These popular chips are recalled right now

The chips could be contaminated by the dangerous salmonella bacterium, according to the FDA.

You may want to rethinkchip handle You consider it a snack, but it's not just their nutritional content that should give you a break. Apopular potato chip Company has just drawn one of its market products about snacks can be contaminated with hazardous bacteria, the US Food & Drug (FDA) reports.

August 10, theFDA announced That Ballreich Snack Food Co. remembered its 1.5 oz, 1.75 oz., and 7 ounces. Bar-B-Q packages Ballreich potato chips. The fleas have been sold in local shops and retail places in Indiana, Michigan and Ohio and can be identified by sales deadline of 18.10.21, 25.10.21 or 01.11.21 Printed on the front the chip bag.

Continue reading to learn more about this reminder, as well as others who have recently made headlines. And for more, consultThe best and worst chips on tablets in 2021 classified!

Bar-B-Q Ballreich potato chips may containsalmonella

ballreich bar b q potato chip bag with yellow details
With the kind permission of Ballreich Snack Food Co.

The Company has launched the reminder after being informed by its seasoning supplier that the products can be contaminated bysalmonella, Which has been discovered during routine tests on behalf of the seasoning company.

By the time the reminder was announced, Ballreich had not received reports from sick clients after eating the recalled chips. However, the company recommends that anyone with fleas in their chorus of possession of eating them because of the potentialsalmonella The exposure threatens they represent for consumers.

Related: For the last food reminders, make sureSubscribe to our newsletter!

Signs of salmonella infection

Woman suffering from stomach pain,laying in bed at home

In most healthy people, people who develop asalmonella Infection generally has symptoms between six hours and six days after exposure. These symptoms frequently mimic symptomsfood poisoning, Including diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, according to theCenters for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); Most of these symptoms disappear in one week without treatment.

In others, however, especially newborns, seniors and people with immunocompromised systems exposure tosalmonella May result in more serious symptoms requiring hospitalization, including arteral infections, arthritis, the problems of the central nervous system, and endocarditis, inflammation of the mucosa of the heart. In rare cases,salmonella Infections can be fatal.

If you have purchased them, you can get a refund

United States bills from side angle, one dollar and twenty dollar bills

If you purchased fleas and want information about a refund or replacement, contact Ballreich Snack Food Co. at (800) 323-2447 weekdays between 8 hours and 16 hours and or email at [email protected]. You can also visit theBallreich website for more information.

Stay up-to-date on other recent feedback reminders


The Ballreich of Bar-B-Q potato chips reminder is not the only one that was announced this month. There is also thisfrozen chicken reminder, aSolid beef reminder, And a reminder of soups parera bread afterthis raw thing was found in the.

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