registered dietitian and American Heart Association healthy for a good spokesperson. "Ask your food to be seasoned lightly and pay attention to higher sodium items such as soy sauce, salad dressings, pickles and other condiments," she advises.


Control of portions

Couple sharing dinner

Routhenstein echoes the importance of controlling portions. "Many restaurants serve double or triple food for the food you need. Order half-dimensioned portions, share an entry, or choose two healthy entries instead of an entrance for your main course," said -she.


Resist the bread and chips

Bread basket

Even though a little free nibble that you are browsing the menu is tempting, Kerkenbush urges you to resist. "Ask your waiter to give up the breadbeat or chips offered you." Similarly, Rahnama notes that some restaurants will offer cruise instead of bread. "If guacamole is brought to the table, ask for one side of the vegetables takes advantage and say no to the chips of the tortilla," she calls.


Enjoy your food as it is

Parmesan and grater

If you are going to have a bitting of bread, stop the butter. If you have Italian food, so say "No, thank you" when they come with grated Parmesan. Most of the time, these extras are hardly necessary and adds only unnecessary calories.


Everything is a question of balance

Burger and side salad
Nick Clement / Bad Plan

"Listen to your body's needs and choose food that meets your hunger", recommends Jennifer Heinen, Ms., RDN, LDN feeding life in the Boston area. "A balanced plaque comprising protein, vegetables or fruits and a carbohydrate will fill you up and avoid eating too much. For example, if you restore a salad, a salad, a fruit or a vegetable side with a hamburger can make your meal more filling. "Do you want to put things on a notch? Order the BUB BUN-BUN-FREE BURGER.


Substitutions are your friend

Grilled salmon fish cedar plank

"Do not be afraid to ask what you want," says Scheinman. "Most places will prepare the meal as you wish, so do not be afraid to order out of the menu. Some places can charge a small supplement for a substitution, but generally the price is modest and the trouble to get What you really want you. Sub-brothers with a vegetable, ask to grilled instead of fries, jump the rice and get extra vegetables, ask for sauces and dressings on the side, order bunless hamburgers nor in a Lettuce trapto, and try one or two healthy appetizers like your main meal. "


Avoid valuable meals

McDonalds Value Meal

"Never get a" value "meal or Upsold article," says Upton. "Quick restaurants and fast restaurants often have complements. Jumping them as they are usually inexpensive and high calorie options like dirty chips or sodas."


Be aware of your drink

Bottled water restaurant

"You can not forget liquid calories," says Weik. "No shock here, but stick to the water if you really want to lose weight."


Skip Cocktail Time

Low calorie old fashioned cocktail

If you are going to enjoy an adult drink, do it with your meal instead of an aperitif. "Do not drink alcohol before your meal," says Upton. "Studies show that drinking alcohol before the restaurant meals increase the calories you are going to eat because it stimulates your appetite while reducing inhibitions (hello, fries)."


Mix your mixers

Lemon water

"The dining room is very celebrating and generally appreciated with a cocktail," says RahnTama. "Ask your drink mixed with soda water and lime instead of opting for a sweet drink to significantly reduce the amount of sugar you have. It will also decrease your chances of getting a mouth of wood the next day. "



To go box

Do not wait for the end of your meal to get this box, advises Chris SHUFF, RDN, LDN full of love and fire. "Once the dish you ordered is served, evaluate the size of the portion, the ratio of meat to the starch of the vegetables, then decide whether it takes a box brought to the table immediately. You want to do about Half of your vegetables from the consumed party and the box all that remains for later. "


Shy away from the candies

Woman eating chocolate cake

The dessert can be one of the greatest caloric culprits of the whole meal, then examine carefully. "Skip the dessert or opt for fruits, sorbet or just coffee," suggests Kerkenbush.


Savor the meal

Man eating from cast iron skillet at table
Rawpixel / Nombuls

Whatever you are setting up, enjoy each bite and do not rush. "It sounds stupid, but take your time and chews your food thoroughly," Chambluney says. "Digestion begins in the mouth! Not only does this digestion of help, but it helps you eat slowly, and it will give your mind the time to feel full."


Listen to your body

Woman eating popcorn

It may seem like common sense, but stop eating when you are full. "Listen to your hunger landmarks and stop eating when you're just satisfied," Routhenstein advises.


Take a break

Woman eating salmon
Travis Yewell / Floorless

If in doubt, put your fork for a few minutes to determine whether or not you need to continue eating. "It takes 20 minutes for the signal of your intestine to tell your brain that you are full. When you eat too fast, you probably exceed before feeling the signal," says RanTama.


Train your taste buds

Shrimp salad

When it comes to forming your taste buds to enjoy healthy food, try, try and try again, says Chambluney. "Stay encouraged, because even if you do not have a" taste "for healthier food right now, simply continue to reintroduce healthy foods and better cooking methods, and you will grow up to love them in no time "She advises." Your taste buds always change. Maximize on that! "


Let yourself be delivered sometimes

Burger and chips cheat meal

"Sometimes you can just want just a hamburger and fries, and it's good. You can always enjoy other nutritious food at other times of the day - it's your overall eating model that matters the most . Satisfaction is also a question of pleasure and to deny a favorite. Food will increase only the time we spend thinking. Limit any kind of food can lead to dissatisfaction, guilt and too much eating, "says HEINEN. You want to learn tips and tricks conscious to eat foods you like while fascinating your oven to burn fat? Take a copy of the Zero cooking belly -It's confound with more than 150 delicious recipes to flatten your belly and turn off your grease genes!

Categories: Weight Loss
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