5 major side effects not to have enough fiber, says science

Fiber is your friend.

It is no longer secret that the fiber is an essential component of a healthy diet and researchers have found another reason to carry out your plate with a nutrot. A recent study published in theAmerican Society for Microbiology foundStimulate food intake for a short period of time can have a major impact on the digestive system.

Graduate students from the University of California, Irvine (UCI) were responsible for consuming tenfiber-richUnprocessed meals each week - for a total of 25 grams of fiber per day, on average, for two consecutive weeks, as well as collecting their own stool samples to follow their intestinal microbial composition. At the end of the 14-day experience, the teachers discovered that the students' flora had been "significantly modified", which included an increase in the group of bacteria beneficial bifidobacterium.

"At that time during apandemicWhen we need our immune health and healthy vaccine responses, we encourage everyone to think about the diversity of plants of their diet and add beans, berries and lawyers where they can, " said Katrine Whiteson, Associate Professor of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry at the UCI Microbiome Initiative, in aPress release.

The authors of the study noted that the North American average consumes about less than 50% of the recommended fiber levels while the2020-2025 Dietary Directives for Americans Fiber labeled as one of the "public health components of public health of the general American population". (In touch:The 7 healthiest foods to eat right now)

"Missing fiber means that the intestine microbioma is not optimized and the research begins to understand all the myriad health consequences associated with the intestine microbioma, including your immune system," said Julie Upton, MS, RD, founding partner of nutrition marketing. and afh consulting communication firm.

How many fibers should you eat daily?

TheAcademy of Nutrition and Dietary advises women to consume about 25 grams ofFiber per day And men to take about 38 grams (or 14 grams per 1,000 calories) on a daily basis. Since the food fiber is in plant foods, Upton adds that the reason most Americans have limited fiber consumption is due to a high consumption of processed dishes and low fruit and vegetable consumption. She also emphasizes a possible putfall that can happen if you are a fan of anoisy way of life.

"People who follow low carbohydrate diets can often take care of protein and fat and forget that the foundation of the healthiest low rifle planes, such as an ATKINS 100 plan,is based on vegetables - not meat loads and other animal proteins," she says.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics suggestshigh fiber food swaps, such as opting foroatmeal steel cut On a bowl of sweet cereals and choose whole wheat pasta instead of white pasta. In addition, the Academy recommends adding more fiber-rich fruits, including brothers and pears, as well as vegetables such as peas and broccoli on your plate.

"Removing the fibers, we can have serious health consequences in the long term," says Upton. Here we offer five reasons why you may want to make fiber your friend, then do not miss9 Warning signs You do not eat enough fiber.

If your diet lacks fiber, you can experiment ...


Weight gain.


When your fiber consumption increases, the scale will probably come down. A study published in theNutrition log Examined the effects Fiber had on the loss of unwanted books among participants who have followed a limited calorie feed plan for six months. Even compared to other macronutrients, including "good" fats (such as polyunsaturated and monounted fatty acids),Food fiber has helped to promote weight loss, as well as help volunteers overweight and obesity to stick to their healthier way of life.

"It's simple-fiber that keeps you longer and reduces the cravings of carbohydrates," says Upton.


Increased risk of depression.


YES TONintestinal health Can be associated with your emotional state. Medical researchers of North American Menopause (NAMS) examined all potential links between food fibers and women of various ages and stages of life. The study, which involved more than 5,800 women and was published in the journalMenopause, discovered that the risk of premenopausal women ofdepression could be affected by their fiber consumption.

Although additional research is needed, the investigators believe that the fiber favors a diversified intestinal microbiome, which can in turn produce neurotransmitters. Whymenopausal womenDid not benefit from this gut-brain interaction, the authors believe that the response lies in estrogen depletion since estrogen is a factor in microbiota gut balancing.

"Nevertheless, it has never been as true as" you are what you eat ", since what we eat has a profound effect on the intestinal microbiome that seems to play a key role in health and illness," Declares Dr. Stephanie Faubion, Nams Medical Director, in aPress release.


High blood sugar levels.


In a meta-analysis that examined the results of 18 studies, the authors ofThe University of Cambridge noticed that volunteers who have consumed the largest amount of fiber - mainly cereals and vegetables -Every day (an average of 26 grams) reduces their risk of developingType 2 diabetes 18% compared to those who took a small amount of fiber (19 grams or less). However, when the researchers added the body mass index (BMI) to the equation, the fiber did not make any difference, to direct experts to believe that the fiber can be associated with the maintenance of a Healthy body weight, which plays a key role in raising diabetes.

"The fiber slows the release of blood glucose in the blood, helping to keep your energy levels more stable over time," says Upton.


Conditions related to the heart.

doctor patient

European researchers Announced an impressive amount of observation studies on 185 and 58 clinical trials that have sold a 40-year period - involving healthy adults. They honored premature deaths caused by several conditions, includingheart disease As coronary heart disease, as well as cardiovascular events such as stroke, and calculated that the 8 grams of increase in daily fiber can lead to a decrease of 5 to 27% of the suffering of coronary heart disease, including possibly possibly Fatal diseases.

"Fiber helps trap and excrete unhealthycholesterolIt is therefore one of the reasons why people on high fiber regimes tend to have a lower risk for coronary heart disease, "says Upton.


A shorter life.


While eating higher fiber foods, it is possible to do more trips to the bathroom, it could also be a sign of more anniversary cakes in your future. In an article published inThe newspapers of gerontology who used data of more than 1,600 adults over 50, Australian medical researchers revealed that fiber consumption has had the strongest effect on successful aging - a term that describes non-diagnosed Functional disability, depressive symptoms, cognitive impairment, respiratory symptoms, and chronic diseases (including cancer).

"Essentially, we found that those who had the greatest consumption of fiber or total fibers actuallyhad a probability of almost 80% of greater probability of living a long and healthy life on a ten-year follow-up,"Said Bamini Gopinath, PhD, author of principal studies, in aPress release.

And make sure to checkA surprising side effect of eating more fiber, according to science.

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