The first case of confirmed COVID reinfection

According to Hong Kong researchers, this could mean that CVIV-19 immunity lasts only a few months.

Researchers 8 months in the pandemic involve one of the pandemic issues involving the long immunity in Covid-19 lasts. Although it has been established that there is a period of immunity after a person recovers the highly infectious and potentially fatal virus, there has been no confirmed reinfection cases - so far. A new report on Hong Kong identifies the first case of a person becoming infected twice with coronavirus. Read on and to stay safe and others safely during this pandemic, do not miss this essential list of theWithout signs that you have already had coronavirus.

The patient "young and healthy" has been reintegrated

According to the researchers of Hong Kong, who identified a patient who has been tested positive for the virus twice a prolonged period, their new conclusions argue that immunity to the virus could only last a few months.

"A seemingly young and healthy patient has had a second case of Cvid-19 infection diagnosed 4.5 months after the first episode," the researchers at the University of Hong Kong announced Monday in a declaration obtained by theNew York Times.

"Our conclusions suggest that SARS-COV-2 can persist in humans," said Kwok-Yung Yuen and his colleagues on Monday in a document accepted for publication in the journalClinical Infectious Diseases, throughJapan Times. They explained that their conclusions are similar to the coronavirus that cause common cold, suggesting that SARS-COV-2 can continue to circulate "even if patients have acquired immunity via a natural infection or via vaccination".

It has been confirmed with tests

This is not the first case of alleged reinfection, but the only one that has been confirmed with tests. August 16, theCDCpublished a statement that there was "no confirmed report to date of a person reinfecting COVID-19 within 3 months of initial infection".

However, according to Hong Kong researchers, this is the exception. The patient, a 33-year-old information technology worker, was infected first with the virus in April. His second fight was detected via a projection from the airport after his return to Hong Kong from Europe during the summer. Sequencing the virus of the two infection towers, they found differences in protection against the two sets of the virus, the conclusion that the person was infected twice. The researchers emphasize that he has not developed symptoms of his second infection, which could indicate that "subsequent infections can be milder".

As for yourself, to cross this pandemic at your healthier, try not to catch it in the first place and not to miss these37 places you are most likely to catch coronavirus.

Categories: Health
Tags: Coronavirus / News
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