The most surprising drink for weight loss, says dietitian

If you think it's water, you will be surprised to learn that it's a better choice.

Pick up ago-a daily drink is a critical choice to do when you try tolosing weight and skinny. Choose abottle smoothie, soft iced tea,a soda, juice or other high calorie drink and you could swallow hundreds of extra calories without even realizing it.

Liquid calories are stealthy. They descend so effortlessly because the body does not detect their calories as it recognizes them in solid foods, research suggests. As a result, the average American consumes more than 100 calories a day of non-alcoholic beverages. The average adult takes more than 100 calories daily from alcoholic beverages alone, according to theCenters for Disaster Control and Prevention.

If your goal is a flatter belly before the end of the summer, your choice drink is your albatross, because the loss of belly fat and the maintenance of the judgment is summed up to "create a caloric deficit", declares DietitianElizabeth Ward, MS, RD, which was a spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics for nine years and now welcomes the nutrition websiteBetter is the new For more tips to help you press the swimsuit in the last summer, readThe best summer foods for weight loss.

The most surprising drink for weight loss is low fat milk.


The best flat belly drink to help create a caloric deficit is 1% low fat milk, said Ward: "It's a filling and it providesprotein To feel greater longer, something water or other drinks without calories can not do. "

Your body burns more protein digest calories needed to treat carbohydrates or greases, so that milk actually cancels some of the calories it adds. "Drinking three glasses of low fat milk Every day can give you a metabolic edge that helps you burn calories faster," says Ward, who is the co-author ofWait for the best: your guide to eat healthy before during and after pregnancy. In addition, milk is fluid and as well as water to contribute to the 64 ounces of water per day recommended for weight loss and good health.

A bone bonus!

Milk is logical for other health reasons: protein, calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D in the health of milk bones, which is important for men as well as women they get older.

Why 1% milk is the best percentage option of milk grease.

If you prefer fat-free milk, go, says Ward. But avoid 2% reduced grease and whole milk, which have more calories and saturated grease. "Paste on the lower grease versions to work towards your caloric deficit and lose weight," says Ward.

If you do not drink cow's milk, so milk unsweetened calcium, vitamin D and other minerals is a good choice. "Stay away from otherPlant milk With less than 7 grams of protein per cup, "says Ward. Remember: it is the 8 grams of cup protein that is milk by 1% a serious drink with weight loss. For more, consult these othersWays to eat protein can help you lose weight.

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