How many proteins you should actually eat in a meal, according to experts
We called two health professionals to detail the amount of protein you should eat by meal so as not to do it too much.

The protein is one of fourmacronutrients that you need in your daily diet to prevent infections and injuries. The contribution of protein of everyone seems different according to various factors, including age and level of physical activity. However, there is a coherent aspect and it is the amount that should be consumed in one session. Gabrielle Mancella, a registered dietitian atOrlando Health, andCedrina Calder, MD, a doctor's physician and expert in health and well-being, exactly explain the amount of protein you should eat by meal in order to have an idea about how not to do too much.
So, how many proteins is too much for a meal? Here is what experts have to say.
What is the amount of protein that the average person should consume per meal? In other words, how many proteins is too much?
Calder and Morsella say thatNo more than 30 grams of protein per meal is ideal because excess protein will be excreted by urine.
"The excess of protein consumption approximately more than 30 grams per hour are not stored," says Mancella. "The protein is never stored and it is never intended for use for immediate energy."
By contrast, carbohydrates and fatcan be stored in the body For later use if it is consumed in excess. Have you ever heard of someone loading carbon before a big breed? The body breaks down glucose carbohydrates, which is then stored asglycogen in muscles and liver. Thus, when you engage in intense physical activity, your body uses these glycogen stores so that you can withstand fatigue and finish the workout.
The protein works differently. Morsella explains that eating proteins will not give immediate energy like greases and carbohydrates. The body thus redirects the metabolic processes to create energy. The kidneys will then eliminate any excess protein in the blood. If excess protein is consumed regularly, kidneys can be stressed. Calder says that those with kidney disease can better avoid eating a high protein diet.
"When we consume excess proteins, it adds more work for kidneys to filter this through the body so that the protein is not accumulated in the protein," says Mancella.
So eating a meal containing more than 30 grams of protein is not just a waste, but it can also hurt your long-term kidneys. Trying to eat a high protein diet could also put you at risk of weight gain and not in muscle mass. There areFour calories per gram of protein. It is important to monitor the number of calories in the number of calories in relation to the quantity burned by physical activity.
"With regard to gain gain, the human body will store any excess calories as grease," says Calder. "In other words, if eating a high protein diet increases your daily caloric intake to the point where it is greater than the daily caloric production, you will gain fat. The same goes for carbohydrates and fats. "
How many proteins do I need a day? And if I try to build a muscular mass?
"The dietary reference intake is 0.8 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight, or 0.36 grams per book," says Mancella. "Depending on the goals and mass of lean body while trying to build a lighter body mass, protein requirements generally vary. Typically, 1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight is sufficient in combination with a balanced diet. "
Remember that DRI is indicating the minimum amount of protein you should aim to get in one day. Thus, a person of 140 active pounds would need a minimum of about 50 grams of protein a day for this suggestion. If this same person was trying to build a muscle mass, their intake would extend about 95 grams of protein a day on the basis of the suggestion of Morsella.
In addition to building muscle mass and the promotion of fat loss, Calder says that the elderly can benefit from higher protein consumption if they undergo a disease or injury to accelerate recovery. High physical activity levels may also require higher protein consumption. In the end, the amount of proteins you need every day varies from person to person and depends on several factors.
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What types of protein should I eat?
Calder and Mancella agree that the best protein comes from whole dishes. Some examples of sources of healthy protein include:
- lean meat
- fish
- walnut andwalnut butter
- seeds
- Unprocessed soy products
Both health professionals also say that high quality protein powders constitute a good way to complete the protein in your diet.
The best protein powder? The one based on the plant and contains Conservatives and minimal sweeteners.Herbal protein powderscan usually provide up to 20 grams of protein per serving. Mix a spoon of protein powder withoatmeal, bays and a handful of spinach for a smoothie rich in vitamins and rich in protein.
"The use of protein powders is an effective way to help complement your diet to ensure your daily admission goals," says Calder. "However, you should aim to get the majority of your daily proteins of whole food sources."
It is important to keep in mind that consuming more than 30 grams of protein is too much for a single meal, because all that is above this number will go directly to the kidneys. In other words, you basically launch your hard-won money in the toilet if you try to ingest more than that, in one hour, because the protein can not be stored in the body for subsequent use of carbohydrates and Fats. So, instead of pairing a protein tremor with a chicken breast tohaving dinnerRecord it after your workout or a few hours ago. The spacing of your protein consumption throughout the day is the key to avoiding too much protein at a time!

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