The real reason you should never get ice on an airplane

Studies have shown that ice cream is loaded with harmful bacteria.

You do not always get the best food and drink options duringflying. What can you expect when you are 30,000 feet above ground? If you are lucky, you will get a bag of pretzels or cookies and a drink. But whatever you do, make sure to control your ice without ice.

Why? Studies have shown that containers full of ice in aircraft carts, including hotels, restaurants and fast food seals, can be loaded with bacteria. In fact, the ice is the worst thing you can order on an airplane. Here are more reasons why you will want to skip the ice and play it safely on your next trip.


Bacteria abound

Ice cubes

Sixty ice cube samples from various ice - domestic and industrial ice manufacturers - have been demonstrated containing 52 different strains of bacteria, most of them considered pathogens, according to one2017 study in theAnnals of microbiology. The good news? Whiskey, vodka, martinis, fishing tea, tonic water and soda would be soothing to reduce or eliminate these bad insects. Simply make sure to stick to an alcoholic drink and minimize your sugary drinks consumption.


Aircraft are not required to be cleaned

Woman sleeping in the plane

You would think that aircraft should adhere to a rigorous disinfection schedule since they welcome a large traveler population in rotation with a percentage that can be sick. However, there are no government regulations that require regular cleaning of the federal aviation administration, the administration of occupational safety and health, or the food and medicine administration .


The germs are hidden on tray tables and seat pockets

Eating in a plane

During a flight, the attendants, who serve you food and drinks - and ice come into contact with several surfaces, which can all have harmful bacteria. The tray tables are rarely eliminated and2007 study found that 60% of the tray tables were positive for SARM Superbug. The seat pockets can also be loaded with SARM, a2014 study of the American microbiology company found. The germs can survive for 168 hours in the magazine holder.


Ice trays are rarely disinfected

Drinks in an ice bucket

In addition to the interior of an airplane is not enough very often, the ice plate itself almost never sees a deep cleaning disinfectant. The hands of several edge agents will catch the ice carrier during a flight, but it does not clean at the end of the day trips.

RELATED: Your guide on the anti-inflammatory regime This heals your intestine, slows the signs of aging and helps you lose weight.


Water can be dirty

Water glass

Although the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has blown on the airlines to pump water free from fecal bacteria in October 2011,research In 2018, water inside tanks on aircraft - which are sometimes used to make ice - were loaded with bacteria. Reports of theEpa In 2012, it was also revealed that 12% of tap water on plans had positive tests for faecal coliform bacteria.


Ice can give you shopping

Iced tea

Some people might think that since ice is cold, bacteria can not survive long in a cold environment, but some bugs can stay alive in hardNegative conditions-zero. A2015 study in theInternal newspaper of food microbiology Suggests that the ice has charged bacteria that causes diarrhea.

Categories: Healthy Eating
By: max-frye
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