This soldout out Costco Chicken is finally back

They apparently taste like Chick-wire, and now you can finally try them for yourself!

There areDie-Hard fans of Costco and faithfulChick-wire loversAnd earlier this year was a great moment to be at once. A viral video affirms that a certain bag of chicken nuggets in the warehouse tastes freezersexactly like those onThe Fast Food Chain Menu. There was so much excitement that these bites could not be found for months, but preheat your oven because they are back!

Duo mother-daughter claims in the above video tiktok that "you would not even know the difference" between the right naked slightly chicken and famous nuggets chick-wire nuggets. Because they have been hard to find, many Costco customers have unfortunately been unable to taste them according to this viral moment earlier this year. But the user reddit@daniellelioh Toultimately spotted 4-pound bags in a Costco store in San Marcos, California (related.:Costco Foods You should always avoid, according to the nutritionists)

Meanwhile, other commentators said they had not seen the nuggets recently in places in California and Washington. Since the small crispy bites have been hard to find, a customer says they buy two bags when they are capable.

Chicken-A chicken nuggets like Chick are not listed on the costco website, butThey are on Instaceart. To check if your costco has, make sure your postal code is up to date. And while your luck can be struck or miss for a while in the middle of the abundance of demand, there are some other products that maketheir big return to the warehouse Soon you will not want to miss.

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