The # 1 best supplement for Sleep

Struggling to get a good night sleep? We can help.

There is nothing worse than not to rest a good night. Not only will you feel tired the next day, but chronic sleep deprivation can also lead tomore serious health problems as the risk of high blood pressure, mental health problems or immune deficiency disease. So it is extremely important to do all you can to make suresleep well at night.

If you do everything you can to get moreeyes closedBut still struggling to wake up the feeling rested, you may want to turn to supplements for help. Although there are manyadditional sleeping pills on the market, we were interested to determine who was the best to improve your quality of sleep.

To do this, we consulted expertLisa Moskovitz, RD and CEO of the NY Nutrition Group, and she gave us the scoop on the best supplements to help you fall asleep, especially staying asleep. And, do not miss other ways to improve your sleep40 best and worst foods to eat before sleeping.

Valerian root should be your go-to for sleep.

valerian root

If you find yourself lying in bed for hours before finally being able to close my eyes and fall asleep, a valerian root supplement could be the missing piece.

"Valerian root is a plant native to Europe and Asia, which has been used for centuries to promote better sleep," says Moskovitz. "It is specifically involved in the early stages of sleep or when we need to feel more relaxed and ready to run for the night. »

So if you are someone who is struggling to put your mind at ease when it is time for bed, this supplement could help make this transition a little smoother.

If you are not sure to buy, recommend MoskovitzPowerful Night by Hum. "This supplement has 150 mg of valerian root and other sleep-natural promoters that could be your best friend bedtime," says Moskovitz.

And once you fell asleep, ashwagandha could be your key to staying asleep at night.

ashwagandha supplements

"Considered an adaptogen,Ashwagandha is a natural compound that not only helps you get into a state of drowsiness, but can help you stay there all night, "says Moskovitz. "This powerful root extract can also help relieve anxiety and improve the way you deal with stress, all of which can affect how you sleep at night. »

More than waking in the middle of the night with worries about the day ahead, with an additional ashwagandha you can help your body stay all night and wake up feeling rested asleep.

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