Airline employees reveal all the juicy secrets you need to know about trips in the air

While flying on an airplane, you have already asked what's going on in the spirit of the edge agents and people working on the plane? There are actually s

While flying on an airplane, you have already asked what's going on in the spirit of the edge agents and people working on the plane? There are so many things behind the operation of a flight that probably never crossed your mind. This edge guide was a person who really went against the protocol, revealing the secrets of the flights that you probably assume you. If you are curious about nature, we suggest you take a look at what she had to say ...

No real sleep

Do you trust your drivers with your life? Well, when we are careless and reassured that our pilots are awakening, alerts and on the heap, you might be surprised to learn the real truth. So, when we entrust them with our lives, there is something that Jack Stephans finished confessed: "The hotels they have put at once are so bad that there are many nights when I throw and turns . "

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Placed in bad neighborhoods

He revealed that some nights become very brutal and they hardly sleep enough. He complains of the hotels they are kept, revealing that. "They are in bad neighborhoods, they are strong, they have baughs and customs in the parking lot." Obviously, they are not places where one could have a good sleep, especially after having known all the things that happened.

To be on time

There have been so many changes on how air traffic is executed. This is certainly not what he was. The priorities that have been placed have varied if you compare what has been held important in the past. There is a good example that shows what is considered important these days. The only thing that counts now is not the fact that passengers actually acting on the plane ...

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This has been explained by a pilot who claims that "the Ministry of Transport has put such importance to the performance in time that we are almost not allowed to delay a flight, even if there are 20 people on a communication flight that Just coming just late. "Since the only help is important, it's punctuality these days, you'd better make sure you are always on time.


The planes are struck by lightning

This is certainly a fact that could potentially make you reconsider ever on an airplane. In addition, be struck by lightning is not necessarily once in a life in a life. An American Airline driver actually admitted into an interview that himself was "struck by lightning twice. Most pilots have. The planes are designed to take it." What he reveals, it seems not to to be affected by it ...

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Once a year

He then explained his experience: "You hear a big boom and see a big flash and that's all. You will not fall out of the sky. "There is a notion that each plane is struck by lightning at least once a year. So you have to make sure that the aircraft you are traveling is not unlucky while you are on board. We sincerely hope that it does not scare you too much ...

Categories: Birth
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