Simple habits of losing weight without trying so strong, supported by science

Once you have built these habits in your daily routine, you will not have to think twice on the test of losing weight.

Even the simplest and most effective weight loss of plans can come out if you allow yourself to break the model. We are creatures of habits, after all, and these habits will be helping us stay lean or make us gaining weight.

But even if you do not have a weight loss plan, there is a way to start your weight loss trip without coming with a structured program. In fact, all you need to do is choose a couple of healthy habits that, once started, help you see the returns on your weight loss for the coming years.

We have studied some of the recent research and the most compelling on what makes people who manage to keep the weight off, and cook them in a series of habits that can help you continue to build on your success. Read on and for more weight on how to lose weight, you will not want to missThe best ways to lose belly fat for good, say that doctors.


Do not cheat on weekends.

Healthy snack meal prep with cut carrots celery hard boiled eggs apples grape almonds and rice cakes

"Cheat meal" are a common Gimmick that many diet plans use to help people cope with the challenges of keeping it on a strict diet program. But cheating meals break not only your momentum, they weight loss can also result in weight gain. A study published in the newspaperObesity Noted that regardless of whether study topics followed a strict plan or exercise programs, they still tend to lose weight more slowly than expected because they eat more on weekends than during the week.

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Make sure you have breakfast.


In a national survey of the calorie supervisory board, 17% of Americans admitted to skipping meals to lose weight. The problem is, to skip meals actually increases your chances of obesity, especially with regard to breakfast. A study of theAmerican Journal of Epidemiology have found that people who cut the morning meal were 4.5 times more likely to be obese. Why? Skip a meal slows down your metabolism and increases your hunger. This puts your body by bonking the fat storage mode and increases your chances to eat too much at the next meal. Try one of these19 hyperprotoid hosts that keep you full.


Eat dessert with a fork instead of a spoon.

eating apple dessert

A2016 study At the University of South Florida have found that when people have eaten a chocolate cake with a spoon, they have eaten more and underestimate the number of calories they consumed; When they used a fork, they consumed less and were better able to guess how much they had eaten.


Sleep at night.


According toWake Forest Researchers, People in the diet who sleep five hours or less put on two and a half times more belly fat, while those who sleep more than eight hours pack a little less than that. Shooting for an average of six to seven hours of sleep per night the optimal amount for weight control.


Snack on the almonds.

Almond butter toast

Almonds can be the best food source of vitamin E and E could also stand for "extra-thin. But, as much as 92% of the American population does not receive enough. Even worse, people with obesity have done more trouble absorbing that meager people do, according to a study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. A spoonful of almond butter gives you three times more vitamin E than the same amount of peanut butter.


Read the positive reinforcement notes.

writing note

Reading positive messages can be more efficient to help us hold a healthy diet that even attention continues, conscious, has found aHealth computer journal to study. The study revealed that people who received reinforcement notes to encourage them to eat healthy, exercise and drink water reported that these messages helped them achieve their weight loss goals.


Snack after, not before, lunch.


A study published in theJournal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticshave found that mid-morning snackers tend to consume more throughout the day than afternoon snackers. Afternoon snackers, on the other hand, tend to choose good snacks. Why not nibble on these14 healthy snacks that make you feel full.


Put your fork between each bite.

woman eating a bowl of oatmeal

If your body has a major defect, it is: it takes twenty minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that it has enough. A study in theJournal of the American Dietetic AssociationI found that slow eaters took 66 calories less calories per meal, but compared to their peers to eat fast, they felt like eating more. What are the 66 calories, do you ask? If you can do it at each meal, you will lose more than twenty pounds a year! A simple turn to slow down your pace: Just place your fork on the plate after each bite.


Just look at the tube when there is something special.

Watching TV and eating popcorn

AStudy of Vermont University I found that overweight participants who reduced their television time in just 50% burned 119 additional calories per day on average. It's an automatic annual loss of twelve books! Maximize these results by multitasking when you look, even light housework, further increase your caloric burn. In addition, if your hands are busy with dishes or laundry, you will be less likely to snack absolutely - the other main professional danger associated with tube time.


Make all your own dietary decisions.

healthy plate

A study in thePublic Policy and Marketing Journal Shows that compared to the à la carte command, you take a hundred additional additional calories by opting for the "combo" or "Value meal". Why? Because when you order grouped items together, you are likely to buy more food than you want. You will better order your food suddenly. In this way, you will not be influenced by pricing systems designed to hinder a few cents of your pocket.


Wear jeans at work.

Woman putting on jeans

A study of theAmerican Council for the Exercise Suggests that occasional clothes, as opposed to conventional affairs, can increase levels of physical activity in our daily routines. The study participants took 491 additional steps and burned 25 more boots, the days when they wore a denim only when they wear a traditional costume wear. It may seem trivial, but calories are added! Researchers say it covets to remain casual once a week could reduce 6,250 calories during the year-enough to compensate for the average annual weight gain (0.4 to 1.8 pounds) experienced by most of the Americans.


Trace your doctor.

doctors appointment

Although you can be scanned for high cholesterol or diabetes with your annual review, MDS does not test or look for physical signs of nutritional deficiencies. Michelle Loy, MPH, MS, CSSD, approved dietary nutritionist and owner of Go Wellness in Orange County, California, suggests that your vitamin D levels are checked if nothing else. "Many people are deficient and do not even know it - and do not have enough can increase the risk of osteoporosis, heart disease and certain types of cancer," she warns. Vitamin D levels are also related to weight: after overweight and obese women have taken vitamin D supplements for 6 weeks, their circumference from the size and their body mass index (BMI) have decreased considerably compared to those who did not have vitamin D, according to aInternational Journal of Preventive Medicine to study.

RELATED:5 signs of vitamin D deficiency that you should never ignore


Look down.


At the bathroom scale, that is to say. Looking at your body weight frequently reinforces weight loss goals and makes it more difficult to deceive your diet. WhenThe University of CornellThe researchers have observed diesters who have weighed daily, they discovered that the routine to walk on a scale helped these people lose 5 times more weight than those who have less frequent. Avoid being thrown through natural body weight fluctuations while walking on the scale at the same time every day.


Keep ice-cold water at your side at any time.

water glasses

InTech Virginia Study, participants in a diet responsible for drinking two cups of water before each meal lost only 5 pounds of more weight on a 12-week calorie-controlled diet as their peers thirsty. Part of the reason: If you do not drink loose water, your body may have to store carbohydrates like grease. Your body can not effectively change energy carbohydrates without loose water.


Have a stress point that is not food.


A study of theUniversity of Alabama have found that emotional eaters - those who have admitted eating in response to emotional stress - were thirteen times more likely to be overweight or obese. If you feel that the desire to eat in response to stress, try chewing a piece of gum, scraping a glass of water or take a walk around the block. Create an automatic answer that does not involve food and you will prevent you from overloading on calories.


Do not wait to eat too late.

Woman Taking Out Bottle From Open Refrigerator

When delays stack, add hours of work at the beginning of your day, not the end. When you work later, you also eat later and will you sleep later, both lead to unwanted books. A study in the newspaperInternational Journal of Obesity have found that those who later ate lunches have lost less weight and have shown a slower weight loss rate during the 20 weeks of treatment than anticipated eaters.


Walk the halls.

walking around office

We are sitting an average of 67 hours a week, nine o'clock a day, eight hours lengthening, and only about seven hours a day in reality. And our sedentary jobs now bring us to burn 100 calories less calories a day that we have been fifty years fifty years ago. This only translates to earn ten extra pounds a year. But a recent study in theClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology I noticed that taking a two-minute walk every hour can compensate for the effects of too seated. Make a habit of never calling a colleague when you can also easily stop at his desk to talk.


Go out every morning.

Woman walking dog

InstudiesThe sun exposure between 8:00 and MIDI is associated with a higher combustion of fat and BMIS significantly, regardless of exercise, caloric intake, sleep or even age. This could be partially because you move your body, but the weight loss delivery could also be directly related to the sun.University of Alberta in Edmonton Researchers Discovered that sunlight enters our skin and reach the adipose cells "bad" white just below, reducing fat cells and releasing cell lipids. In other words, our cells do not store as much fat.


Decompress between work and home.

Man writing

A recent study in theAmerican newspaper of epidemiology have found that people with high job stress levels are 26% more likely to be inactive during their downtime than those with low stress jobs. A study from a University of Rochester echoed these results, noting that stress at work leads to unhealthy behaviors as more seated and watching television and less exercise. If the voltage runs high at your desktop, create an active barrier that prevents you from falling directly on the sofa when you come home. You can also try these21 best foods when you are stressed, according to dietitians.

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