A major side effect of drinking black tea

Here's what science says about your afternoon tea cup.

English breakfast tea, Earl Gray, Chai, they all have one thing in common. While these popular versions ofblack tea Are distinctly different, there is a particular side effect of drinking black tea that you should know. Do not worry, it's all the good news.Drinking black tea can decreaseinflammation and reduce your risk of developing chronic conditions. Now, if that does not get your tea kettle, we are not sure what else will be.

Here's how black tea consumption can reduce your inflammation and for even more useful tips, make sure to check our list ofThe 7 healthiest foods to eat right now.

Drinking black tea can reduce the risk of chronic disease.

According to a study published by theInternational Journal of Health Sciences, black tea contains aantioxidant called polyphenols. These polyphenols include a group of catechins and flavonoids that have been scientifically proven to protect yourself from the development of chronic diseases.

Polyphenols are also essential for reducing inflammation, depending on theInternational Journal of Biomedical Sciences. They counter oxidative stress in the body, that this stress has proven to be an important part of the elaboration of chronic diseases. The study states that some of the most important chronic diseases polyphenols can help prevent, including "cancer, self-immune disorder, cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases".

With the antioxidants of teas, another study published by the newspaperNutritional research has also shown how black tea can help improve blood cholesterol levels (increase the "good" HDL cholesterol and descending "Bad "LDL cholesterol) which is essential to reduce the risk of heart disease or obesity.

How many black tea is too much?

While science show that black tea consumption to drink regularly can significantly improve the organ through antioxidants and reduce the risk of chronic disease, it is important to note that black tea is aisolated beverage. This means that there should be a limit to the amount of black tea consumed in one day. But do not worry - the limit is always high enough.

According toMAYO ClinicYou are allowed up to 400 milligrams of caffeine a day before caffeine creates harmful effects on the body (increased heart rate, caffeine "jitters", etc.). Typically a cup of black tea has about 50 milligrams of caffeine (depending on the type and how long you slow down), which meansYou are allowed up to eight 8 oz. Cups of black tea a day.

Now, are you going to drink that a lot? Maybe not if. But it is always good to know that there is a limit to the amount of black tea you should consume.

Another key thing to emphasize is the way you prepare your black tea. While some people enjoy drinking black tea without anything, others enjoy taking their tea with cream andsugar. It can be easy to do it too much about these two things, so be sure to express what you add to your tea so that your tea you feel angry instead of spending additives.

So what prevents you from brewing a pot right now? And do not worry, if you are more of a green tea drinker, there isGood news for you, too much.

More tea stories to eat this, not that!

Categories: Healthy Eating
Tags: Health Tips / Tea / tips
By: joe-reid
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