The 29 best proteins for weight loss

There are many options for more protein in your diet. These foods can help you lose weight and gain muscle.

You already know that eating a high protein diet is essential to feel satisfied with your meals and maintain a weight loss effort. But it seems that many of us have entered a rut, simply relying some primary sources of proteins. This can not only this cause of the tiredness of the taste budget, but it can also refuse your body of nutrients to enhance health in protein-rich foods you neglect.

To help you free yourself from your boring chicken and grilled egg routine, we have compiled a list of the best weight loss proteins on each category of food.

How did a high protein diet help you lose weight?

Protein food help you lose fat and lean buildmuscular mass. How? 'Or' What? The protein is difficult for us to digest, so when we eat it, we burn more calories (thermogenesis) and we feel more than longer, which facilitates consumption of consuming less than a day.Studies Show that high protein regimes increase thermogenesis and satiety and leads to reduced subsequent energy consumption.

What makes some food a good source of protein for weight loss?

Although, yes, general-in general protein - can help weight loss, some foods are high protein that are better than others in terms of plan. These foods meet certain criteria:

  • Low fat: Protein foods that are low in fat are intrinsically lower than calories. Because you lose weight when you consume fewer calories than you burn, eat low fat protein foods can help weight loss.
  • Low-caloric: Foods based on low calorie proteins are basically the same as low fatty protein foods. Most of the time, protein foods are low in calories because they are low in bold. Protein foods in another way can be low from the calorie, if they are low fuel because carbohydrates are another dense calorie macronutriment.
  • Hyper protein: Of course, if you want to follow a high protein diet to lose weight, you expect these protein food to be really high, you know, protein.

What exactly is the high protein? As defined by theFDAIt depends on the percentage protein based on recommended daily consumption of proteins, which is50 grams:

  • Good sources of protein Contain between 10 and 19% of your RDI, or 5 to 9.5 grams of protein.
  • Excellent source of protein Contains 20% or more of your RDI, or more than 10 grams of protein.

The best sources of protein will be "good" or "excellent" sources of protein.

Our high protein food list for weight loss.

We broke our list of high protein and low-fat products in the categories:

  • produce
  • red meats
  • Poultry
  • legumes
  • cereals
  • dairy
  • nuts and seeds

Whether you are a fan of fish, you can not deny your dairy love or stick to a meatless meal plan, we have the best options for your size.

Read more to find out more and make sure you choose some of our suggestions next time you head to the grocery store.

The best protein-rich fruits and vegetables.

Yes, that's right: there is at oncehigh protein vegetables andHigh protein fruits. Some are higher in proteins than others, and that's what we have listed below.



Washed baby spinach leaves

1 cup (cooked): 41 calories, 0.5 g of grease, 5 g protein

The preferred Veggie of Popeye is an excellent source of protein, but also vitamins A and C, antioxidants and healthy folate. A cup of green superfood has almost as many protein as a hard-boiled egg for half of the calories. Looking to get the biggest nutritional bang for your money? Make sure to spray your spinach instead of eating raw. This cooking method makes it possible to keep vitamins and facilitate the holding of the calcium content of the green. Add a handle to soups, omelets, pasta dishes and light foams of vegetables, or simply steam and steam with pepper, garlic, olive oil and pressure from lemon.


Dried tomatoes

sun dried tomatoes in bowl with seasoning

Payment of proteins: 1 cup, 139 calories, 6 g protein

Tomatoes are packed with antioxidant lycopene, which studies show can reduce your risk of bladder, lung, prostate, skin and stomach cancers, as well as reduce the risk of coronary illness of the 'artery. Only one cup of the sun dried version will lend you 6 grams of saiable proteins, 7 grams of fiber and your potassium GDR, which is essential for cardiac health and tissue repair. They are also rich in vitamins A and K. Use them as a pizza trim, a tangy addition to salads, or snack on them out of the bag.



fresh guava slices with knife

Payment of proteins:1 cup, 112 calories, 1.5 g of grease, 4.2 g protein

The fruits of the highest protein, Guava embraces more than 4 grams per cup, as well as 9 grams of fiber and only 112 calories. With 600% of your Vitamin C DV per cup - the equivalent of more than seven average oranges! - Tropical fruits should mingle with your basket as soon as possible. And while you are at the store, be sure to take some of these othersSurprising high protein foods.



baked artichoke on plate with garnish

Payment of proteins: 1 medium vegetable, 60 calories, 4.2 g protein

Ghrelin is the hormone "I'm hungry" from your body, which is removed when your stomach is full, then eating high fiber and high protein foods is a warning. The humble artichoke is a winner on the two counts: he has almost twice as many fibers than the corniche cabbage (10.3 g by medium artichoke, or 40% of the daily fiber whose needs of the average woman ) And one of the highest proteins account among the vegetables. Boil and eat all the Shebang like a self-contained salad (why not add small goat cheeses and sun-dried tomatoes?), Mix the leaves with your greens and your favorite vinaigrette, or peel and peel hearts on pizzas and healthy flat breads.



Green peas

1 cup (cooked): 118 calories, 0.5 g of grease, 8.5 g of protein

Just make Popeye make a nursery: despite their wimpy reputation, a cup of green peas contains eight times the protein of a cup of spinach. And with nearly 100% of your daily vitamin C value in a single cup, they will help keep your immune system up tobacco. Layer in a mason Jar salad or add them to an omelette to strengthen the power of satisfaction of eggs. Speaking of omelettes, consult these othersBurning ways to eat eggs.

Red meat


Fourte-fed oxen

best high protein foods for weight loss - grass fed beef

Payment of proteins: 4 oz band steak, 133 calories, 26 g protein

As for the steak or hamburgers, go to the grass. It can ding your wallet, but it will drink your abdominals. The beef nourished with grass is naturally leaner and has fewer calories than conventional meat: a conventional strip steak of seven oz lean has 386 calories and 16 grams of fat. But a seven ounce grass strip steak has only 234 calories and five grams of fat. Grass-powered meat also contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, according to a study published inNutrition log, which have been demonstrated to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Concerned by your Ticker? Keep healthy fit more than theseFoods that reduce your risk of heart disease.



best high protein foods for weight loss - bison

Payment of proteins: 4 oz, 166 calories, 23 g of protein

While grass-based beef is an excellent choice, Bison's profile has increased in recent years and for good reason: it has half of fat and fewer calories than red meat. According to the USDA, while a 90% lean hamburger can on average 10 grams of fat, a relatively inclined buffalo hamburger with two grams of fat with 24 grams of protein, making it one of the meats. meager around. But wait, taking a chance on this unexpected meat, you will earn two healthy bonuses: in a single server, you will get a full day of a full day of vitamin B-12, which has been shown to stimulate energy and help. Close genes responsible for insulin resistance and adipose cell formation; In addition, since Bison are naturally fed to the grass, you can lose your burger, knowing that this is free from hormones and pollutants than to manifest itself in your belly fat.

Speaking of belly fat, going to say with the help of theseSix movements for six packagers of personal trainers.



best high protein foods for weight loss - ostrich

Payment of protein: 4 oz patty, 194 calories, 29 g protein

Reduce this eyebrow as you raise. Ostrich meat is the rising feature of grill. Although it is technically red and has the rich taste of beef, it has less fat than turkey or chicken. A four ounce pebble contains nearly 30 grams of muscle nutrient and only six grams of fat. In addition, a portion has 200% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin B-12. This exotic meat can also help reduce your environment: ostrich contains 55 milligrams of choline, one of theseNutrient essential for fat loss. And it is not so difficult to find that it sounds-ostrich is more and more available in the supermarkets of the country.



best high protein foods for weight loss - pork

Payment of proteins: 4 oz, 124 calories, 24 g protein

A long-standing enemy of doctors and dianiene, the pig has come around a healthier alternative delay - as long as you choose the right cut. Your best bet is the pork net: a study from the University of Wisconsin revealed that a three ounce of pork net has a little less greasy than a skinless chicken breast. It has 24 grams of protein per serving and 83 milligrams of choline at the waist (in the last case, about the same thing as an average egg). In a study published in the newspaperNutrientsScientists have asked 144 overweight people to eat a diet rich in lean pork fresh. After three months, the group saw a significant reduction in size, IMC and size.big belly, without reduction of muscle mass! They speculate that the amino acid profile of the pork protein can contribute to greater grease combustion.




best high protein foods for weight loss - halibut

Payment of proteins: 3 oz, 77 calories, 16 g protein

You already knew that the fish was rich in protein, but you may be surprised to learn that the scourge-gruel and vegetables rich in fiber in the department of satiety. The Common Food Statis Index, an Australian study published in theEuropean clinical nutrition newspaper, classified as the number two most food filled only with boiled potatoes for its fullness factor. A separate Australian study compared the satiety of different animal proteins has found a similar white nutritional fish (Flocon) to be significantly more satisfying than beef and chicken; Satiety after the white fish meal also decreased at a much slower rate. The study authors attribute the white fish filling factor as Halibut to its impressive protein content and its influence on serotonin, one of the key hormones responsible for appetite signals. Just make sure youAvoid tilapia.


Wild salmon

best high protein foods for weight loss - wild salmon

Payment of proteins: 3 oz, 121 calories, 17 g protein

Do not leave the relatively high calorie and fat tension of salmon to deceive you; Studies suggest that oily fish can be one of the best for weight loss. (In fact, it makes our list of fatty foods that will help you lose weight.) In a study, participants have been divided into groups and attributed to one of the three equincial weight loss regimes that did not understand Seafood (control group), lean white fish or salmon. Everyone has lost weight, but salmon eaters had the lowest fasts of insulin and a marked reduction in inflammation. Another international studyObesity newspaper I found that eating three 5 ounce salmon portions per week for four weeks as part of a low calorie diet caused weight loss of about 2.2 pounds to follow a diet. Equipped-calories that did not include the fish. Wild salmon is lighter than agriculture, which is plunged on fish fish; And it is also proven to be significantly lower in cancer PCBs. So go wild - literally. This is a fish rich in protein that you do not want to miss!


Light canned tuna

best high protein foods for weight loss - light canned tuna

Payment of proteins: 3 oz, 73 calories, 16 g protein

Or not tuna? That is the question. As a primo source of protein and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), canned light tuna is one of the best and most affordableFish for weight loss, especially your belly! A study in theJournal of Lipid Research showed that omega-3 fatty acid supplementation had the deep capacity to extinguish the abdominal fat genes. And while you find two types of fatty acids in cold water fish and fish-DHA oils and eicosapentaneoic acid (EPA) -Researchers say that DHA can be 40 to 70% more effective than the EPA at the regulation of grease genes in the abdomen, prevent the belly fat cells from growing significantly. But what about mercury? Tuna mercury levels vary by species; In general, the larger and lighter fish, the higher the level of mercury. Bluefin and Albacore rank among the most toxic, according to a study ofBiology Letters. But the tuna of the canned crisis, harvested from the smallest fish, is considered a "low mercury fish" and bobbin and duty! -Be appreciated two to three times a week (or up to 12 ounces), according to the main guidelines of the FDA. .


Pacific chene

best high protein foods for weight loss - pacific cod

Payment of proteins: 3 oz, 70 calories, 15 g protein

Fish and fleas will not help you lose weight, at least not out of the fryer. But research suggests a regular portion of the Pacific cod, the fish typical fish sticks, can remain slim. A study in the newspaperNutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular DiseasesI found that eating five portions of cod per week as part of a low-calorie diet for eight weeks resulted in an additional weight loss of 3.8 livres compared to a diet with the same amount of calories but not of fish. Researchers attribute the high protein content satisfaction and thinning properties and COD amino acid profile, which can help regulate themetabolism. No wonder captain birdseye looks so eager!

Poultry and eggs



best high protein foods for weight loss - turkey

Payment of proteins: Burger Turkey to a quarter book, 140 calories, 16 g protein

The lean and protein, Turkey is no longer an automatic replacement of red meat: this bird deserves accessories alone. Burger Turkey Burger Patty contains 140 calories, 16 grams of protein and eight grams of fat. In addition, Turkey is rich in DHA Omega-3 acids-18 mg per serving, the highest in this list - which has been demonstrated to increase cerebral function, improve your mood and extinguish the grease genes, thus preventing the Adipose cells to grow the size. Just make sure you buy white meat only; Dark contains too much fat. And know that you make your health a solid double by grilling at home: the versions of the restaurants can be filled with bold add-ins to increase the flavor. Not your problem because it goes directly from the grill to your plate (ideally with theBest spices to burn fat and peppers mixed in).



best high protein foods for weight loss - chicken

Payment of proteins: 3 oz. Cooked chest, 142 calories, 26 g protein

A 3 oz. The cooked chicken breast contains only 142 calories and 3 grams of fat, but carries a quantity of 26 grams of protein - more than half of the day's recommended supply. But the GO-TO protein can be a failure on the taste of taste. (Our casual survey on the taste of simple chest responses alliates "the air you cut with a knife" at the "wet sock".) The good news: With just a little creativity, you can make it a dinner Tasty post-gym or an impressive meal of the night. Check these7 ways to burn fat to make chicken For culinary inspiration.



best high protein foods for weight loss - eggs

Payment of proteins: 1 egg, 85 calories, 7 g protein

Eggs could simply be the simplest way, the cheapest and most versatile for your protein intake. Beyond your number of daily proteins, each 85 calorie egg packs a solid 7 grams of the muscular manufacturer! Eggs also increase your health: they are loaded with amino acids, antioxidants and iron. Does not come to reach the whites, however; The yellows boast of a combined nutrient called Choline, then opting for whole eggs can help you reduce. When shopping for eggs, pay attention to the labels. You should buy organic products, where possible. These are certified by the USDA and are free of antibiotics, vaccines and hormones. As for the color, it's your call. The color difference varies only depending on the type of chicken - both of them have the same nutritional value, explains Molly Morgan, Rd, a certified sportsman of the board decreases from sports specialist based in the range of New York.

Beans and legumes



best high protein foods for weight loss - beans

Payment of proteins: 1/2 cup, 109-148 calories, 7-10 grams of protein

Beans are good for more than your heart. They are loaded with protein, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals that can also enjoy your brain and muscles. To not mention, they digest very slowly, which can help you feel smaller, longer and that fuel weight loss efforts without causing feelings of deprivation. Look for easy-to-use BPA varieties, pre-cooked on a pocket or box. Add them to soups and salads or mix them with brown rice and steamed vegetables to create a nice and healthy dinner. Wholesale in nibbling? Mix black beans with salsa and corn and serve with some whole grain crackers (simply make sure they are one of our tastesHealthy crackers for weight loss) Instead of your favorite packed dip.



best high protein foods for weight loss - lentils

Payment of proteins: 1 cup, 230 calories, 18 g protein

Here are some quite amazing proportions: a cup of lentils has the protein of three eggs, with less than one gram of fat! Their high fiber content makes them extremely satisfied and the studies have shown that they have shown a loss of fat: Spanish researchers have found that people whose regimes included four weekly legume portions lost more weight and improved their cholesterol. more than people who do not have it. Eat them themselves like one side or simmering them in a soup.


Peanut Butter

best high protein foods for weight loss - peanut butter

Payment of proteins: 2 tablespoons, 191 calories, 7 grams of protein

This creamy propagation is downright addictive. While eating too much peanut butter can wreak havoc on your size, a standard maid of two tablespoons provides a solid dose of muscle protein and healthy fat. According to a 2014 study published inThe American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Consumption of peanuts can prevent the cardiovascular and coronary artery disease - the most common type of heart problem. Look for unchanged varieties without sugar without a hydrogenated oils to harvest the largest number of benefits. If you are tired of old PB & J sandwiches, try shaking the spread in a hot oatmeal, barking it on fresh produce or mixing it in your post-workout smoothie. And for a seriously slim smoothie inspiration, check these10 Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss.



Stré whole grain bread

best high protein foods for weight loss - sprouted whole grain bread

Payment of proteins: two tranches, 138-220 calories, 8-12 g protein

All breads are not carbon bombs to break weight loss goals. This nutrient-dense bread is loaded with lentils, proteins and folate seeds filled with folate and seeds like barley and millet. To reinforce the flavor of your slices, make a veggie sandwich overflowing with healthy nutrients. On two slices of sprouted whole grain bread, combine hummus without Tahini, avocado slices, roasted red peppers, cucumbers, onions, spinach and tomatoes, one of the healthiest foods on the planet.



best high protein foods for weight loss - teff

Payment of proteins: 1/4 cup, 180 calories, 7 grams of protein

This nutty-flavored gluten free grain can be small, but it packs a powerful nutritional punch. It is loaded with fibers, essential amino acids, calcium and vitamin C - a nutrient not found in the grains. To harvest the benefits, exchange your morning oats for a teff porridge packed with protein. Combine a half-cup of teff with half cup of water and a pinch of salt in a medium pan. Let it boil before turning the heat down and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove from heat and top with apples, cinnamon and a spoon of natural peanut butter.



best high protein foods for weight loss - triticale

Payment of proteins: 1/4 cup, 161 calories, 6 grams of protein

Although you may never have heard of this fully rich grain, it can become your new favorite. This hybrid whey-rye-rye contains 12 grams of protein per half cup and is also rich in iron ironing iron, potassium of swelling, magnesium and healthy fiber. Use tritical bays instead of rice and mix with soy sauce, fresh ginger, pods, mushrooms Shiites and Edamame to make a healthy dish and inspired by Asia. If you prefer to shoot the oven to use the stove, use triticale flour instead of traditional flour in your cooking.




best high protein foods for weight loss - gruyere cheese

Payment of proteins: 1 oz, 117 calories, 8 g protein

Here is an excuse for an hour of wine and cheese: the Swiss cheese of Schmancy contains 30% more protein than an egg in a tranche, plus a third of your Vitamin A RDA. If you want to love yourself, keep your service. At the size of four dice, and moderate your vino to a glass for women, two men's glasses, to get the advantages of bad cholesterol-lowering antioxidant resveratrol. And better yet, stick to the# 1 wine for fast weight loss.


2% Greek yogurt

best high protein foods for weight loss - greek yogurt

Payment of proteins: 7 oz, 150 calories, 20 g protein

Yogurt can be one of your key allies in weight loss efforts. A study printed in theNutrition logI found that probiotics like those found in creamy and delicious yogurts helped obese women lose nearly twice the weight compared to those who did not consume probiotics. The two sets of subjects were on low calorie regimes, but after 12 weeks, probiotic poppers lost an average of 9.7 pounds, while those in Place des Placebos lost only 5.7. Bonus: The subjects who have received the right bacterium continued to lose weight even after 12 additional weeks, an average of 11.5 pounds to be accurate! The group that did not get the probiotic boost? They maintained their initial loss of 5.7 pounds but did not diminish further. Good bacteria in probiotics can help increase your metabolism and improve your immune system, but it pays for your sources. Yogurt is a great way to make a protein and probiotics, but to get the healthy yogurt, you will have to read labels; Most are packaged with added sugars that exceed their protein levels. To speed up the process, use our indispensable guide on theBest brand yogurts for weight loss.


1% organic milk, nourished with grass

best high protein foods for weight loss - milk

Payment of proteins: 8 oz, 110 calories, 8 g protein

Cows generated biologically are not subject to the same hormones and antibiotics that conventional cows are; No antibiotics for them does not mean any antibiotics for you. It has been shown that food cows have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids (good) and two to five times more CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) than their corn and grain counterparts. CLA contains a group of chemicals that provides a wide variety of health benefits, including support for the immune and inflammatory system, improved bone mass, improved blood sugar regulation, reduced body fat, risk Reduced heart attack and maintenance of lean body mass. Although skim milk can be the lowest in calories, many vitamins are soluble in fats, which means that you will not get all the benefits of alphabetic nutrients indicated on your cereal box unless you opt for At least 1%.

Nuts and seeds


Chia seeds

best high protein foods for weight loss - chia seeds

Payment of proteins: 1 oz, 138 calories, 5 g protein

One of the features of a balanced diet consists of having a good ratio of omega-6 fatty acids to omega-3. A ratio 4: 1 would be ideal, but the modern American diet is more like 20: 1. This leads to inflammation, which can triggerweight gain. But while eating a portion of salmon every day, it is not exactly practical, sprinkle chia seeds - among the most concentrated sources of omega-3s in the food world in smoothies, salads, cereals, cereals, The pancakes or even desserts are also easy to upgrade as you can get.


Pumpkin seeds with bomb

best high protein foods for weight loss - shelled pumpkin seeds

Payment of proteins: 1 oz, 158 calories, 9 g protein

Dr. Lindsey Duncan, a nutritionist who worked with Tony Dorsett and Reggie Bush, is a big fan of pumpkin seeds. "A handful handle of dry roasted pumpkin seeds can give you a natural shock in power through a workout," he says. "These are a good source of protein, healthy fat and fiber, you feel full and energized longer and contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, which provide extra energy support to maximize the maximization. Gym time. " Take them in salads and rice dishes or eating Crus. Looking for more delicious ways to eat pumpkin? Check these8 incredible ways to eat pumpkin this fall!



best high protein foods for weight loss - almonds

Payment of proteins: 1 oz, 164 calories, 6 g protein

Think of each almond like a natural weight loss pill. Combined with a limited calorie diet, consume a little more than a quarter of nuts can reduce the weight more efficiently than a snack with complex carbohydrates and a safflower oil - after only two weeks! (And in this study of overweight and obese patients, after 24 weeks, those who have eaten nuts have increased 62% weight and BMI!) To get optimal results, eating your daily serving before Hit the gym. Almonds, rich in amino acid L-arginine, can help you burn more fat and carbohydrates during the workouts, a printed study inThe Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition find.


Cashew nut

best high protein foods for weight loss - cashews

Payment of proteins: 1 oz, 157 calories, 5 g protein

The cashew nuts are a good source of protein, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and copper, and should not be neglected as one of your nuts.Magnesium Protects a myriad of health benefits, such as helping your body relieve various conditions such as constipation, insomnia, headaches and muscle cramps, as well as the regulation of the immune system and support of the brain. They also contain a good amount of biotin, which will help keep your shiny and shiny locks.

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