Secret side effects of drinking tea, says science

Research shows that tea can affect our health so as not to achieve

Our minds can go directly to the cafe when we think of the world's favorite drink. However,tea is actually the cheapest andmost consumed drink Around the globe. Research shows that the list ofBenefits for drinking tea Is vast, with results as reduced inflammation, a decreased risk of heart disease and chronic disease, lowering blood sugar and much more.

Even though tea is such a popular choice for comfort and healing, it does not come without some potential descents. Read it to see what science says about the potential negative effects of drinking tea and for more healthy eating, do not miss7 healthiest foods to eat right now.


You can interrupt the natural rhythm of your body

tea with fruit

Depending on the tea you choose, you may consume more caffeine than you realize. Black, white and medium green teas everywhere14-61 milligrams of caffeine per serving. Although it's not as much as a cup of coffee (about96 milligrams per cup), it is always possible to hit the natural circadian rhythm of our body out of balance.

Ourcircadian system is another way of saying the pace of our bodies over a 24-hour period, including the time we were awake and asleep. Our pace can be stunned the balance of things such asLight, stress, work and caffeine. It is important to maintain our natural pace because it helps us feel more alert during the day, sleep better at night and maintain better overall health.

If we drink too much caffeinated tea in the afternoon or evening, it could disrupt our sleep schedule, which would also disturb our circadian rhythm. And research shows thatCircadian system disturbed systematically Can lead to cardiovascular problems, mental health problems, weight gain and weakened immune system. So, the next time you go caught a comfortable night tea, try changing your green tea for a herbal!

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You can increase your risk of esophagus cancer

sugar and tea

This one can come like a surprise, but the hot tea consumption has been linked to carcinoma of oesophageal squamous cells (or the esophagus cancer). In aStudy focused on Northern Iranian populationsIt has been discovered that the consumption of larger quantities of hot black tea was one of the main causes of esophagus cancer.Other studies found similar results, noting thathot coffee and hot tea have been known to cause sustainable damage to esophagus.

The researchers always try to find the exact explanation of this, but many studies believe that this relates to the internal temperature of our esophagus. For example, if our tea is about 150 degrees Fahrenheit, we say that ourThe esophagus could reach a temperature Up to 127 degrees Fahrenheit. Maybe it's time we're trying someiced tea for summer!


You can reduce your iron levels

chamomile tea

Tea can have amazing health benefits, but studies show that those whose anemia or other type of iron deficiency can think twice. On aFood Science and Nutrition The study, both black and green to tea has been proven to limit the bioavailability of iron up to 94%. The bioavailability of something we consume is important because it is the measure of the amount of nutrients absorbed by our body.

ACurrent developments in nutrition Report stipulates that tannins found in tea can be to blame the absorption changes in the body. The tannins are a natural compound found in some teas, wine and chocolate, and they have been proven to reduce the bioavailability of iron after constant consumption. When you have low levels of iron, youcan experiment with things like exhaustionStirring, dry skin and headaches.

Related:Surprising side effects of not having enough iron


You may need to use the bathroom more often


Black and green teas are considered diuretics, which are substances that lead to frequent urine. This happens because the diureticsNaturally increase sodium levels in the kidneys, that the body expels naturally with water. Although tea is sometimes prescribed to people who areretain too much waterThis can often lead to dehydration for a person who does not have trouble retention of water.

According to a report inThe Pharma Innovation JournalThe diuretic nature of green and black tea can lead to an imbalance of electrolytes and dehydration. This can then cause things like lethargy, an increased or irregular heart rate and intense headaches.


You can experience constipation

Among the many natural compounds found in tea, theophylline is common to take note of. This compound is found in coffee and tea, and is sometimes used forSmooth respiratory tract muscles for asthmatic patients. Although it has its respiratory advantages, it can also cause light but boring side effects.

According to a report of theInternal Agency for Cancer Research, Theophylline consuming tea can result in gastrointestinal disturbances. Other sources also indicate that theophylline is known forconstipation andnausea. So, if you are someone who already feels stomach problems from time to time, you may want to monitor the way your favorite tea cup affects your bathroom habits.

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